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2024/4/3 10:26:40  阅读:25 发布者:


1. 把我们的讨论想象成一个金字塔。将讨论从具体到一般,也就是把我们的实验现象/结果和一般的原理公式(文献)组织起来,将我们的具体研究与文献、理论和实践联系起来。使用在前言中描述研究问题或者研究空白(当前研究所存在的不足和现状)时使用的相同关键术语、叙述方式和动词时态 [常用一般现在时]



引言:However, the attachment of sophisticatedfunctional building blocks to the graphene plane has been reported for only a few examples. … However, except for astructurally inconsistent reduced graphene oxide example,6 no directly coupled hybrids of graphene with porphyrins,which would represent a very fundamental compound class, have been reported upto now. Only a few approaches of an indirect, bridge-mediated binding have beenfollowed so far.

结果和讨论:These reference experiments are a clearindication and a strong support of the successful covalent functionalizationwith TPP-N2 + and tBuTPP-N2 + by our one-pot reductive functionalizationapproach.   J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139,11760−11765

红色部分就是作者再引言种挖的坑(no directly coupled hybrids of graphene withporphyrins),蓝色部分(clear indication and a strong support of thesuccessful covalent functionalization)就是再讨论部分种呼应引言的内容。


2.讨论过程中一定要结合图形或表格,以帮助读者更好的理解并加强对数据的解释。 解释每个主要发现的顺序应与结果部分中描述的顺序相同(不一定,常常都不是我们做实验的顺序)

In a typical functionalization procedure(Scheme 1) 20 mL of S-CCG dispersion was reacted with an aryl diazonium salt(0.33 mmol/ mL S-CCG) for 1 h at room temperature. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 48, 16201–16206

图片来源:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 48, 16201–16206


3.好的讨论部分应该包括我们对实验过程中意外发现的分析。 一般另起一段,首先描述意外发现(常用一般过去时,因为在描写具体的实验过程或特指这个实验的意外现象),然后要解释它出现的原因,以及它对整个研究的可能意义。如果在研究过程中出现了多个意外发现,需要按照它们在我们收集数据时出现的顺序或者文章的逻辑顺序进行描述。

Surprisingly, diglymewith higher binding energy of Li+ than that of DME is expected[31], in principle,to cause stronger solvation of K+ and a higher increase of functional degreethan DME. Nevertheless, thereaction in diglyme displayed a very low degree of functionalization(ΔID/IG(diglyme) = 0.03 and 0.06 for GA and GF, respectively) similar to thepoor solvent DMF. This result suggests another crucial factor(s)that resulted of greater impact in the reactivity of graphenide. A very recent report showed that thedestabilization and flocculation of the graphenide polyelectrolyte in solutioncan be introduced by high effective ionic concentration because of addition ofa large amount of the cation complexing agent 18-crown-6 ether [16]. In our case, diglyme acts as solvent, as well as asimilar role of 18-crown-6 ether with strong solvation of K+, leading todestabilization and subsequently flocculation… 2D Mater. 20196 025009

红色的字体内容在说明作者原来的假设(in principle),但是中间出现了意外情况(surprisingly)。然后蓝色字体部分是作者试验所发现的实际情况,与其原来的假设是矛盾的。因此作者必须解释说明为什么会出现这样的意外结果,其是否影响自己的整体结论或者假设,作者在黑色粗体部分引出另一个因素来解释意外。为此,本文作者在绿色字体部分首先引用文献(avery recent report showed…)来说明自己的意外情况的背景和论据,然后说明自己体系中存在类似的现象(in our case, … as well as a similar role…

4.在讨论部分,我们不但要阐明自己研究的优势,创新点还需要阐明自己的局限。以及这些局限是否对你的结论产生了影响,或者产生了怎样的影响。研究的局限性是不可以在讨论部分当中回避的,即便我们有意的回避,那么审稿人也可以清楚知道我们研究方法,我们的这些对比实验等等局限在哪里。确定潜在的局限性和弱点。需要注意的是,在阐述自己研究局限的时候,避免使用道歉的语气; 但是要诚实。



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