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写好Response Letter才能提高接收机会!

2024/3/27 10:05:09  阅读:47 发布者:

在前面的文章,我们提到遇到大修需要怎么做,除了按要求进行修改,写response letter也是非常重要的一步。这封信的结构、语气语调以及行文风格都会影响到评审员对你的稿件做出的决定。那应该要怎么样才能写好response letter呢?


通常来说。期刊会给1个月时间作者进行小修,给3个月时间大修。在你修改稿件的时候,最好同时点对点地写response letter,这样在你改好的时候,你的回复信也差不多完成了。


amendments manually highlighted


deletions marked with strikethrough


changes made using a certain color (usually red)


the Track Changes function in Word

(用Word文档里的Track Changes功能进行修改)

Response letter的结构和行文风格



通常是默认用Professor+姓。除非他们先在信中称呼你为“Mr.”“Ms.”,否则不要用这两个称呼。绝对不要用“Mrs.”。如果不确定编辑的头衔,可以到期刊官网的编辑部查询;如果还是没有,就上网搜他们最新的研究或者看他们的 ResearchGateLinkedIn平台。


Dear Professor Smith,

Re: manuscript reference no. BH0914325J Please find attached a revised version of our manuscript…”


“We wish to thank you and the reviewers for your insightful comments. These have greatly helped us to improve the quality of our manuscript.”


“In accordance with Reviewer 1’s comments, we deleted the table and prepared a new summary figure (Fig. 6). Our revisions to the text are recorded using Track Changes in MS Word. Our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments are shown below.”


“We hope that these revisions are sufficient to make our manuscript suitable for publication in the British Journal of Haematology and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.”


在完成response letter的客套部分后,就可以接着留下你的联系方式并且一条一条地列出你的做出的修改。



第一人称: “Thank you very much for your detailed and useful comments. We have addressed each of them as follows.”

第三人称: “We thank Reviewer 1 for their detailed and useful comments. We have addressed each of them as follows.”


1.  Standard deviation is large in Fig. 3 data. ANOVA should be used after confirming normal distribution.

Response: We thank Reviewer 1 for this valuable suggestion and we agree. Accordingly, we modified our statistical analyses. We performed ANOVA after first performing a logarithmic transformation of all variables. We have described this change in Statistical Analysis in the Methods section (p.4, lines 15–20). We also modified our Results (p. 7, lines 2–6) and Discussion sections (p. 9, lines 11–13) in line with this change, and modified Figure 3 based on the revised data.



2. Subjective well-being needs more background in the lit review. Include mention of how it intersects with happiness studies, health psychology, I/O psychology, and overall QOL.

Response: We thank Reviewer 2 for this suggestion. We regret that our literature review was somewhat inadequate. Accordingly, we have added relevant studies in the Introduction (p. 3, lines 5–6 and 19–21). We hope there is now a more accurate portrait of the significance of subjective well-being.





1.  Standard deviation is large in Fig. 3 data. ANOVA should be used after confirming normal distribution.

Response: Thank you for your suggestion. Although we acknowledge that the use of ANOVA would enable us to better compare our findings with those of other studies, our data did not follow a normal distribution; thus, we could not perform this analysis. We therefore re-analyzed our data based on the Leverhaus model (Leverhaus et al., 1978) and modified the Methods section to describe this analysis (p. 4, line 8). We also revised Figure 3 and added two sentences to the Discussion to explain this model (p. 10, lines 1–3).

2. Subjective well-being needs more background in the lit review. Include mention of how it intersects with happiness studies, health psychology, I/O psychology, and overall QOL.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. We acknowledge the significance of subjective well-being and we felt our literature review put it in adequate context by mentioning its growing association with a number of fields since the seminal work by Diener (1984). We must note that subjective well-being is not a central theme in our study. Additionally, the journal’s word limitations only permit us to add a small number of words to the manuscript. For these reasons, we felt it was not feasible to accommodate the suggestion in full. Accordingly, however, we see the importance of the relation with happiness studies and have added reference to that (p. 3, lines 5–6). We hope this satisfies your request. Again, we do sincerely appreciate your guidance.




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