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2024/3/15 15:03:18  阅读:33 发布者:








以下引言来自论文“Stable High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Levels and Outcomes in Patients With Chest Pain”

DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.08.064

J Am Coll Cardiol 2017; 70: 2226–36


High-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) assays have been established as key cardiac biomarkers for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) (1). The improved early diagnostic features have led to earlier rule-out and rule-in of MI in the emergency department (ED) (2–6).



 ... established as key cardiac biomarkers ... 表示已经被确立为一种心脏生物标志物,相当于widely used as

Although older-generation troponin assays offered useful prognostic information in patients with cardiac disease (7–9), evidence is consistent that the newer high-sensitivity assays retain prognostic value at levels that were undetectable with the older assays (10,11).

hs-cTn的临床应用进一步说明,提到newer high-sensitivity assays的敏感性更高,对于older assays不能检测到的hs-cTn量都能检测到,且仍具有预后价值,从而顺利过渡到下面的内容。


 evidence is consistent that ... 表示相关文献的结论一致。

 ... at levels that were undetectable with the older assays ... 相当于cannot be detected with the older assayswith可以替换成byusing

The increased sensitivity has been associated with decreased specificity, causing a substantial proportion of patients without MI to have hs-cTn levels above the 99th percentile value, which is the cutoff level for the diagnosis of MI (12,13). As for patients with cardiac disease, troponin levels have been found to be independent determinants and predictors of adverse outcomes in patients with noncardiac acute medical conditions (14).



The increased sensitivity has been associated with decreased specificity, causing ... 敏感性提高伴随着特异性下降 ;associated with常表示二者的出现有一定的关联性,比如二者之间存在因果关系或有共同的原因,而correlated with常表示二者的变化有一定的关联性,比如正相关、负相关。 使用动名词引导补语值得借鉴,可以使句式更加丰富,增加句子的层次感。

Investigation and treatment of these patients are focused on the underlying conditions associated with elevated hs-cTn levels. Persistently elevated hs-cTn levels without a typical rise and/or fall pattern indicate chronic myocardial injury.

本次研究讨论的不光是hs-cTn levels,而且是stable hs-cTn levels,所以,从这里开始就出现 persistently elevated hs-cTn levels without a typical rise and/or fall pattern了。


... the underlying conditions associated with elevated hs-cTn levels underlyingassociated with搭配的这种表达形式可以借用,比如underlying mechanism associated with,表示现象背后的原因。

Knowledge on how to investigate or treat these patients to prevent future adverse outcomes is limited (15). Moreover, in patients with chest pain but no MI, or any other condition that may affect troponin levels acutely, few data are available on the association between the high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) level and long-term outcomes.

由远及近,开始进入本次研究的范畴了。 limitedfew这些词点明了目前相关研究的不足,从而体现出本次研究的必要性。


 few data are available on ... 摘要部分作者用的是There is a paucity of data on ... 这一表达,意思都是一样的,类似表达大家更容易想到用there be句型,其实available也可以用,可以增加表达的丰富性。这个表达可以用来说明目前相关研究的不足,体现出本次研究的必要性。

Therefore, we conducted a large observational cohort study including all consecutive patients who sought medical attention for chest pain during a 4-year period at our hospital to investigate the association between stable hs-cTnT levels and long-term outcomes.

正式介绍本次研究的目的,即to investigate the association between stable hs-cTnT levels and long-term outcomes (in patients with chest pain) ,以及本次研究使用的方法,即a large observational cohort study


consecutive patients 连续患者,即在某个时间段内将所有就诊患者入选研究,这是一种降低选择偏倚的方法。

sought medical attention 就诊的一种表达,可以借鉴。



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