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2024/5/30 11:14:36  阅读:42 发布者:

SCI论文降重是论文发布前必经的步骤,想要顺利发布SCI 论文,首先就是要保证论文的原创性和创新性。但同时,大家都知道论文写作当中对于文献和资料的引用是必不可少的。但同时,SCI论文对抄袭的概念:连续50个单词同其他论文的段落内单词相同,即视为抄袭。即便给出了引述的出处,,引用部分若占比过多,文章也会被判定为毫无创新。


















1. 改变主语

原:The patientswith Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018 wereretrospectively analyzed.

改:A retrospectiveanalysis was performed on the patients with Cushing's syndrome who wereadmitted to our hospital from 2010-2018.

分析:将retrospectively analyzed变为名词a retrospective analysis,并从句末调到句首作主语,不仅改变了句子结构,也使得原本冗长的主语变简短了。

原:The culturemedium was replaced with a fresh medium on day 6.

改:A fresh mediumwas used to replace the culture medium on day 6.

分析:将介词with的宾语a fresh medium变为主语,主语the culture meduim变为replace的宾语。

2. 被动句变为主动句

原:The patientswith Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from 2010-2018 wereretrospectively analyzed.

改:We analyzed thepatients with Cushing's syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from2010-2018.


3. 简化表达

原:VariousmicroRNAs have been demonstrated to possess the ability to regulate MSCdifferentiation

改:VariousmicroRNAs are able to regulate MSC differentiation

分析:possess theability to可以简化are abletohave beendemonstrated to如无必要,也可以删除。

4. 改变句子成分

原:With the rapidadvance in nanotechnology, nanomaterials have been developed for stem celltherapy applications, such as molecular imaging, gene/drug delivery andtissueengineering.

改:Rapid advancesin nanotechnology have led to the development of nanomaterials for various stemcell therapy applications, including tissue engineering, molecular imaging, andgene/drug delivery.

分析:原句的介词短语(状语)With the rapid advance innanotechnology变成了主语Rapidadvances in nanotechnology。原句的nanomaterials have been developed变成了名词(宾语)the development of nanomaterials另外,such as变成了including,后面的几项调换了顺序。

5. 从句变为非句子成分

原:which wasprobably because it triggered more ROS generation.

改:presumablydue to triggering more ROS generation.


6. 谓语动词变为非谓语动词

原:Some peakbroadening was evident and possibly corresponded to a slight rounding of thenano particle vertices.

改:Some peakbroadening was evident, possibly indicating a slight rounding of the nanoparticle vertices

分析:根据意思将possibly corresponded to改为possibly indicating,整个句子由两个谓语的并列结构变成了带有补语的结构,句子层次感更强。

7. 从句变为名词结构

原:The resultssuggested that dorsomorphin and DKK1 suppressed osteogenic differentiation.

改:The resultsindicated suppression of osteogenic differentiation by dorsomorphin and DKK1.

分析:将dorsomorphin and DKK1 suppressedosteogenic differentiation这个句子变成了名词性结构suppression of osteogenic differentiation by dorsomorphin and DKK1

8. 改变句子成分的顺序

原:bMSCs werewashed with PBS four times and loaded with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min ofincubation.

改:bMSCs werewashed four times with PBS and incubated with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min.

分析:对于washed with PBS four times,可以将with PBSfour times调换顺序,改成washed four times with PBSloaded with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for20 min of incubation也可以简化一下,把incubation变为动词移到前面:incubated with 1.2 mL of DCFH-DA for 20 min.

这里也可以根据情况使用followed by结构:bMSCs were washed four times with PBS, followed by 20 min ofincubation with DCFH-DA (1.2 mL).

9. 把复杂句拆分成简单句

原:A total of 2000respondents, who were young respondents aged 16-28, were interviewed.

改:A total of 2000respondents were interviewed; they were young people, between the ages of 16and 28 years.

分析:将定语从句who were young respondents aged16-28升级为一个分句:theywere young people, between the ages of 16 and 28 years,与原来的主句并列存在。这里使用了分号,表示这两个分句之间的联系较为紧密。

10. 变换说法

原:Both treatmentgroups showed significant decreases in anxiety and avoidance, and the CBT-Rgroup had significantly greater reductions in these symptoms than the GEARgroup .

改:Both regimensproduced significant reductions in anxiety and avoidance, with greaterdecreases with the CBT-R regimen.

分析:对于groups showed significantdecreases,我们可以换一种说法:regimensproduced significant reductions,意思不变。第二个分句可以相应的简化成非句子结构。


1. 删除多余成分,简化句子

原:Various factorssuch as A, B, and C have been demonstrated to possess the ability to regulatecell differentiation, while the influence of factor D on cell differentiationis neglected. This article investigated the effect of factor D on celldifferentiation.

改:Various factorssuch as A, B, and C are able to regulate cell differentiation, but theinfluence of factor D has yet to be clarified. Here, we investigated the effectof factor D on cell differentiation.

分析:对于the influence of factor D on celldifferentiation,由于前后文的存在,即使将on cell differentiation去除,也知道influence是针对cell differentiation而言,所以我们可以把 on cell differentiation删除。

2. 删除前后重复的内容

比如在方法部分,同样的操作可以不用反复描述,可以根据情况写上一句,“The same procedure was repeated as in section 4.1.”

3. 删除同样的方法描写

如果有的方法描写在其他文献中出现过,可以不用完全照写一遍,否则很容易造成较高的重复率,可以考虑这样处理:“Protocol X was performed according to reference Y.”


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