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论文投稿小贴士:撰写Cover letter

2024/2/21 9:45:01  阅读:33 发布者:

Cover letter是论文作者写给编辑的投稿信,它给了作者向编辑介绍论文创新性、重要性和符合拟投期刊范围的机会,编辑往往会借助cover letter来审查论文是否可以送审,因此其重要性不言而喻!

国外杂志编辑的权利很大,基本决定你的生死。如何吸引编辑大大的眼球呢?下面就跟着小博一起来学习Cover letter的正确撰写方式吧~

一封完整的Cover letter应该包括下述内容:投稿申请、论文的创新性和重要性、本文为什么适合本期刊、审稿专家推荐、原创性申明和未一稿多投等内容。一封完整的Cover letter模板如下:

Dear Editorial Board,

I, along with my coauthors, request you to consider the attached manuscript entitled ********(论文题目)” for publication in ******(期刊名称) as a ****(文章类型).


As this study deals with ******(论文的主要目标), we believe that the findings of this study are relevant to the scope of your journal and will be of interest to its readership. (本文为什么适合本期刊说明)

We respectfully submit that the following individuals would be suitable peer reviewers based on their expertise in the field:

1) ******


2) ******


3) ******


We feel that this paper is of interest to the readers of theJournal of (杂志名称). This manuscript has not been published or presented elsewhere in part or in entirety, and is not under consideration by another journal. All authors have read and agreed the contents of the manuscript and consent to its publication. We know that your journal has high publication standards, so we have already had the language of this paper corrected by a professional language editing service that specializes in scientific manuscripts.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,




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