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2024/5/8 18:11:56  阅读:36 发布者:


格式 1

Enclosed are two complete copies of a manuscript by Wang sir et al. titled "XYZ" which is being submitted for possible publication in Journal of X.

This manuscript is new and not being considered elsewhere, and reports new findings that extend results we reported earlier in "…" published in journal of Y.

格式 2

I am sending you in the attached file the subjected paper, which is being submitted for publication in X.

For you records my mailing address and fax are as follows:

                Dr wangsir

                Department of OE

                Huazhong university of science and technology

                Wuhan Hubei

                The People' Republic of China

                Fax: 86-27-8754****

Thank you very much for your consideration of this submission to your journal.


It is more than two months since I sent you my paper entitled "xyz", but I have not received any information. In order to have the result of my recent research published as early as possible, I would like to be informed of the present status of my paper. If it is undergoing the reviewing process, I would like to get the referee's reports as soon as possible


I am herewith enclosing three copies of the improved version of my paper. As you will notice, there are some modifications made in both the abstract and title of the paper which I submitted to you on June 8. These modifications were suggested by professor Wang, the advisor of my doctoral program, who returned to Wuhan at the end of June after a three months visit to..

I hope these revisions will not put you to too much trouble and that they will encourage you acceptance of this paper.


格式 1

Thank you very much for your letter dated September 16, 2004 in which you sent us the Referee's Reports on our paper. Enclosed please find three copies of our revised manuscript.

The question raised by the referees is responded as follows:

Referee A:

1, …

2, …

3, …

Referee B:

1, …

2, …

In addition, a number of typographical and minor word errors are corrected. I hope the manuscript has been improved satisfactorily and that it will be accepted for publication in your journal.

格式 2

Thank you very much for your email of January 17,2004 with which you sent me the referee's report on my paper with the reference number S&A-211.

According to the referee's report, the following modifications have been made:

1. Fig.1 in the original manuscript is rearranged now. Fig.1(a) in the original manuscript is separated as Fig.1, and Fig.1(f), g) and h) are incorporated into Fig.2. Fig.1 b), c) and d) are cut according to the referee's suggestion.

2. In the Introduction of the paper, the third paragraph is enlarged in order to give a stronger argument on the treatment for pressure effects in this paper and to indicate the theoretical and experimental origin of the knowledge for the …

3. Fig.2, Fig.3 and Fig.4 in the original manuscript are renumbered as Fig.3, Fig.4 and Fig.5 respectively. The physical interest of the figure is made more clearly and explicitly, and the meaning of … is also given in the present test.

I hope this version of the manuscript will encourage your acceptance for publication.

Great thanks to you and the referee for the time and effort you expend on this paper.

格式 3

Thank you very much for your message, with which you forwarded to me the Referees' Reports on my paper DF396 entitled "…".

I have studied the referees' reports carefully. I am afraid I cannot go along with all the comments and criticisms appeared in the reports, especially those from the first referee based on which my paper is suggested to be rejected. I have written two replies to respond to the criticisms of the two referees. I hope they will find my rebuttals convincing and to the point.

Attached please find my rebuttals. Some changes have been made to the original paper according to your suggestions. Six references are added to support my argument.

I hope this version can be accepted for publication in your journal.

格式 4

Thank you for your rapid report on our paper MS1256. We have revised our paper according to your valuable suggestions. The major modifications include:



We are sorry to say that there are some points that we cannot go along with you. It seems to us that you try to show that our model is against the most popular model described in the papers by Smith et al. 2000 or Carpenter 2001. We are also familiar with theses papers and we found nothing negative against them. However, the most important "improvement" of the model of our paper is the possibility that… The… is the most popular assumption and you can find it in a lot of papers. We do not try to explain physical mechanisms leading to this, because in the "Letters" of this journal there is not enough space and the mechanism are to be discussed elsewhere.

Besides the major modifications, some minor but necessary changes have also been made in this revised version. There are as follows:

(1) Page 4, left column, at the end of the main text"…

(2) In the REFERENCES: We have added three items for the most recent publications on this topic. Two items in the original list have been updated (1. 2. ). Citations in the main text have been according changed.

We hope that this revised version answers all the criticisms you made in your report and that you could give the editor a favorable recommendation for the publication of our paper.

格式 5

Thank you very much for sending us the referee's report on our manuscript FG906. We would also like to thank the referee for his valuable comments and suggestions.

In the light of the referee's report, we have revised our manuscript carefully. The revised version has been submitted to your journal via FTP service. Our film is named as"". We hope you have duly received the file. If you could not open the file, please let me know as soon as possible.

The referee pointed out an important error in our original version. We sincerely thank him for his careful work. According to his valuable comments and suggestions, we have mainly made the following revisions:

(1) Page 3, Section 2: The section has been shortened by eliminating the original Section 2.1.

(2) Page 3, the last paragraph: … has been defined in this version.

(3) Page 8 Eq. (13): We sincerely thank the referee for pointing out the error here that… We have revised the equation. A brief derivation of the expression of … in the first paragraph of Section 3.2.1 is given. Since the expressions of … can be found in Smith, et al. (2001), W e did not give the detailed derivation in our manuscript.

(4) Page 10, the third paragraph in Section 4: We agree with the referee that… and have made related revisions.

(5) The reference items have been updated.

We sincerely hope the present manuscript with the above revisions is acceptable for publication in Y.

Thank your for your kind consideration.

In recent years, applied researchers have become increasingly interested in…

Recently, there has been growing interest in…

The possibility of … has generated wide interest in…

The … has been extensively studied in recent years.

The relationship between … has been investigated by many researchers.

The … has become a favorite topic for analysis…

Many recent studies have focused on …

Many investigators have recently turned to

The study of … has become an important aspect of …

The increasing interest in … has heightened the need for…

The development of … has led to the hope that…

Knowledge of … has a great importance for …

Of particular interest and complexity are …

A central issue in … is the validity of …

The development of … is a classic problem in …

Aspirin has been associated with gastrointestinal bleeding…

Somatic mutations have been implicated in the formation of toumours.

Antigens have been identified as the molecules that are impressed…

It has been proposed/established/postulated/concluded/ suggested that…

… has received much/particular attention as a potential cure for cancer .

However, the previous research in this field has concentrated on … /disregarded … /failed to consider … /ignored… / been limited to … /misinterpreted …/ neglected to consider …/ overestimated … /been restricted to …/ suffered from …/ underestimated …

Nevertheless, these attempts to establish a link between secondary smoke and lung cancer are at present controversial/ questionable/ incomplete/ unconvincing/ inconclusive/unsatisfactory/misguided

However, little information / attention /work /data /research …

However, few studies /investigations/ researchers /attempts …

… has received little attention as a possible treatment

… has received little investigation as a factor in this disease

No studies /data / calculations …

None of these studies /findings/ calculations…

Nevertheless,yet, unfortunately, but suffers form some limitations time consuming, expensive, not sufficiently accurate inconclusive, complex, misleading, elusive, limited, fail, lack, overlook,result in…

The research has tended to focus on … rather than on…

These studies have emphasized …, as opposed to …

Although considerable research has been devoted to … rather less attention has been paid to …

These studies have emphasized …, as opposed to …

Although considerable research has been devoted to … rather less attention has been paid to …

However, it remains unclear whether …

It would thus be of interest to learn how…

If these results could be confirmed, they would provide strong evidence for …

These findings suggest that this treatment might not be so effective when applied to …

It would seem, therefore, that further investigations are needed in order to …


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