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2024/2/20 10:16:37  阅读:28 发布者:




1.   段落的结构

2.   如何开展引言

3.   阐述研究方法

4.   研究结果的展示

5.   结果的讨论和分析

6.   如何完成最后一部分结论

7.   如何写开始的摘要

8.   学术词语的替换和提升 (彩蛋)



☑ 干货长文 | 如何开始你的第一篇英文写作 (Essay/毕业论文/期刊投稿都适用)

☑ 干货分享 | 如何在最后关头高效且高分的写一篇上万字的英文大论文?【Version 2.0

☑ 干货分享|如何有效的写一篇research proposal

☑ 干货分享|24小时内写出高分Essay的技巧(进阶版)

☑ 干货分享 | 学会这几个小技巧,写Literature Review不再像大海捞针

☑ 干货分享|如何通过“反复修改”来大幅的提高写essay的质量







这里插播个小广告,给大家推荐我以前英国老师开设的普瑞英语工作室(客服微信: proofine)。需要润色的话找他们就可以啦!全部是native speakers修改各类语法问题/深度润色/原意重写。




一个典型的段落主要有三个部分组成:主题句(topic sentence, 支撑句(supporting sentences )和结论句 (concluding sentences)。

1.1 主题句



1.2 支撑句



在结论句里我们经常看到非常具有标志性词语的开头,比如in sum, to conclude等等。结论句是对整段话做总结的,可以点明主题,也可以呼应支撑句。

1.4 跳板句

除了这三种类型的句子意外,还有一类句子非常重要,叫做 “跳板句”。



◆ 观点过渡:两段之间的学术观点有不同时,就可以在段落结尾写“但是这个假设/观点并没有获得所有证据的支持,也有研究者认为…….”。

◆ 问题过渡:上一段阐述了一个观点,但这个研究还有knowledge gap或者problem, 那我们就可以在结尾的时候抛出这个知识空白或者研究问题,以便下一段详细展开。

◆ 事实过渡:这个过渡非常适合在上一段提出一个一般的研究领域后,在接下来的一段就其中比较有意思或者有亮点的地方再单独拿出来详细展开,尤其是和该论文研究重点高度相关的点。援引原书中的表述是“用有趣或者不寻常的事实进行过渡”。

◆ 实验间过渡:这个过渡想必理工科的同学们都不陌生,我们的文章里可以可能包括多个实验,所以我们需要在进行实验之前的方法里,就要告诉读者,为了回答该研究问题,我们要做几组实验,每个实验分别要做什么等等。



重要的图再贴一次,我们接下来开始展示论文的“骨架”, 每个部分的“写作要点”,“时态的运用” (亮点1),以及“学术英语句式和论文结构的结合”(亮点2)。





✔ 陈述该文章/论文涉及的广泛研究领域;

✔ 该文的学术重要性;

✔ 尽可能地收集和总结和该领域相关的文献,包括最相关的和5年之内的比较相关的;

✔ 需要涵盖对知识空白/不足的讨论,以及该文的主要贡献或亮点;

✔ 明确简洁的研究问题,研究目的和研究方法。

PS:如果是大论文,引言里还需要加上论文的大纲结构(outline structure),一般用两三句话放在引言的最后几句就可以了。


☑ 干货分享 | 学会这几个小技巧,写Literature Review不再像大海捞针

2.1 研究问题是什么?


A. 如何描述这个研究问题


Evidence suggests that X is among the most important factors for

There is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of

In the history of Y, X has been thought of as a key factor in

B. 如何总结归纳定义关键词和概念

b1. 一般化的句子

a considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies

what we know about X is largely based on empirical studies that investigate know

b2. 引用多于两个作者

several attempts have been made to(Smith, 1996; Jones, 1999; Jones, 2001)

numerous studies have attempted to explain(e.g., Smith, 1996; Kelly, 1998; Johnson, 2002).

b3. 如何解释关键词

According to Smith (2002), X can be defined as follows: ‘ … ’

It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by

b4. 暗示定义概念的困难

Various definitions of talent are found in the field of language teaching

Smith (2001) identified two abilities that might be collected under the term X: one is, and the second is.

