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2024/3/28 15:07:33  阅读:47 发布者:


1. 抽象名词后加s

intakes 应为 intake(摄入量)

2. 形容词加s

five-years survival 应为 five-year survival(五年生存率)

the twenty-years period 应为 the twenty-year period(廿年期)

3. 不熟悉拉丁词的复数变化

The data was analysed.应为The data were analysed(分析数据)

these phenomenon 应为 these phenomena(这些现象)

4. 近义词的乱用

the most satisfied effect 应为 the most satisfactory effect

5. 措词不专业



6. 句首使用阿拉伯数字

14 patient were reviewed... 在句首的话应写成 Fourteen patients were reviewed ...(总结了14位患者,...)

7. 介词乱用

related with 应为 related to (与...有关)

patient of emphysema 应为 patient with emphysema  肺气肿患者

case with asthma 应为 case of asthma 哮喘病例

8. 拼写接近但词义不同的词的混用

systematic 是系统性,systemic 是全身性

parental 是亲本、亲代;parenteral  是肠道外的,注射的

9. 不能灵活使用被动语态

Add thrombin and then obtain complete hemostasis. 应写做 Thrombin was added and complete hemostasis was obtained.

10. 不熟悉英文的写法

The sensitivity highly reached 93%. 应为 The sensitivity was as high as 93%.(敏感度高达93%

including right 6 cases 应为 including 6 cases at the right side (包括右侧的6例)

... increased obviously, then reached to a stabilized level 应为 ... increased obviously, then up to a stabilized level (显著增加,然后达到稳定水平)

between the 2 groups of 3-7 days of life and 8-28 days of life 应为 between the groups of 3-7 days of life and of 8-28 days of life (3~7天寿命组与8~28天寿命组之间)

11. 动词时态不当(临床病例分析论文多数用过去时,不用现在时)

There are 63 females and 25 males. 应为 There were 63 females and 25 males. (共有63例女性,25例男性)。

12. 词性混淆

如表达主诉complain 是动词,complaint 是名词。Patients complaint of RLQ pain. 应改为 Patients complained of RLQ pain. (患者主诉右下腹痛)。

13. 基本功不过硬



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