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别小看Cover letter,这是你和编辑沟通的重要渠道~(附模板)

2024/2/29 16:54:05  阅读:30 发布者:

作者在首次投稿时一般都要附上Cover letter(投稿信)。期刊编辑每天要处理大量稿件,通常只来得及查阅每份稿件的投稿信和摘要。所以,写好投稿信是非常重要的。

一般来说,Cover letter需要包括以下内容:

● 投稿时间。

● 编辑姓名和称呼。

● 手稿基本信息。包括标题和期刊名称。

● 概括手稿的主要内容,阐述研究亮点和进步,并说明为什么适合在当前期刊上发表。

● 学术伦理方面的内容。比如是否存在利益冲突、是否遵循人类或动物实验的伦理标准,有无一稿多投等。

● 通讯作者的详细信息。包括邮政地址、电话号码、邮箱。不建议用第一作者或其他作者的名义来写Cover letter

我们整理了一份Cover letter参考模板,大家可以根据自己的情况参考和调整哦~

Cover letter参考模板



Editor, [期刊名称]

Dear Dr. [编辑姓名],

I am enclosing a submission to the [期刊名称] entitled “文章标题.The manuscript is 10 pages long and includes four tables and two figures.   

In  this paper,we show that……[介绍自己的研究]

My coauthors and I do not have any conflicts of interests to disclose. APA ethical standards were followed in the conduct of the study, and we received approval from the [机构名称] institutional review board.

I will be serving as the corresponding author for this manuscript. All of the authors listed in the byline have agreed to the byline order and to submission of the manuscript in this form. I have assumed responsibility for keeping my coauthors informed of our progress throughout the editorial review process, the content of the reviews, and any revisions made to the manuscript.


[通讯作者姓名], PhD





除了前面提到的内容以外,有些期刊还会有其他要求,比如要在Cover letter里提供3-5个推荐审稿人等,需要作者阅读作者指南来准备哦~


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