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2024/4/12 16:14:04  阅读:33 发布者:






































The literature is reviewed to examine available methods that could be used to __  (...)

A review of the literature conducted shows that there are no suitable methods already for __  (...)

The literature was reviewed for possible methods to __  (...)

An up-to-date overview of methods used for __ is presented.  (...)

It is important to have some awareness of current issues highlighted in the literature.  (...)

This section outlines the existing methods available in the literature for __  (...)

This section discusses the literature in the field. (...)

The literature review pays special attention to the class of methods central to our research.  (...)

Different solutions available in the literature to solve this problem have been reviewed. (...)

These citations are related to the work presented in this thesis. (...)

The methods in the literature that are the most immediately relevant are reviewed. (...)

An overview of the previous and current attempts to develop this method is given. (...)

A good overview of the research in this area is provided here. (...)

The literature review describes the previous and current attempts to address this issue. (...)

The review provides details of the strengths and weaknesses of existing methods in the literature. (...)

A review of the current state-of-the-art in the field is given. (...)

A considerable amount of review of previous work in the subject area is given below. (...)

The aim of this review is to compare state-of-the-art techniques. (...)

Some of the essential or seminal developments in this area are reviewed. (...)

This section reviews some of the most pertinent papers on __ (...)

The major areas of research in this area are explained. (...)

This has been of interest for a considerable period, ranging from the early __ (...)

There exists a very extensive literature on the topic of __ (...)

In the literature, these have been extensively investigated in an attempt to __ (...)

There is also a large body of work in this area considering __ (...)

This is widely reported and extensively explored in the literature by __  (...)

These have been important topics of study in the literature for many years. (...)

This has been studied by several authors in the literature. (...)

Within the literature, there has been much research surrounding concepts of __  (...)

There is a body of research that has focused extensively on __  (...)

There are a broad interest and literature base for __  (...)

Over the last x years, much research has examined __  (...)

Research in this field is dominated by providing solutions to this problem. (...)

This problem has attracted considerable attention in the literature. (...)

An enormous amount of work has been carried out in this area. (...)

With respect to this specific subject, there has also been significant work. (...)

These issues are well covered in the literature related to this subject. (...)

There is a large amount of literature on this research. (...)

There has been a lot of work on the __ (...)

The literature on this topic is plentiful and easy to find. (...)

There are few examples available in the literature on this subject. (...)

These are well studied and documented in the literature. (...)

There exist quite a lot of discussions in the literature as to __ (...)

A large body of work has been completed using these methods. (...)

These important issues have been largely discussed in the literature. (...)

This has been much investigated in literature. (...)

This has been extensively discussed in the literature.  (...)

There is a large body of literature surrounding the __ (...)

This subject has been extensively explored in the literature. (...)

Several studies have explored the effects of __ (...)

There have been several attempts to __  (...)

There have been multiple previous attempts to __  (...)

A number of studies have examined the __  (...)

Several investigators have probed if __  (...)

In the last decade, various studies have determined the effect of __  (...)

In order to test this concept, a number of studies have investigated the __  (...)

There have been a number of studies that have investigated the effectiveness of __  (...)

Several studies have been published examining the impact of  __  (...)

A number of studies and reviews have been undertaken to explore the __  (...)

A significant variety of designs of this system is found in the literature. (...)

A multitude of such approaches has been presented in the literature. (...)


A recent systematic review investigated the __  (...)

More recent work by [ref] used __ (...)

Recently, a __ was reported in the literature. (...)

This issue has been considered by recent work [ref]. (...)

The most recent and advanced theory proposed by [ref] offers a new approach for __ (...)

More recent work in this area [ref] extends the methods by using __ (...)

From the literature, several recent approaches use a __ (...)

A number of techniques have been proposed in the recent literature on __  (...)

The most recent work in this area centers around the __  (...)

Here we examine two recent examples of work in this area that concentrate on __  (...)

The most recent method is the one proposed by [ref]. (...)

More recently, there have been several attempts at __  (...)

New methods have recently emerged in the literature to address the __ (...)

This is a relatively recent work in this direction. (...)

Two recent studies have found that __ (...)

New developments are mainly presented in [ref]. (...)


This issue was explored by [ref] using __ (...)

The work [ref] proposes a theoretical algorithm for __ (...)

There is a vast literature on methods to solve this issue. (...)

Two approaches have been used in the past. In the first approach__. In the second approach __ (...)

Several methods for __ have been reported in the literature. (...)

More sophisticated methods have been developed by several authors using __ (...)

This idea was studied by [ref]. (...)

The typical techniques found in the literature for addressing this problem are __ (...)

Several techniques are described in the literature to  __ (...)

The most common methodologies found in the literature are __ (...)

[Ref] suggested using __ to reduce this problem. (...)

There exists a multitude of methods for __ (...)

Another method for addressing this issue is described in [ref]. (...)

A range of techniques have been proposed in the literature. For example, __  (...)

In the work of [ref], these issues are addressed using a __  (...)

Solutions in literature have pursued a variety of methods [ref]. (...)

This problem may have been partly addressed by previous studies by __  (...)

Many strategies have been proposed in the literature to deal with __  (...)

Many different methods have been proposed to solve the problem in literature. (...)

The primary method that has been used in literature is __ (...)

The simplest option that appears in the literature entails __ (...)

A number of different methods have been utilized for __ as specified by [ref].  (...)

[Refs] discuss the possible strategies for solving this issue. (...)

In a series of papers [ref], these researchers have studied the problem in detail. (...)


None of these issues were explored in the results presented in [ref]. (...)

Another important constraint on all the work discussed in this area is the __ (...)

This work [ref] suffers the same limitations as __  (...)

This work is limited to __ without consideration of __ (...)

