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2024/2/29 8:37:23  阅读:34 发布者:





一是综述类文章的选题,一般是对某一个研究领域或研究方向的来龙去脉、研究现状做系统分析,选题的技巧性不大,在选题之前需要在Web Of Science或者中国知网等网站通过搜索关键词查找综述,如果已有相关综述研究,那么就没有再写同类型综述的必要,除非你有更好的方向点或者方法,一般综述性文章需要使用Citespace信息可视化分析软件。




1. 你自己的兴趣爱好,知识背景;

2. 当前领域的研究热点问题;

3. 当前国内外的研究现状和已取得的成果。


1. 标题需要指出研究的主题和范围,如果要用一句话总结整篇文章,我们需要总结它的研究对象和研究方法,这也是标题的核心任务;

2. 学术文章的标题应该追求真实、准确、浓缩、精简、直观,切不可故弄玄虚,为了复杂而复杂;

3. 尽量选择容易理解的标题,句式结构简单;

4. 论文的标题一定要包含与研究内容相关的关键词。




一般而言,论文选题是一篇文章的眼睛,也是审稿人最为关注的一点,而论文摘要是一篇文章的浓缩与精华。论文摘要的撰写也具有一定的章法,主要包括几个核心关键点,笔者以最新发表在Economic research上的一篇论文“How will the rise of robots affect China's labor market? -- Evidence from listed manufacturing companies”为例进行庖丁解牛。

关键点一:研究的意义,主要指出本研究或本选题对当下经济、政治、社会、文化或某个研究领域的影响,本研究具有什么样的理论意义和现实价值,1句话即可。在例文中表现为“The rise of artificial intelligence and robotics has broad and profound implications for the economy and society.

关键点二:研究背景,即所做研究在当下中国或国际社会的研究背景有哪些,已有的研究有哪些,本研究需要解决的或者回答的问题是什么?1句话即可。在例文中表现为“China has become the largest user of robots in the world. How the application of robots will affect China's labor market is an important question that remains to be answered.

关键点三:研究内容,包括本文主要运用了什么数据或者什么研究方法进行了什么样的研究,研究的主要内容包括哪些等?1句话即可。在例文中表现为“This paper, for the first time, studies the impact of industrial robot application on China's labor market at the enterprise level, using the data of industrial robot application in China and the micro data of listed manufacturing companies, and using the causality identification strategy of Bartik instrumental variables.

关键点四:研究结果,一般包括三个方向,一是本研究的总的主要研究结果,比如因变量对自变量的影响结果;二是本研究分研究结果,在总研究结果下的进一步分解;三是进一步的研究结果(部分论文没有),是指本文进行的更深入的研究所得出的结论。3-4句话即可。在例文中表现为“The empirical results show that the application of robots has a certain substitution effect on the labor demand of enterprises. When the penetration degree of industrial robots increases by 1%, the labor demand of enterprises decreases by 0.18%. In addition, the impact of robot application on the demand for labor with different skills is significantly different, showing the characteristics of "employment polarization", while robot application has no obvious impact on the wage level of enterprises. From the perspective of influence mechanism, the substitution effect of robot application on labor demand is more significant in industries with high market concentration, industries with high external financing dependence and non-state-owned enterprises. Further research found that robot application will also have an impact on the labor demand of upstream and downstream enterprises through the industrial chain.

关键点五:研究对策建议,本部分一般从整体上指出根据研究结果提出的一些政策启示,1句话即可。在例文中表现为“The paper concludes with a discussion of public policy responses in the age of robots and artificial intelligence.

Abstract:The rise of artificial intelligence and robotics has broad and profound implications for the economy and society.China has become the largest user of robots in the world. How the application of robots will affect China's labor market is an important question that remains to be answered. This paper, for the first time, studies the impact of industrial robot application on China's labor market at the enterprise level, using the data of industrial robot application in China and the micro data of listed manufacturing companies, and using the causality identification strategy of "Bartik instrumental variables".The empirical results show that the application of robots has a certain substitution effect on the labor demand of enterprises. When the penetration degree of industrial robots increases by 1%, the labor demand of enterprises decreases by 0.18%. In addition, the impact of robot application on the demand for labor with different skills is significantly different, showing the characteristics of "employment polarization", while robot application has no obvious impact on the wage level of enterprises. From the perspective of influence mechanism, the substitution effect of robot application on labor demand is more significant in industries with high market concentration, industries with high external financing dependence and non-state-owned enterprises. Further research found that robot application will also have an impact on the labor demand of upstream and downstream enterprises through the industrial chain. The paper concludes with a discussion of public policy responses in the age of robots and artificial intelligence.  




1. 关键词全部摘自标题短词,将标题按意义分拆;

2. 关键词不是重要的实词,如“研究”、“探索”、“动力”、“分析”等不宜作为关键词;

3. 关键词顺序不当,关键词顺序应当遵照重要性程度从高到低排列。


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