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2024/3/25 17:38:01  阅读:28 发布者:

一、Commonmistakes in the title

1.Unnecessary words(词语冗余)

误:TheUse of MR for Microimaging of Benign and Malignant Nodes in the Necks ofPatients

正:MRMicroimaging of Benign and Malignant Nodes in the Neck

分析:正句比误句简洁明了。误句中使用了一些不必要的词,如“The Use of”, “of Patients”.

2.Misplaced modifiers(错位修饰语)

MisplacedMechanism of Suppression of Nontransmissible Pneumonia in MiceInduced by Newcastle Disease Virus.

Comment:“Unless this author had somehow managed to demonstrate spontaneous generation,it must have been the pneumonia that was induced and not the mice.”

CorrectedMechanism of Suppression of Nontransmissible Pneumonia Induced inMice by Newcastle Disease Virus


MisplacedIsolation of Antigens from Monkeys Using Complement-FixationTechniques.

CommentWhat or who is using complement-fixation techniques, “isolation ofantigens”, “monkeys” or … ? Adjectives(especially the “using”participles) should be near to the words they modify.

CorrectedIsolation of Antigens from Monkeys with Complement-FixationTechniques.

3. Nounclusters(名词堆叠)

误:Electro-acupuncturetherapy enhances injured spinal cord tissue neurotrophine-3 content andpromotes transplanted neural stem cells survival and immigration in rat spinalcord injury

正:Electro-acupunctureenhances the content of neurotrophine-3 and promotes the survival andimmigration of transplanted neural stem cells in injured rat spinal cord tissue


二、Typesof Titles

1. MainTitle(正标题)

2.Running Title(页眉标题)

Definition:the short form of the paper’s title

Place:at the top of every page or every other page of a journal article

Purpose:to help the reader to find a specific article or to catch the reader’sattention when the reader is just browsing through the journal pages


1: 正式标题:Metabolic Effects of a Growth Hormone– Releasing Factor in Patientswith HIV

页眉标题:Effectsof Tesamorelin in Patients with HIV

2: 正式标题:Family-Based Association Study Showing that Immunoglobulin ANephropathy Is Associated with

thePolymorphisms 2093C and 2180T in the 3' Untranslated Region of the Megsin Gene

页眉标题:IgANand Megsin Gene Polymorphisms

3.Subtitle/Hanging Title --- same as a series title except that a colonsubstitutes for the main numeral

1Catastrophic Volcanic Collapse: Relation to Hydrothermal Process(Science 260:1794,1993)

2Intratumoral Immunotherapy: Using the Tumor against Itself

4.Series Title(序号标题): the main title-subtitle given toseries papers which relate to each other closely

例:Bacteria. IV. Cell Wall of Staphylococcus aureus?


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