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2024/3/6 13:56:43  阅读:27 发布者:


1Amount/number, less/fewer

两对词语中的第一个词是在讨论不可数项时使用的,而第二个词是用于描述可数项的。注意 number” 和 “quantity” 可以互换使用。

The amount of cytokine produced by the treated cells was less than that secreted by the control cells. (细胞激素 (cytokine) 不可数)

The number of viable cells increased in both treatment groups, although fewer cells were observed in treatment group B. (细胞 (cell) 可数)


在科学性的写作中,significant” 这个词一般与 “statistically significant” 同义。”Nonsignificant” 有着相反的含义,也就是 “not statistically significant”。相比而言,”insignificant” 通常意味着非统计学上的意义上的“不重要”。

The difference between the two samples was nonsignificant (p>0.05). (有统计学意义)

The vast size of the canyon made them feel insignificant. (无统计学意义)


Prevalence” 指的是某一时刻某一特定人群中某个状况发生的比例,用来表明这个状况的普遍性 (如 “5/1,000 Americans are affected by this disease”)。与之相比,”incidence” 指的是某一时刻某一特定人群中某个状况新出现的比例,反映的是风险(如 “3/1,000 Americans develop this disease each year”)。


Proportion” 描述整体的一部分,”ratio” 描述两个相同单位的数量之间的关系,而 “rate” 是不同单位的两个数量间的关系。

The proportion of tissue samples that exhibited pathological changes was 6 out of a total of 9 samples.

Distilled water and 10X PBS were mixed at a ratio of 9:1 to form 1X PBS.

The rate of sampling was 5 measurements per minute.


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