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2024/2/20 16:00:55  阅读:37 发布者:



但你可能不知道的是,其实最后投稿日期选择也有很多的学问,英国莱斯特大学的 Marcel Ausloos 等三位教授研究了期刊投稿事件与命中率的关系,发现了神奇的「周二-周三效应」,即选择周三投稿的论文数最多,可周二投稿的论文被接受率更高。并且,如果选择在周末投稿,那悲剧概率最高,这一结果20164月发表在Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications上。



In summary, there is quite a number of studies on theday of the weekeffect on financial markets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that one quantifies submission of scientific papers, thus the behavior of scientific agents in such a process, i.e. considering some authors brain work and scientific activity content. Moreover, to take into a specific outcome (later acceptance or rejection) does not seem to have been studied.

It has also been shown that the analysis should take into account the relative size of daily submissions within a week.This normalization is relevant in order to observe whether the acceptance and rejection rates ( = probabilities) will differ depending on the day of submission.



1 2013年和2014年提交的工作日提交给JSCS的论文数量

表一 2013年和2014年的JSCS一周内的论文投稿数和接收情况

其中:论文数量N,其中包括接收的论文数量(Na)和 拒稿数(Nr)。还给出了相对百分比(每天)。N rr是未按时提交返修的稿件数量。Nw撤回稿件数。


注:在 596 篇论文中,接收出版的有 262 篇,截止发稿时,2 篇仍在审稿中,38 篇未出版。23 篇论文的作者没有在规定时间内回复修改意见,7 篇被撤稿。因此 NNa+Nr

从表1中我们可以看出,拒绝/接受概率从周日的 1.79 开始下降到周一的 1.26,周二达最低的 0.77,之后逐渐增加至1.251.261.322.36(周六),所以说周六、日的拒稿概率高,而周二、三的接受率概高,这就是研究者们称的「周二-周三效应」。

2 2013年和2014年一周内提交给JSCS的文章接受率和拒稿率


3 2013年和2014年一周内 JSCS 论文接收数与拒稿数比


提出对调查结果的一些推理。很多是由于期刊的类型,论文的类型和作者的类型!说到本文研究的杂志JSCSJOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY),是化学领域一本相当专业的杂志,其刊登的大多数论文为实验报告且常是联合撰稿。

so less willingly during the week because they work under pressure (someone or themselves expect a manuscript tobe sent by Monday,an unwilling task for a weekend). Maybe these scientists are less eager to read very carefully onceagain their manuscript or are less inspired to draw important conclusions or to demonstrate significant relations in theresults. Moreover, since it is remarkable that the probability of a paper (later) acceptance (Na/Nr ) is higher when the paperis submitted on Tuesday, it seems that it is not worthwhile to wait an extra day (or more) to polish a paper.

If necessary, we re-emphasize to the reader that the role of the author is the concern: the role of the editor is irrelevant. For example, one might have imagined that the editor plays some role in the rejection of papers, yet electronically submittedby an author on a given day. On this remark, it can be observed that the number of desk rejected papers, i.e. Ndr is equal to161. Their day of submission distribution is quasi uniform, as depicted in Fig. 4; statistically, a χ2 test leads to χ2 ? 9.74,quite below the χ2 = 12.59, corresponding to the 95% confidence of a null hypothesis (uniform distribution) for the 6degrees of freedom.









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