C. 引言部分的时态问题

c1. 介绍事实和普遍存在用一般现在时态

Fine motor skills require integrating muscular, skeletal, and neurological functions.

c2. 介绍过去的研究成果用现在完成时态

Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on

A considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies

c3. 如果一个过去的研究成果是普遍存在的 (true for everyone everywhere),那么主句一般过去式,分句一般现在时

Baggio and Klinsmann (1944)releveled that DNA polymerase performs a vital function in DNA replication in animal cells.

c4. 阐述期待的研究结果:条件情态动词+一般现在时态

This research may provide an alternative to the common field measurement of soil erosion and runoff.

2.2 这个问题为什么重要

A. 过去某次重要的研究,分别强调研究者、时间、实验或者主题

a1. 强调研究者

Ben and George performed a similar series of experiments in the 1960s to show that

Jones et al. (2001) interviewed 250 undergraduate students using semi-structured

a2. 强调时间

In 1889, Brown performed a bilateral ablation of the

Following World War 1, Fleming actively searched for anti-bacterial agents.

a3. 强调实验或者调查

A key study comparing X and Y is that of Smith (2010), in which

The first systematic study of X was reported by Smith et al. in 1986.

a4. 强调主题

X was first demonstrated experimentally by Pavlov (Smith, 2002). In his seminal study

The electronic spectroscopy of X was first studied by Smith and Jones in 1970.

B. 引用整合句式,包括支持/反对/批判的论据

Similarly, Nicoladis (2006) found that X

Much of the available literature on X deals with the question of …,Others have highlighted the relevance of

C. 总结评论的句式

In all the studies reviewed here, X is recognized as

The evidence presented in this section suggests that

However, such studies remain narrow in focus dealing only with

D. 直接引用和转述

Commenting on X, Smith (2003) argues: ‘… …’

In the final part of the Theses on Feuerbach, Marx writes: Philosophers have hitherto only …’

2.3 如何找出研究中的Knowledge Gap


A. 突出研究领域中的问题或者争议

However, these rapid changes have a serious effect

Despite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks.

One major issue in early X research concerned

B. 突出知识空白/差距

In addition, no research has been found that surveyed

To date, research has tended to focus on X rather than Y.

Experimental data is rather controversial, and there is no general agreement about

C. 对比异同

c1. 差异性

X differs from Y in a number of important ways.

There are a number of important differences between X and Y

Smith (2002) found distinct differences between X and Y.

c2. 相似性

Both X and Y generally occurs in a safe environment.

The mode of processing used by the right brain is similar to that used by the left brain.

c3. 比较级句式

Girls tend to perform better/worse that boys on Chinese and English exams

Adolescents are less likely to be put to sleep by alcohol than adults

Men learned the route in fewer trials and made fewer errors that did women.

c4. 两句话的比较句式

Speech functions are less likely to be affected in women because the critical area is less often affected. A similar pattern emerges in studies of the control of hand movements.

The X text revealed that physically inactive people reported lesser life satisfaction and greater perceived stress, while exhibiting a statistically non-significant trend toward longer sleep duration, in contrast to physically active respondents.

2.4 怎样表述研究的学术价值

A. 需要注意的问题





B. 针对作者和理论的批判

Smiths argument does not take account of, nor does she examine

Many writers have challenged Jonesclaim on the grounds that

The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between X and Y.

C. 针对方法和路径的批判

Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account

The generalizability of much published research on this issue is problematic.

All of these studies thus far, however, suffer from

D. 明确指出之前研究的不足之处

However, Jones fails to fully acknowledge the significance of

Few studies have investigated X in any systematic way

Another weakness is the complete lack of explanation regarding

E. 引用他人的批判支撑自己的论点

The X theory has been vigorously challenged in recent years by a number of writers.

Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on

There is growing body of literature that recognizes

F. 提供建设性意见或建议

Smiths paper would have been more useful if he included

This paper might have been far more persuasive if the author had considered

The findings would have been much more convincing if the author adopted

2.5 提供解决方案

A. 简要介绍研究问题和假设的目的

An objective of this study was to investigate

There are two primary aims of this study: 1. To investigate 2. To ascertain

The purpose of this investigation is to explore the relationship between X and Y.

B. 提供应用具体方法/实验的原因

This thesis will examine the way in which the

The research data in this thesis is drawn from four main sources:

Base on the extant literature, we designed the current preliminary investigation to examine


前面背景介绍应该是是宽泛的,偏生活化的,即使没有做过相关领域研究的人也能看懂。 这就是为什么你读一篇文章的前沿部分的开始几句是最轻松的。


这里插入一个小广告,推荐我原来一位英国老师开设的专业语言润色机构——普瑞英语工作室,客服微信: proofine,写完论文后找他们Proofread就好啦!



