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2024/4/29 9:37:30  阅读:26 发布者:

Publish or perish(不出版就退稿), 相信每一个做学术的人都听说过。要么发表,要么玩完,不是科研圈里的人恐怕很难体会到个中的酸苦。






我们很快拟好了一份上诉信,贴出来和大家分享:“Dear Editor, we would like to appeal the decision to decline our manuscript, “blah blah blah”, for consideration of publication in “blah blah”. As we understand it, the decision was based on one reviewer’s comments. With all the due respect to the reviewer, he or she completely misunderstood the manuscript. In the reviewer’s comments, it is stated that “the authors show a smart device, which can control the light propogation with photonic.” In fact, we show a smart device that control sound propagation with phononic. It is also stated that “the tuning of the electromagnetic wave becomes possible”, in fact, we are tuning acoustic, not electromagnetic wave. We are astonished that a reviewer can make such obvious mistakes, casting serious doubt on the reviewer’s judgment and work ethic. Given the circumstance, we would like to respectfully request your reconsideration of the decision, and seek a second opinion from a more responsible reviewer.” 可以说,这封上诉信毫不留情地对审稿人进行了还击,痛斥其科学判断力和职业操守。编辑也很快回信了,“Our editors have reviewed your appeal and believe that your paper, indeed, was not given a review by appropriate experts. We apologize and are rescinding our decision.” 编辑道歉了,不管后面的结果如何,和审稿人的这个回合是大获全胜了。








稿人显然没有非常仔细的读文章,可是这个误解比较微妙,不像前面那个例子显而易见。怎么办呢,我们还是决定申诉。我拟了一个稿子, 首先开门见山,强调审稿人完全理解错了,‘Dear Editor, We would like to appeal your decision to reject our manuscript for publication in “blah blah”. As we understand, the decision is based on the assessment of the second reviewer, that “this idea has been known for a long time. So the novelty with which the authors claim and the impact is already known.” If that is the case, we would NOT submit the manuscript to “blah blah” in the first place. Indeed, it appears that the second reviewer fundamentally misunderstand our concept.’

随后指出,“Domain engineering is indeed a well-known idea, and has been widely applied. Both blah and blah blah’s works that the reviewer referred to deal with domain engineering in ferroelectric phase, not the twin engineering we proposed,” 然后具体说明前面这些工作是关于电畴的,和我们所提的孪晶没有关系。

最后强调我们工作的新颖之处,“Our concept is fundamentally different from domain engineering. While domain engineering in the sense we discussed above is often referred to as twin engineering, which seems to confuse the second reviewer, our twin engineering specifically refers to deformation twin occurring in paraelectric cubic phase, in the absence of any domain structures. Such idea has never been proposed in literature before, and we show that by this approach, MPB-like behavior can be induced in any ferroelectric systems, and thus the impact will be tremendous.”

将这些讲清楚之后,我也笔锋一转,礼貌地给审稿人留了点余地,“We are sorry that the second reviewer did not seem to appreciate the difference between our twin engineering and the conventional domain engineering, and we will be more than happy to explain it to the reviewer, and articulate the difference more in the manuscript. Given the support from the third reviewer to our manuscript, and the second reviewer’s incorrect assertion regarding novelty and impact of our concept, we respectfully request your reconsideration of your decision, and allow us to submit a revised manuscript and response for the second reviewer to examine.” 邮件发出去之后,编辑也很快回信了,接受申诉。




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