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Introduction 和 problem statement 之区别

2024/5/7 10:18:43  阅读:85 发布者:

论文各部分内容的作用不同,它们各司其职,从不同角度呈现研究。但同时,又有不少概念让作者们感觉困惑,比如:Abstract Introduction 有何区别?figure captionslabels 以及 legends 是同一个概念吗?在这个系列中,意得辑作者 Fatima 就论文中常见的易混淆概念进行详细辨析。

第三期:Introduction problem statement

The Introduction is the first section of a research paper and provides background for the study. The purpose of an Introduction is to engage the readers and give them the essential background information they need to understand the aim of your study. The Introduction includes the study background and the research question.


A problem statement, on the other hand, is an essential part of a research proposal, which is written to acquire funding for your research. It is a brief explanation of an issue, a condition, or a situation that you wish to study. It helps you clearly identify the purpose of your project by highlighting the gap between an ideal situation and the reality, and why it is important to bridge that gap. Clearly defining the problem that your research will address is essential to convince the funders that your project is worth funding.

而问题陈述(problem statement)通常出现在用来申请基金的研究提案中,它简要说明了你想研究的某个问题、某种状态,或某种情况。通过描述现状和理想情况间的差距,强调拉近差距的必要性,进而得出项目目标。能把问题讲明白对申请基金来说是一种重要的技能。

Writing a problem statement comes at a much earlier stage in your research journey, after you have chosen the area in which you would like to conduct your research (or the gap you would like to address through your research) and are seeking research funding. In contrast, the Introduction is written after you have completed your research and are presenting your findings for publication.


In sum, the Introduction provides background information, includes a literature review, explains the purpose of your study, and states the research question, and the problem statement gives an overview of the specific problem that your research will address.



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