这部分的写作其实要求不难,很多时候可以边进行科研边完成。 要点就是用清晰明确简单的语言把运用的方法,材料和实验步骤都介绍清楚。

3.1 如何有效阐明研究方法

A. 一般规范






B. 样本,数据收集和测量方法


✔ 样本里要讲清楚参与者、分析单元、取样方法、样本取舍原因,取样的不足之处等;

✔ 数据收集过程里要讲明白收集的方法,为什么要这么做,收集过程和步骤等;

✔ 测量方法里涉及到具体的量表内容,包括基础的量表设计(例如Likert), 对照量表或问卷,具体的计算方法等等。

C. 关于研究方法的时态


c1. 如果是已知的既定事实,一般用现在时态。

Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications.

c2. 如果阐述自己的研究方法,一般用过去时态。

Participants for this pilot study were recruited through calls for participation posted on various social media platforms.

c3. 在描述材料环节,如果研究者没有改动实验所需材料,则用一般现在时即可;如果有替换,修改,增减等,则用过去时。

Silicon is the core component of most, semiconductor devices, and demonstrates electrochemical properties in aqueous solutions.

The silicon used in this study was an n-type silicon obtained from 100-mm diameter ingots grown using the Czochralski method.

c4. 描述数据的环节,如果是已知的既定事实,就有现在时态,如果是从自己的研究或者文献中获取的,则用过去时态。

The population density of Shanghai is approximately 2,657 people per square kilometer.

One-third of Internet users in Europe were infected by malware in 2010.

D. 具体例句表达

d1. 阐述多重研究方法

Several methods are used to assess X. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Previous studies have based their selection criteria on

d2. 阐明具体方法的原因

The semi-structured approach was chosen because……

Quantitative measures supplement and extend qualitative analysis.

d3. 特定方法的阐述

X was synthesized using the same method that was detailed for Y, using……

The study used X to explore the subsurface of……

d4. 如何描述样本特性

The random sample of patients withwas recruited from

All students described as using some sort of X procedure were include in the analysis.

Just over half the sample (55%) were female, of which 78% were

d5. 如何用不定式句式描述实验过程

To rule out the possibility that X, the participants were……

The vials were capped withto prevent……

To compare the score three weeks after initial screening, a global ANOVA F- test was used.

d6. 如何用顺序词连接实验步骤

Prior to commencing the study, ethical clearance was sought from

On obtaining written informed consent from the patients, a questionnaire was……

Following this treatment, the sample were recovered and stored overnight.

d7. 研究过程里常见的动词

The mean score for the two trials was subjected to multivariate analysis of variance to determine

The pilot interviews were conducted informally the trained interviewer

Data managements were performed over the course of the growing period from


The tubes were accurately reweighed to six decimal places using

A sample of the concentrate was then carefully injected into

The medium was then aseptically transferred to a conical flask.

研究方法这一部分建议大家在做literature review的时候就把参考文献的methods给摘抄出来,然后根据自己情况改写。最好在做研究的过程中就一边总结结果一边写,防止遗漏要点。





4.1 结果需包含的一般准则







4.2 描述结果的时态

A. 描述发现时,用一般过去时

Participants in each reward trial selected the high-probability stimulus significantly more often than the low-probability stimulus (P<0.05).

B. 和其他研究进行结果比较时用一般现在时

Conversely, our results demonstrate improved performance over previously proposed methods.

C. 比较不同类型的结果时,用一般过去时

Cost showed a tendency to decrease over the 18-month period.

D. 表格和数据用一般现在时表达

Table III showed the results of the independent t-test.

E. 用试探性或情态动词表达对结果的评价

Managerial accountants might be generally averse to outsourcing.

F. 用一般现在时表达对结果的应用和展望等,配以试探性或情态动词

Urea nitrogen concentrations of less than 7 mg/dL indicate a deficiency in dietary protein.

4.3 具体的例句表达

A. 回溯研究目的或研究过程

The purpose of experiment 5 was to

To distinguish between these two possibilities

B. 高亮表格里的数据

What is striking about the figures in this table is

From this table, it can be seen that by far the greatest demand is for

C. 展示积极或消极的结果

Strong evidence of X was found when

A positive correlation was found between X and Y.

