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2024/3/11 15:27:42  阅读:35 发布者:




这张表是根据Ken HylandMeta-discourse(2006)一书中的附录绘制的,该书涵盖了学术论文中的常用词。然后,小编根据过渡词的功能将其分为四类。



It is possible, therefore, that the perception of risk may overpower the potential influence of social groups, implying that the influence of social groups is lower when compared to the more active phone use behaviours, such as initiating and responding while driving. Future research should aim to explore the influence of risk perception in relation to other normative influences in the context of smartphone use while driving.

其中,therefore将前后句联系起来,用来表明风险感知的结果,such as用来表示举例具体的电话使用行为,驾驶时打电话或接电话。这两种过渡语的使用使行文更加紧凑。


Addiction can be a shaming experience for families and may lead to isolation, yet little is known about interventions targeting stress and negative self-judgment among female caregivers.



The involvement of PLC led to the analysis of protein kinase C (PKC) which is stimulated by PLC-generated diacylglycerol (DAG). Thus, use of 5 μM of the PKC inhibitor, Go6976 also resulted in significantly diminished bleb size (Fig. 6C and E) without effect on the number of blebs (Fig. 6F).

led to表因果关系,led to前是因,后是果,由于PLC的参与导致了对蛋白激酶CPKC)进行分析。Thus, 以及resulted in的用法与led to有异曲同工之妙,都用来表示因果关系。


A machine learning approach is essentially different from a traditional image processing approach, because in the former the extracted features are data specific, but in the latter features are extracted algorithmically and are not data specific. 

其中because表因果关系,引出前文中说机器学习方法本质与传统的图像处理方法不同的原因。but 表并列转折关系,而and表并列衔接关系,他们配合使用来说明前者提取的特征是特定数据,而后者是从算法上提取的,而不是特定数据。这些过渡语的使用使文章更便于理解,并突出了文章重点。


However, when firm performance is positive, we do not expect managers’ individual SIL to improve perceptions of managers’ credibility, because claiming responsibility for positive performance is consistent with managers’ incentives to take credit for positive outcomes. Thus, our first Hypothesis is that investors will perceive managers who use individual SIL rather than collective SIL or SEL to disclose negative news as more credible. However, perceptions of managers’ credibility will not vary based on SIL and SEL when performance news is positive.

However是转折副词,用来表示意义的转折,because 说明我们并不期望经理人的个人SIL能够提高对经理人信誉的认识,而Thus说明前文中假设成立的结果。不论because还是thus两者都用来表示因果关系。



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