Despite the success of this work [ref] in certain aspects, it still suffers from __  (...)

Practical failings of this method are well established in classical literature.  (...)

Overall from the results presented in [ref], this technique largely ignores __ (...)

Many of the techniques in this area still exhibit issues related to __  (...)

It is notable that none of the work discussed considers __ (...)

Overall previous work on __ has not explicitly addressed the issue.  (...)

Prior work in __ does not address the issue of __ (...)

In general prior work in __ takes no consideration of the __ (...)

A number of studies and reviews have failed to __  (...)

Most studies emphasis the strengths and underplay the limitations, especially in terms of __  (...)

Many studies have neglected the issue of __ (...)

Most of the available methods in literature carry notable limitations.  (...)

Previous studies had loose exclusion criteria.  (...)

The majority of authors appeared to have __  (...)

It is therefore not surprising that the majority of studies have __  (...)

Existing studies have relied on __ (...)

This method is flawed due to __; multiple studies have confirmed the problem.  (...)

None of the methods proposed so far has focused on __ (...)

There exist tiny nuances in previous work. (...)

Several of the existing models in this field are restricted in applicability due to __ (...)


Similar work has also been pursued by others [refs] in which __ (...)

Conceptually identical work, utilizing a similar method, was proposed by [ref]. (...)

Here we see a technique conceptually similar to [ref] which utilizes __ (...)

Conceptually similar work has also been carried out by [ref] in which __  (...)

Both divisions of the methodology are closely affiliated and have common __  (...)

Although differing in practice, the methods are conceptually the same and allow __  (...)

Alternative approaches have similarly been proposed by [ref] and [ref].  (...)

Similar work was also carried out by [ref] using a __ (...)

Similar techniques were proposed by a number of other researchers [refs]. (...)

In this way, it can be considered similar to the approach proposed by [ref]. (...)

The work of [ref] extends the idea of [ref] to __ (...)

[Ref] achieves similar results by using a method akin to that of [ref]. (...)

Concurrent work [ref] has also considered a similar approach based on __ (...)

Another study conducted by [ref] over a 20- year period also had similar findings.  (...)

An approach similar to ours has been presented before in [ref]. (...)

This same approach has been adopted by researchers in other fields too. (...)

This initial observation by [ref] has subsequently been replicated in several studies. (...)

Similar ideas have been proposed before in [ref]. (...)

Other techniques utilizing similar concepts include __ (...)

Some similarities can be found with this work and the work of [ref]. (...)


However, as discussed in the literature, the __ (...)

The work in this arena generally concerns itself with __  (...)

The work in this area is on-going and varied. (...)

Work in this area has two main sub-fields; firstly __; and secondly __ (...)

Prior work in this area can be divided into two main categories: __ (...)

A body of work exists describing the development of __  (...)

In general work in this area is in its infancy and is somewhat limited by __  (...)

Most of the research in this field is aimed at __ (...)

The bulk of the recent work in this direction is concerned with __ (...)

There has been previous research on this approach. (...)

These are all the approaches that are available in the literature. (...)

From the review of the different methods, these are the main points to conclude. (...)


[Ref] provides a review of recent techniques and present a comparison against earlier methods.  (...)

A limited number of comparative studies are available. (...)

The study of [ref] compared algorithms available for __  (...)

The study by [ref] compares the authors own technique against the techniques of [refs]. (...)

A comparison of different methods is given in [ref] where the author claims __  (...)

In total five methods, representing common schemes used in the literature [ref], are compared.  (...)

Comparative studies have found __ to outperform other commonplace techniques for __  (...)

These studies have facilitated comparisons between different __  (...)

There are very few studies demonstrating agreement between these techniques.  (...)


[Ref] proposed an approach using __ following the early theory of __  (...)

Recent work by [ref] extends techniques by using a __ (...)

The work of [ref] offered an improvement on [ref] by __ (...)

A new technique, similar in principle to [ref] but using a different __ was proposed by [ref]. (...)

The work by [ref] is built conceptually on the approach of [ref] but differs in the way __ (...)

The later work of [ref] addressed these problems through the use of __  (...)

This work is based on the work of [ref] and uses __ as the underlying technique. (...)

[Ref] adapt their earlier work by including a __  (...)

Work by [ref] extends the techniques of [refs] to __ (...)

An adaptation of the technique of [ref] is offered by the author [ref]. (...)

This can be thought of as more of a variant on earlier work by [ref] . (...)

A more efficient implementation has been proposed relatively recently by [ref]. (...)

A variant of this popular algorithm was proposed some time back by [ref]. (...)

The method proposed by [ref] was further extended by other researchers [refs]. (...)

An improvement over this method was developed recently by [ref]. (...)

Many of the techniques derived from the works of [ref] have improved on __ (...)


This has been a controversial point widely discussed in the literature. (...)

There is a great deal of debate surrounding the __ (...)

There is a tension in the acceptability of methods. (...)

This is still under debate with a number of studies suggesting __  (...)

In terms of the studies to date, there is debate as to __  (...)

There has been much debate over the credibility of __  (...)

This has led to speculation that the __  (...)

There has been debate among researchers as to whether __ (...)

This still causes some confusion in research communities. (...)

Despite decades of research, this continues to be debated among __ (...)

Although majority of studies suggest that __, this issue remains open for debate. (...)

This has been questioned by some and others suggest that __  (...)

Many of methods currently in use may have limited reliability and validity.  (...)

There however remains doubts as to the extent of the reliability in of such studies due to __  (...)

This casts doubts on the current procedures that rely on __ (...)

The value of the above-described approach is questionable for __ (...)

The reports may not contain accurate information about __  (...)

These methods are potentially, of questionable accuracy and reproducibility. (...)

These studies were prone to methodologic inadequacies due to __ (...)





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