No difference greater than X was observed.

Only trace amounts of X were detected in

D. 如何展示调查和采访类结果

The majority of those who responded to this item felt that

A recurrent theme in the interviews was a sense amongst interviewees that

The overall response to the survey was poor.

E. 如何总结发现

In summary, these results show that

Together these results provide important insights into

These results suggest that








A. 很多同学在结果的讨论部分要注意几个“要”和几个“不要”


✔ 一定要给出研究的未来方向;

✔ 要尽量彻底阐述我们的观察结果,重点放在机制上;

✔ 如果有其他的研究可能性,需要阐明;

✔ 要确保回答了假设或研究问题。


✔ 不要整句复述研究结果,仅需用简单句连接读者和发现;

✔ 建议或者展望放在在讨论或者结论环节都可,但不要两个环节里都放;

✔ 不要出现新的研究发现;

✔ 第一视角(作者角度)陈述没有问题,但不要过多;

✔ 要在一个合适的深度解读我们的研究数据的意义,不能仅说“我们的研究数据支持了我们的假设”;

✔ 每一次的研究结果不能是 “未完成状态” (incomplete)。

B. 具体例句展示

b1. 讨论部分的结果重述

The most compelling finding is that

On the question of X, the research shows that

Another crucial finding is that

b2. 对结果的解释

Several explanations for this result are possible.

This rather contradictory result may be caused by

The observed increase in X can be attributed to

b3. 未预期的结果如何表述

An unanticipated finding was that

What is surprising is that

However, the observed difference between X and Y in this study was not significant.

b4. 引用之前的研究支持或否定研究发现

These results are consistent with those of related studies, and suggest that

This also agrees with our earlier observations, which demonstrated that

In contrast to earlier findings, no evidence of X was detected.

This research was unable to demonstrate that

b5. 对后续研究的建议

Future research should be conducted to investigate the

Research questions that could be asked include

Additional analysis that account for these variables will need to be performed.

C. 时态问题的处理

c1. 解释结果时的两种表达:


These results indicate that company size influences corporate reporting patterns.


These results indicate that company size influenced corporate reporting patterns.

c2. 设计目的、假设或者重述研究发现时,用一般过去时

This research attempted to assess and compare three models of audio-visual fusion.

c3. 解释局限性时,一般过去时或者现在时+情态动词都可

Surveying other departments may produce different results.

c4. 进行研究发现的比较时,用一般现在时

Our findings agree with those of both Max (2002) and Jones (2010).

c5. 进行研究展望时,用一般现在时+试探性动词或情态动词

Spirochetes appear to grow preferentially on the external surface of subgingival plague.

D. 如何用英文清楚地表述因果关系

d1. 动词表示因果

lack of protein may cause mental retardation.

Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.

Beriberi is a disease resulting from vitamin deficiency.


a consequence of vitamin A deficiency is blindness.

Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.

A consequence of vitamin A deficiency is blindness.

d3. 介词短语和副词表示因果

over 200,000 people per year become deaf because of/as a result of a lack of iodine.

Warm air rise above the surface of the sea, thereby creating an area of low pressure.

d4. 其他

X and Y are important driving factors of Z.

The mixing of X and Y exerts a powerful effect on Z through

✴ 这里给大家提供一个构思时的小技巧,就是:








✔ 阐述该研究结果说明了什么问题,原理,机制或者规律(理论价值);

✔ 如何在实际中运用(实践价值);

✔ 适当的建议及展望;

✔ 和之前的研究成果作对比,可以有哪些补充完善发展等;

✔ 有些领域还喜欢指出今后的研究设想或者该领域值得进一步深入研究的其他问题等等,以上是结论部分可以包含的部分,但不是全部内容都需要具备。


✔ 有些注重综合性的分析和概括;

✔ 有些要在回答本文问题的基础上进一步发展与该研究结果相关的其他关键问题;

✔ 有些是要着笔于和前人研究对比后的补充完善和发展;

✔ 有些是对未来研究趋势的展望,在分析完该论文结果的基础上,对设计的理论,价值,观点,实验方法等提出具有指导未来的建议。

6.1 如何将研究结果嵌入更广泛的领域

A. 我们可以做的:描述理论对研究结果的支持,可行性的实践应用,将研究结果扩展到其他相关领域以及展望将来的研究趋势等。

B. 具体例句展示

b1. 描述研究趋势

This table shows that there has been a slight (gradual steady, marked steep, sharp) increase (rise, decrease, fall decline, drop) in the number of divorces in China and South Korean since 1985.

b2. 可行性的实践应用

These findings suggest several courses of action for...

