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英文科技论文投稿注意事项 (10) 如何根据审稿意见修改稿件

2024/2/21 17:38:24  阅读:39 发布者:


1.        仔细阅读审稿意见


2.        保持专业态度


3.        分类整理意见


4.        回应每一条建议


5.        提供修改说明


6.        审慎处理拒绝建议


7.        确保逻辑一致性


8.        注意文法和语言


9.        重新审视结论和贡献


10.    检查参考文献格式


11.    进行实验和数据的再次验证


12.    审慎修改结构


13.    再次审慎校对


14.    遵循期刊要求


15.    及时提交修改版本



How to Revise a Manuscript Based on Peer-Review Comments

Revising a manuscript based on peer-review comments in the submission process of a scientific paper serves to enhance research quality, address issues, and improve expression, thereby increasing the likelihood of publication acceptance. Insights from expert reviewers contribute to methodological rigour. This collaborative process promotes academic growth, ensures adherence to high standards, and facilitates meaningful contributions to the scientific community. When revising an English scientific paper in response to the comments of peer reviewers, consider the following tips and considerations.

1.      Thoroughly Read the Reviewer's Comments

Carefully read through the comments provided by the peer reviewer, ensuring a clear understanding of the suggestions and criticisms.

2.        Maintain a Professional Attitude

Approach the reviewer's comments with a professional and objective attitude, avoiding emotional reactions or disputes.

3.        Organize Comments into Categories

Categorize the reviewer's comments, including suggestions related to the paper's structure, experimental design, result interpretation, etc.

4.        Respond to Each Comment

Provide a clear response to each comment, indicating whether you accept the suggestion, how you've modified the paper, or offering explanations where necessary.

5.        Provide Revision Explanations

In the revised paper, include a section explaining the modifications made, detailing the reasons and methods for each change.

6.        Carefully Handle Rejected Suggestions

If you decide not to adopt certain suggestions, provide reasons for your decision, ensuring there are sound justifications.

7.        Ensure Logical Consistency

Confirm that the revised paper maintains logical consistency, avoiding the introduction of information inconsistent with the original content.

8.        Check Grammar and Language

Thoroughly review grammar and language usage to ensure the revised paper is fluent and clear.

9.        Reassess Conclusions and Contributions

Revisit the paper's conclusions, ensuring they align with the modified content, and restate the research contributions.

10.    Verify Reference Formatting

Confirm that the reference formatting adheres to the journal's requirements and check the accuracy of citations.

11.    Revalidate Experiments and Data

If experimental or data-related concerns were raised, ensure that experiments or data are revalidated, providing additional support or explanations.

12.    Exercise Caution in Structural Changes

If structural modifications are necessary, ensure that the revised structure is more organized and aids reader comprehension.

13.    Thoroughly Proofread Again

Before final submission, meticulously proofread the entire paper to catch any spelling, grammar, or formatting errors that may have been overlooked.

14.    Adhere to Journal Requirements

Ensure that the final revised manuscript strictly follows the journal's formatting and submission guidelines.

15.    Submit the Revised Version Promptly

Submit the revised version of the manuscript within the specified timeframe, adhering to the journal's submission deadlines.

By diligently addressing peer reviewer comments and maintaining a transparent and cooperative approach during the revision process, you can enhance the likelihood of your paper being accepted.


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