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2024/2/22 15:58:45  阅读:43 发布者:





本文选用的案例文章为Poisson CCD: A dedicated simulator for modeling CCDs”,发表于2021年的Journal of Applied Physics期刊中。本文基于怕泊松方程,建立了CCD器件(一种用于光电转换的MOS存储器)的仿真模型,并复现了在CCD使用过程中的一些特性,仿真结果与实验数据进行对比。









The simulator performs two basic tasks, as shown in Figure 1. First, given the charges in the silicon bulk and the boundary conditions determined by potentials applied to the silicon surface, the simulator solves Poissons equation numerically to determine the potentials and electric fields in the silicon bulk.

解释选择的研究方法。在重新陈述研究问题后,需要解释选择使用的研究类型。需要介绍选择定性研究、定量研究、混合方法或您特定领域认可的其他方法的原因。如果研究方法中的任何部分超出了所在领域的传统实践范围,需要进行详细的阐述和验证。例如,你可能创造了一个与你的论文主题特定的独特方法,或者你可能使用了另一种研究线路中通常使用的方法。研究方法需要提供了证据表明你的方法是有效的,并且需要对比传统方法并给出所选方法的优势。范文中的研究方法是采用数据求解的计算方法。先概括CCD的结构,并利用泊松数值求解电场和电势,后续文章采用小标题的形式,分段描述研究方法具体的每一个步骤。文章中的小标题包括仿真初始条件(Setting up the initial conditions),仿真公式推导(Solving for the potentials, fields, and free carrier densities),网格划分和迭代(Multi-grid methods),电子的传输模型(Modeling carrier transport)。


The simulator is written in C++, and is controlled by a text-based configuration file, which contains all of the information about the silicon volume, pixel sizes, number of pixels, any non-pixel regions, etc. The configuration file also defines the problem being solved. By convention the configuration file has a .cfg extension, but this is not necessary. Appendix A lists the configuration parameters. As the simulation progresses, it writes out a number of files. Large files containing information like potentials, charge densities, electric fields at each grid point are written as high-density HDF5 files, having file extension .hdf5. Several smaller text files, with a .dat extension, are written which contain information on the grids or the number of electrons in each pixel. After the simulation has completed, easily modifiable Python scripts are used to plot out results as desired.




Figure 10: A set of vertical 1D profiles of potential and charge density at various locations of the ITL STA3800C CCD. Again, the center pixel has 100,000 electrons and the surrounding pixels are empty. The sharp discontinuities near the left edge of the plots are at the Si/SiO2 interface where the device silicon begins. This is at a z-coordinate of about 0.69 in the channel region and 1.09 in the channel stop region.



Figure 11: A set of 2D projections of the distribution of fixed and mobile charges near the bottom of the ITL STA3800C CCD. Again, the center pixel has 100,000 electrons and the surrounding pixels are empty. The Si/SiO2 interface, where the device silicon begins, is at a z-coordinate of about 0.69 in the channel region and 1.09 in the channel stop region



The code provides two methods, selected by the value of the parameter ElectronMethod. With this parameter set to 1, a test simulation is run where the parameter ϕF (called QFe in the code) is varied through a range. For each value of QFe, we integrate over a pre-determined region to count the number of electrons in the well, building a look-up table of the number of electrons vs QFe. The results for a few values of QFe are shown in Figure 3. Then the code interpolates to determine the value of QFe which gives the appropriate number of electrons. In practice one can get close to the desired number of electrons, but the non-linearity causes variations from the desired number, so a second method was developed. When ElectronMethodhas a value of 2, what is done is to place the correct number of electrons in the well, uniformly distributed in the center of the well. The code then moves the electrons around until the value of QFe is constant in the well. This allows one to get the correct number of electrons in the well without needing to know the value of the quasi-Fermi level.


Because of the strong non-linearity, simply iterating is numerically unstable. The method that works, described in detail by Rafferty, et.al. [18] and buillding on the work of Gummel ([19]), is to take this last equation as a non-linear equation for ϕ (n+1) in terms of ϕ n and run a Newtons method inner loopto find ϕ (n+1) at each grid point.


The fit is good except in the strong surface full well condition, because the charge loss that occurs is not included in the simulations. It would be possible to modify the simulations to include this effect, but since the surface full well condition is to be 19 avoided, this was deemed to be not worth the effort.









参考文献:[1]Craig Lage, Andrew Bradshaw, J. Anthony Tyson, the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration; Poisson_CCD: A dedicated simulator for modeling CCDs. J. Appl. Phys. 28 October 2021; 130 (16): 164502. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0058894


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