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2024/4/3 10:12:35  阅读:25 发布者:


XXX has drawn intensive attention since its first exposure in 2004, due to its …

The widespread use of XX in biomedicine/LED has been accompanied by an increasing interest in understanding their …,as well as how they might affect ….

The 结构等特点 endows XX with 好的性质, which makes it a promising candidate for applicationsin many disciplines. However, the结构等特点 of XX also hindersits biological and biomedical utility.To improve the …, … is the mostfeasible and useful method, generating various XXX derivatives including…

By introducing… groups on XXX during … process, XX andits analogues are thereby of great interest for their potential utilization inthe… filed..

The XX has not yet been studied to the same extent,probably because of the intrinsically higher complexity of ...

With the rapid development of …methods, 方式方法 dramatically broadened the applications of ....

Meanwhile, 方式方法 offers diverse additional …propertiescompared with XX, which thereby contributes to novel and broader applicationsin the … field

Accompanying by the expansion of available XX, tremendousefforts have been contributed to explore their … applications.The last few decadeshave witnessed the outstanding performance of XX in …

Despite obvious/exciting/significant progress in many areas, there is still a long way to go before usage of XX as …in ….The fundamental obstacleis …

To address the (issue of) …, extensive efforts arerequired for completing our understanding of …

Without a standardizedproduction, it is very difficult to even identify andcharacterize XX, not to mention comparing XXX in ...

Our/The understanding/knowledgeof XXX is still in a very early stage.

To further verify/confirm that… is real, and not just due to … effects, an additional … experiment/simulation/samples was/were performed using…


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