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英语论文写作| 摘要的常用句式结构

2024/5/24 18:11:55  阅读:22 发布者:



1)回顾研究背景的常用句式有:“We review….""We summarize..”“We present..""We descnibe..""This paper oudlincs." 等。

2)阐明写作或研究目的的常用甸式有:“We attempt t0.. "For comparison puposes we present.." "With the aim to....w.."In addition to.….. this paper aims to.”“To..we.”等。

3)介绍重点内容或研究范围的常用句式有:“Here we study.."“This paper includes...""This paper presents...""This paper focuses on...""The focus of this paper is..."“We emphasize... ""This paper Synthesizes...""The main emphasis of this paper is...""The paper lays particular emphasis on...”“We draw attention to the problem...”等。


1)介绍研究或实验过程的常用句式有:“We use.. to investigate...”“We present an analysis of...""We tested...""We study...""This paper examines how..“Numerical experiments indicate also...""This paper discusses...""This paper considers..等。

2)说明研究或实验方法的常用甸式有:“We have developed...to estimate...”“This study presents estimates of...”“We...to measure..."“.tobe calculated as...”等。

3)介绍应用、用途的常用句式有:“Our program uses..."“As an application,we...”“We uesd..."Using..., we show..."“We apply.."等。


1)展示研究结果的常用句式有:“We show..”“Our results suggest...“Recent research has shown..."“ Our results show..."" The results we obtained demonstrate...”“We present the results of..”“We present..”等。

2)介绍结论的常用句式有:“We introduce...”“By means of...we conclude..."“We give a summary of...”等。


1)陈述论点和作者认识、观点的常用句式有:“The results suggest...”"In this study, we describe....”"We report here that...”“We present...that explain mechanisms involved in...”“We expect...”等。

2)阐明论证的常用句式有:showed...""These results demonstrate...""Our conclusions are supported by..”"Here we provide evidence from..."“Our studies indicate...""We find...""Finally, we demonstrate..."Here we present records of.."“We clarify how...”等。

3)推荐和建议的常用句式有:“The authors suggest...""We suggest....”“The paper suggests..."“We recommend...“I expect that...”等。


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