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2024/4/1 15:56:16  阅读:28 发布者:


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3. 示例分析

2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式



1. Introduction

This paperaims to estimate the residual torque of torsion bar with circular cross sectionunder the predetermined torsion angle for a given period. Generallysuch a physical experimentis impossible of achievement due to the long period of given time. Thereforea method combiningdamage mechanics theory and experiment is proposed for solving this problem.

Firstlybased on the damagemechanicsestablishthe functional relationships between torque and time in terms of twist angleand material constantthat isthe theoretical curveof torque versus time and the threshold relational expression between torqueand torsion shear stress. This expression indicates thatfor some givenmaterialsthe biggerthe twist angle providesthe fasterthe attenuation rate of torque with the course of time is.

Thento shorten the periodof the experiment and researchanaccelerating experiment scheme is proposed based on the above theoreticalanalysis. A torsion experiment is performed in the case of large twist angle(far more than the predetermined torsion angle) to determinethe torque threshold. After thatthe torsionshear strain threshold is determined according to damage mechanics.

Finallytorque threshold undersmall twist angle is inferred indirectly from the shear strain thresholdobtained under large twist angle on basis of damage mechanics.

Howeverit should be noted that the initialmaximum shear stress is close to the yield shear stress of the material underconditions of small twist angle. As a consequencethe bar must be in the elastic-plastic state of the material under largetwist angle. Thusthe experiment and theoreticalresearch on traditional solid mechanics and damage mechanics must be carriedout in the elastic-plastic zone of the material.

1Zhang XingZhao Jun. Applied fatigue damage mechanics ofmetal componentsM. BeijingNational Defence Industry Press1998. (in Chinese)

2Zhang XingZhao JunHuang Kezhi. A method of damage mechanics for the predictionof fatigue lifeJ. KeyEngineering Materials1998145−149433−442.

3Zhang XingZhao JunZheng Xudong. Methodof damage mechanics for prediction of structure member fatigue livesCCD//Handbook ofFatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures. CARPINTERI AndreaeditorVol. IElsevierScience B. V.Amsterdamthe Netherlands1994.

4Lemaitre J. A course on damage mechanicsM. New YorkSpringer-Verlag1992.



1. Introduction

Virtualmanufacturing cell(VMC) is first proposed by C. R. McLeanet al. on the basis of the extension of the traditionalmanufacturing cell in 1982. The main idea is generating manufacturing cell bychoosing appropriate resources from the shared resources database when theproduction task changes[1−2]. Thiscell is a whole or fragment entity extracted from the existing physicalresources without changing the physical layout of the original resourcesand is only a kind of resources reconfiguration inlogic. A formation method of VMC is proposed in this paper based on machinepattern and set theory under the following assumptions(1)Reconfigurableobjects are set of manufacturing resources which are composed of equipment withfixed physical locations(2)Production task is a process of dynamic change(3)A productiontasksuch as product typeprocess route and the amount of the productetc.is fixed(4)A workpiececan“visit” the same machine repeatedly at varioustimes of the production process(5)Workpiece is conveyed by AGV(6)The internalcause of reconfiguration is not covered.


1. Introduction

One of the common features of currentmanufacturing systems is the lack of reconfigurability. The change in the marketdemand will create a large number of idle and scraped facilitiesresulting in waste of resources and energy. The fundamentalway to solve this problem is the implementation of reconfigurable manufacturingsystem(RMS).Essentiallyreconfiguration is to obtain the maximumproduction flexibility by logical or physical configuration changes in wholelife cycle of manufacturing system[1−2].Related researches have been carried out from the developed countries since themid-1990s. However,researchers still don’t have a complete solution of RMS yet. Therefore,it’s of particularimportance to further study the implementing method of it.

RMS can be implemented by changing modularcomponents of the reconfigurable machine tool(RMT)or by movingreplacingor adding reconfigurable devicesor by generating a virtual manufacturing cell(VMC) according tological reconfiguration method. At presentthedevelopment of RMT is still in the primary stageand thereare still difficulties in implementation of RMS by changing the physicalconfiguration of it because the equipment used in current manufacturing systemsare generally conventional equipment and most of them are permanently fixed.Howeverthe physical reconfiguration can be replacedby the logic reconfiguration using VMC. This is because the equipment in VMC isvirtual dynamic entity which can be nonadjacent and fixed at the physicallocation and interconnected in logic and concepts. The interconnection can beimplemented through the path network of logistics systemssuch as automated guided vehicle(AGV)without any need to change the existingphysical layout of the system. As a particular type of manufacturing cellVMC is usually generated by using group technology. Howeverthe technology suffers from two crucial shortcomings. Oneis completely ignoring the sharing behavior among workpieces as well as cellsthe other is the pre-setting of someparameters before the formation of cells. For exampleBABUet al[3] proposed a cellformation algorithm to generate multiple cell configuration based on differentrank order clustering(ROC)but did not consider the cells sharing in systemand moreover some parameters are needed to pre-setsubjectively. SARKERet al[4] developed a formationmethod of VMC based on process routes and scheduling rather than cell sharing.The method can be used to find the shortest production route in the schedulingsystem involving multiple workpieces and multiple machines. RATCHEV[5]proposed a class-ability formation method of manufacturing cell based on“resourcecell”which matches up the process requirementwith production capability of manufacturing system dynamically. KOet al[6−7]presented a formation algorithms of VMC to implement the machine sharing basedon the concept of“machine pattern”. The current researches on manufacturingcell are mainly concentrated on the cell formation and planningand the practical applications of manufacturing cell onRMS are sparse. In order to implement the logic reconfiguration of RMSthis paper presents the concept of “machine set pattern” based on similarity theoryand the formation method of VMC under some assumptionsis also provided.



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