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SCI投稿之如何写好Cover Letter

2024/5/24 9:36:24  阅读:28 发布者:

NO. 1

什么是Cover Letter

Cover Letter, 即投稿信,是论文投递时与论文一起发送给编辑的信件,其目的是让编辑在阅读你的论文之前,简单了解你文章的基本情况。文章的标题以及Cover Letter都是编辑对论文的第一印象,是作者与期刊编辑的第一次正式互动,是展现你科学贡献重要意义的绝佳时刻,也是初步评判你论文是否可以被期刊接收的重要依据。因此Cover Letter的撰写是非常重要的。如何用简明扼要的语言抓住编辑的心是Cover Letter撰写时最关键的一点!

It may seem obvious, but a journal editor's first serious impression of a submitted manuscript lies not only with the article title but also, rather simply, with the cover letter. The cover letter is your first "formal" interaction with a journal. It also provides you with an excellent opportunity to present the significance of your scientific contribution.

NO. 2

Cover Letter基本要求

1. 直奔内容。Cover Letter应写得简洁明了,直接上干货。介绍一下本领域目前已有的知识,以及作者想要发表该文的动机(研究目的)。紧接着就是概念进展、时间线、创新点、Discussion的主题、关键结论。本研究的亮点在哪?它的重要性,以及将会把大家引导到何处(前景)?本研究成果是本刊的大多数读者都感兴趣的吗?它跟本刊的接收范围匹配吗?编辑们要考虑,你的文章能不能给本刊拉高IF。但要写得简洁,不要在一封小小的letter上再搞个长篇大论,一般来说,1页就够了!

Let's start with content. We look for letters that start by succinctly explaining what was previously known in a given field and then state the authors' motivation for wishing to publish. Following that, the conceptual advance, timeliness, and novelty should be immediately conveyed. What sets apart this scientific contribution? What is the significance of the work, and where does the article lead us? Will this research be of interest to a broad readership?

2. 不要刷摘要。一字不差的复制粘贴摘要到Cover Letter是一个禁忌。最好把关键点综合陈述一下,来个summary,就像周一早上上班在电梯遇见同事,就在乘电梯的这段时间里把你周末约会的故事跟他一下子炫完,出电梯就别八卦了。不过,对summary还要来一点点探险式的发展,说一句超越明显结论的话。本成果将如何推动相关领域的进步?它是否能产生深远的影响?

Do not rehash the abstract of the paper. Copying and pasting the abstract into your cover letter verbatim is a big no-no. Instead, we seek a synthesis of the key points—possibly, and depending on style, the summary might resemble a brief story pitch in an elevator! But importantly, you need to venture beyond the summary: write a sentence that takes you further than the obvious conclusions. How does the content move the field forward? Are the implications far-reaching?

3. 提供一个推荐审稿人名单。推荐审稿人的相关信息(包括他们的研究领域)一并列出来是极好的,因为这可以给编辑省下好多精力。相反,不要列个长长的排除审稿人名单,最多3人。还可以指定主要联系人,写明隶属关系,帮助节省编辑时间。

Include a wish list of reviewers. Relevant information on potential reviewers (including their field of expertise) can be included and is definitely a plus, as it can be quite helpful to the editor. By contrast, please don't provide a long list of excluded reviewers (three maximum),  Also, save the editor some time by specifying which author should be the lead contact, and indicate their affiliation.

4. 检查一下拼写、语法、句法和每一个细节。一封好的letter应该彰显出作者的严肃认真,注重细节。避免犯低级错误,比如把letter错投给另一家期刊的编辑,或干脆连稿子都一起走错片场。这暗示着,你可能已经把稿子投给别家并被拒;或者本刊只是你的备胎。

Proofread your letter by checking the spelling, grammar, and syntax and check every detail. A well-written letter indicates that you take your submission seriously and that you are an author who pays attention to detail. Avoid mistakes such as directing the cover letter to the editor(s) of a different journal, or to a different journal altogether. This might suggest that you've submitted your article elsewhere, that it might have been poorly received, and perhaps that the journal you're submitting to isn't your first choice. It could also suggest that you don't pay sufficient attention to detail.

NO. 3

Cover Letter的基本内容

完整的Cover Letter一般包含以下内容:

A. 期刊编辑的姓名(建议写成Dear Prof.或者Dr.+主编的名字)

B. 投稿文章的标题

C. 投稿文章的类型(letter, communications, article, review还是comments

D. 文章简介  包括:(1)研究背景;(2)论文的重要发现;(3)论文可以发表在期刊上的原因;引发读者兴趣的地方,与期刊的契合之处等等

E. 稿件出版道德规范的免责说明

F. 作者信息 一般为通信作者姓名,所属机构,通信地址,联系电话,邮箱等

G. 推荐审稿人名单(注:目前很多杂志社已经将这一部分挪到了投稿网站系统上,Cover Letter中可以不再列出)

NO. 4

Cover Letter的具体写法示例

A. 论文通讯作者的信息,可以放到前面也可以放到后面,看个人习惯:

i) 放到最前面时,一般采用如下格式:

底下紧接Dear Pro.或者Dr.+主编名字。

ii) 放到后面的话,紧接作者署名的后面,可以简单地用下面的格式:

B. Cover letter第一段:

Dear Prof.或者Dr.+主编名字

On behalf of my co-authors, I submit a manuscript entitled “论文标题” for your consideration for publication as a communication in 期刊名(斜体).


Dear editor,

Please find enclosed our manuscript entitled “论文标题” which we would like to submit for publication as a communication in 期刊名(斜体).


The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.

C. Cover letter第二段

第二段开始是整个Cover Letter的核心部分,要告诉editor这篇文章的亮点在哪里,有何创新之处,为什么适合于发表在这个期刊上,有哪些点可以吸引到期刊的读者等等。

I outline briefly below the significant findings reported in this manuscript and reasons why this manuscript deserves serious consideration for publication in 期刊名(斜体).

首先一句话概述文章研究主题及相关背景 The manuscript addresses ……。接着用1-2句话描述目前相关研究现状,重点突出目前研究有哪些不足哪些gap。最后用一句话概述本研究主要目标和闪光点。The present manuscript explores……


We study …… , use xxx model

Two significant outcomes of the analysis are (a) (b).

Thus our findings consist a substantial and definite addition to the present understanding of ……. 或者The topic we cover is of interest and relevance to

D. Cover letter最后

 1) 屏蔽竞争对手成为审稿人

例句:Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Dr. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers.

2)推荐审稿人:一般找论文参考文献的作者,也可以推荐你在学术会议上认识的相关领域的朋友等。The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:

1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××

2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××


Sincerely yours, Best wishes, Best regards, XXX. 在署名前也可以加上一些客套话(不是必须的),如:

We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.


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