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Abstract 和 Introduction 之区别

2024/5/7 10:22:55  阅读:46 发布者:

论文各部分内容的作用不同,它们各司其职,从不同角度呈现研究。但同时,又有不少概念让作者们感觉困惑,比如:Abstract Introduction 有何区别?figure captionslabels 以及 legends 是同一个概念吗?在这个系列中,意得辑作者 Fatima 就论文中常见的易混淆概念进行详细辨析。

第一期:Abstract Introduction

An abstract is a summary of a research paper. It contains the most essential details of your research, including the findings, methods, and conclusion. It is meant to help readers, who are often busy scientists, decide whether they wish to read the entire article and can be especially useful in case of paywalled articles. It also helps journal editors to determine whether to consider articles for peer review.


Now let us understand what purpose the Introduction serves. The Introduction is the beginning of your research paper and provides background for your research topic, helping the reader understand the motivation for conducting the study. It sets the context for your research by introducing the research topic, providing a brief overview of previously published literature, identifying the gaps or problems that existing research has failed to address, and finally introducing the problem that you intend to solve, ideally via an explicit ‘aim’ statement at the end of the introduction—more on this in the next section!


The abstract is written to give readers a sneak peek into your research and engage their interest, and so it should briefly encapsulate the entire study; the Introduction, meanwhile, is written to provide specific context for the research question being explored, particularly for readers who may not be familiar with the specific subfield of your work.


One notable difference that you must keep in mind is that the abstract includes the methods and results of your research but the Introduction does not.



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