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2024/2/23 11:24:33  阅读:35 发布者:





argue还可以用来避免听起来对结果犹豫不定。比如“may indicate”“may suggest”“may demonstrate”都可以被argue加强

原始:The results may indicate that climatic change caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

修改:We argue that climatic change caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.



1It is known that ... 2It is considered that ... 3It demonstrates that ... 4It could be said that ... 5It follows that ...

原始:It is possible that participants between the ages of 18 and 19 responded differently than those between the ages of 20 and 21.

修改:Participants between the ages of 18 and 19 may have responded differently than participants between the ages of 20 and 21.

原始:There is a need for implementation of the policy on a large scale by the president of the association.

修改:The association president must implement the policy on a larger scale.

原始:It could happen that a decision to modify the model is made by the researcher.

修改:The research may decide to modify the model.

原始:There is a necessity for a semi-structured approach to be chosen.

修改:A semi-structured approach must be chosen.

原始:It was vital that quantitative measures would usefully supplement and extend the qualitative analysis.

修改:Quantitative measures must usefully supplement and extend the qualitative analysis.

原始:It is necessary that the best method to adopt for this investigation is determined by the committee.

修改:The committee must decide the best method to adopt for this investigation.


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