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2024/2/28 9:16:25  阅读:43 发布者:








 1  引导副词或者短语放在句首时,后面接逗号:

类似地副词:therefore, thus, However, Nevertheless

例如:However, the public is being inundated with stories about cancer-causing chemicals.

After 3 months, the plants grown under phosphorus-decient conditions were evaluated.

 2  需要分隔两个独立的较长从句,并使用连接词连接时,需要用逗号:

例如:Astronomers have known about the positions of stars for centuries, but they didnt understand that the earth revolves around the sun.

There needles were collected, washed with toluene, and dried in a vacuum desiccator.

 3  动词(谓语)和主语之间不要加逗号:

例如:(错误)The addition of substituted silanes to carboncarbon double bonds, has been studied extensively.

(正确)The addition of substituted silanes tocarboncarbon double bonds has been studied extensively.

 4  et al.之前不接逗号,除非有其他特别原因:

例如:Saltzman et al. Saltzman, M. J.,et al.

 5  日期后接逗号,如果只有月份没有日期,不用逗号;当句子中给出完整的年月日,那么年份后面也要接逗号:

例如:Monday, July 15, 2022.

 6  当地理位置作为句子的一个部分,且其中包含逗号时,名称后也要接逗号:

例如:Iona College, in New Rochelle, New York, is the CEOs alma mater.

 7  采用逗号为句子插入引用语,但是当引用语作为主语时,不接逗号:

例如:In the words of Pasteur, Chance favors the prepared mind.

Chance favors the prepared mindis a translation from the French.



 1  介绍一个或多个项目:

例如:Humans use five major senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

 2  分隔两个独立从句,第二个从句用来叙述、说明、改写或延伸第一个从句:

例如:Martha realized that her worst fear was coming true: her son was being sent to war.

(*冒号后用独立的从句解释Marthas fear)

 3  商业书信或正式信件开头问候语:

例如:To the Central Valley Committee Chairman:

 4  冒号后的第一个字母不要大写,除非是专有名词, 例如:

(错误)I have three desires: To eat, sleep, and work.

(正确)I have three desires: to eat, sleep, and work.

 5  当引号内包含多个句子,许多作者会倾向使用冒号而非逗号来引出内容:

例如:In Chapter 3, the author explains his theory: Dogs have dreams, but they dont dream as humans do. Their dreams reflect a primal desire for pleasure, whereas humans are preoccupied with the ego and self-image. This is equally true in wakefulness and sleep.

 6  接在冒号之后的内容不一定要是完整的句子,可以是单词或短语:

例如:There is one mantra that can sum up our position towards climate change: urgent action.

 7  不要过度使用冒号:




 1  在句中加入两个或多个概念,而这些概念互为平等时,用分号隔开:

例如:The universe has always called to human beings; there could be no more final frontier than space.

 2  加入两个用连接副词或转折片语连接的独立从句:

例如:Sam thought David was inviting him to the picnic to enjoy a nice day out; as it turned out, David was planning a surprise birthday party.

 3  陈列许多或一系列不同的项目,项目中包含逗号时,或者项目相对长且性质较复杂:

例如:Our family members came all the way from Denver, Colorado; Rochester, Minnesota; and even Paris, France.

 4  使用对等连接词连接两个独立从句(若两个从句已使用逗号分隔),或者当两个从句较长时:

例如:My main research objective is to isolate the cause of the disease, as well as to contribute to the existing literature; for this will bring an end to starvation across the continent, create new study designs related to epidemiology, and change the very paradigm of my research field.



 1  除非引起歧义,否则单位简称后面不要接句号:

特例:inch (in.), atom (at.), number (no.)

 2  姓名简写要用句号和空格隔开,但是在acknowledgement部分不需要空格:

例如:J. E. Lennard-Jones M. S.Newman

R.C.McD. and C.R. thank Dr. Rose Allan forcarefully reading the manuscript.

 3  机构名的简写后不用加句号:



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