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2024/3/27 11:02:26  阅读:31 发布者:




Dear reviewer

Thank you for your decision and constructive comments on my manuscript.




We agree with the reviewers' suggestions and will incorporate the recommended changes into the manuscript.




Reviewer 1 suggested improving the clarity of Figure 3. We will revise the figure to enhance readability, and we appreciate the valuable suggestion.

(审稿人1 建议提高图3的清晰度。我们将修改图表以增强可读性,并感谢这宝贵的建议。)



We sincerely appreciate the time and effort invested by the reviewers in evaluating our manuscript. We look forward to any additional feedback or suggestions.




Yours sincerely



Research Center of Traditional Chinese·Medicine


标注每一处修改在文中的Page** Line**可见,方便审稿人重定位到文章。

In response to the comment about the literature review, we have added references XXXX et al. (2022) and provided a brief discussion, as suggested (see revised pages 4-5).






We appreciate the reviewers' thorough evaluation and recognize the major concerns raised regarding the clarity of our main argument and the completeness of the theoretical framework.




We acknowledge the need for major revisions and are committed to addressing the highlighted issues comprehensively. We believe that these revisions will significantly strengthen our manuscript and provide a more robust foundation for our claims.




Clarification of Main Argument:We plan to restructure the Introduction and Discussion sections to provide a more lucid presentation of our main argument. Specific attention will be given to...




We aim to complete the major revisions by [specific date], and we will promptly resubmit the revised manuscript for your kind consideration.




We are grateful for the invaluable feedback provided by the reviewers, and we look forward to the opportunity to improve our manuscript in response to their guidance.




1.We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article.As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed.According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft, the detailed corrections are listed below.


2.We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used to improve the quality of our manuscript.The reviewer comments are laid out below in italicized font and specific concerns have been numbered.Our response is given in normal font and changes/additions to the manuscript are given in the blue text.


3.We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned,there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft,the detailed corrections are listed below.


4.We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used to improve the quality of our manuscript. The reviewer comments are laid out below in italicized font and specific concerns have been numbered.Our response is given in normal font and changes/additions to the manuscript are given in the blue text.


5.On behalf of all the contributing authors,l would like to express our sincere appreciations of your letter and reviewers' constructive comments concerning our article entitled“XXX”(Manuscript No:XX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article.


6.According to the associate editor and reviewers’comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing. Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions to improve the quality of our manuscript.



1.We werereally sorry for our careless mistakes.Thank vou for your reminder.


2.We sincerely thank the reviewer for careful reading As suggested by the reviewer, we have corrected the“XX”into“XX”


3.We feel sorry for our http://carelessness.In our resubmitted manuscript, the typo is revised.Thanks for your correction.


4.Thanks for your careful checks.We are sorry for our carelessness.Based on your comments,we have

made the corrections to make the word harmonizedwithin the whole manuscript.



1.We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes to the manuscript.These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. And here we did not list the changes but marked in red in the revised paper.We appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’warm work earnestly and hope that the correction will meet with approval.


2.Thanks for your suggestion.However, we do invite a friend of us who is a native English speaker from the USA to help polish our article.And we hope the revised manuscript could be acceptable for you.


3.Thanks for your suggestion. We have tried our best to polish the language in the revised manuscript.



1.We sincerely appreciate the valuable comments.We have checked the literature carefully and added more references on __and __ into the INTRODUCTION part in the revised manuscript.


2.As suggested by the reviewer, we have added more references to support this idea(文献1.2.3...).

一一正如审稿人所建议的,我们添加了更多的参考文献来支持这一想法(文献 1.2.3...)


1.We think this is an excellent suggestion.We have explain the change made,including the exact ocation where the change can be found in the revised manuscript.


2.We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer's suggestion.

一一我们已经根据审稿人建议重写了这一部分。P3,Line 5-6,was added/ deleted.一一第三页第5-6行,已经添加/删除。


1.Thank you again for your positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript.We hope you will find our revised manuscript acceptable for publication.

2.Again,thank you for giving us the opportunity to strengthen our manuscript with your valuable comments and queries.We have worked hard to incorporate your feedback and hope that these revisions persuade you to accept our submission

3.Wedeeplyappreciate your allthe valuable comments and suggestions,and look forward to hearing from youregarding our submission.We would be glad to respond to any further questions and comments that you may have.

4.Once again,thank you very much for your valuable commentsand suggestions. We hope that the revisionsin themanuscript and our accompanying responses will be sufficient to make our manuscript suitable for publication in xxx.


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