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2024/2/20 17:12:43  阅读:35 发布者:







(1) 英文表达太差,尽管意思大致能表达清楚,但文法错误太多。

(2) 文献综述较差,观点或论断应有文献支持。

(3) 论文读起来像是XXX的广告,不知道作者与XXX是否没有关联。

(4) 该模式的创新性并非如作者所述,目前有许多XX采取此模式(如美国地球物理学会),作者应详加调查并分析XXX运作模式的创新点。

(5) 该模式也不是作者所说的那样成功……(审稿人结合论文中的数据具体分析)


(1) 缺少直接相关的文献引用(如…)

(2) 写作质量达不到美国学术期刊的标准。


(1) 作者应着重指出指出本人的贡献。

(2) 缺少支持作者发现的方法学分析。

(3) 需要采用表格和图件形式展示(数据)材料。


Reviewer: 1

There are many things wrong with this paper.

The English is very bad. Although the meaning is by and large clear, not too many sentences are correct.

The literature review is poor. The paper is riddled with assertions and claims that should be supported by references.

The paper reads as an advertisement for XXX. It is not clear that the author is independent of XXX.

The AA model of XXX is not as innovative as the author claims. There are now many XX that follow this model (American Geophysical Union, for example), and the author should survey these model to see which one first introduced the elements of the XXX model.

The model is also not as successful as the author claims. ……

Overall, the presentation and the contents of the paper can only mean that I reject that the paper be rejected.

Reviewer: 2

The are two major problems with this paper:

(1) It is missing the context of (and citations to) what is now know as the "two-sided" market literature including that directly related to (e.g. Braunstein, JASIS 1977; Economides & Katsanakas, Mgt. Sci., 2006; McCabe & Snyder, B.E. J Econ Analysis, 2007).

(2) The writing quality is not up to the standard of a US scholarly journal.

Reviewer: 3

1. The author should accentuate his contributions in this manuscript.

2. It lacks analytical methodologies to support authors discoveries.

3. Description style material like this manuscript requires structured tables & figures for better presentations.


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