Another noteworthy practical implication is that

Unless governments adopt X, Y will not be attained.

b3. 研究发现的重要性

These findings enhance our understanding of

Overall, these findings suggest that X plays a role in promoting Y.

The current findings add substantially to our understanding of

6.2 关于结论不同侧重点的具体例句表达

A. 总结主要研究发现

a1. These experiments confirmed that……

a2. The most obvious findings to emerge from this study is that……

a3. X has made no significant difference to……

B. 阐述该研究发现的重要性和贡献度

b1. This approach will prove useful in expanding our understanding of how……

b2. The present study has confirmed the findings of Smith et al. (2001) which found that……

C. 重述研究目的及其重要性

c1. The main goal of the current study was to demine……

c2. This project was undertaken to designand evaluate

c3. This essay has discussed the reasons for

D. 阐述该研究的局限性

d1. The scope of this study was limited in terms of……

d2. An issue that was not addressed in this study was whether…….

d3. One source of weakness in this study which could have affected the measurements of X was……

E. 基于局限性上的发现和贡献

e1. In spite of this limitations, the study certainly adds to our understanding of the……

e2. Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample, this work offers valuable insights into……

e3. Whilst this study did not confirm X, it did partially substantiate……

F. 对今后研究工作的展望

f1. This research has thrown up many questions in need of further investigation.

f2. Further experiments, using a broader range of X, could shed more light on……

f3. A greater focus on X could produce interesting findings that account more for……

G. 实践层面的建议/意见

g1. Greater efforts are needed to ensure……

g2. The findings of this study have a number of practical implications.

g3. Taken together, these findings do not support strong recommendations to……

6.3 结论部分的时态问题



6.4 最后再来说一下Results结果/ Discussion




✔ 首先,这里展示的数据不是原始数据,而是分析后的数据。

✔ 其次,用图表和表格来表达数据,你不需要一个个将所有数据列举出来。

✔ 再次,你在文字解释部分强调的是重要数据,走势,以及重大发现。



✔ 你可以在讨论部分尝试回答这些问题:


✔ 是什么样的原因导致了数据的这个走势?

✔ 这个趋势说明了什么问题?

✔ 预示着未来有什么变化?

✔ 你是不是排除了一些不好的数据?为什么?

✔ 你这种研究方法的缺点是什么?改进空间?



✔ 例如:针对怎样的问题,进行了怎样的研究。最后得出了一个怎样的结论或者解决了一个怎样的问题进行“重点概括的描述”。






7.1 写摘要需要考虑的关键问题











7.2 摘要结构















7.3 附两份具体摘要模版(自然/社科)




施一公的《如何提高英文写作与阅读》在网上广为流传,这里摘取他的团队2020年一篇发表在Cell Research上面的论文摘要,大家可琢磨研读下学者大佬的行文风格和我们可以借鉴的句式。

(1). The nuclear pore complex (NPC) exhibits structural plasticity and has only been characterized at local resolutions of up to 15Å for the cytoplasmic ring (CR).

(2). Here we present a single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the CR from Xenopus laevis NPC at average resolutions of 5.57.9Å, with local resolutions reaching 4.5Å.

(3). Improved resolutions allow identification and placement of secondary structural elements in the majority of the CR components.

(4). The two Y complexes in each CR subunit interact with each other and associate with those from flanking subunits, forming a circular scaffold.

(5). Within each CR subunit, the Nup358-containing region wraps around the stems of both Y complexes, likely stabilizing the scaffold. Nup205 connects the short arms of the two Y complexes and associates with the stem of a neighboring Y complex.

(6). The Nup214-containing region uses an extended coiled-coil to link Nup85 of the two Y complexes and protrudes into the axial pore of the NPC.

(7). These previously uncharacterized structural features reveal insights into NPC assembly.



(1). Exploring the relationship between the rise of China and the existing international order and global governance, this PhD thesis provides a China-based interpretive perspective and contributes to constructing a framework of international leadership with Chinese characteristics(ILCC) as a complementary analytical and explanatory structure.

(2). The thesis argues that the conceptual framework of the ILCC is co-shaped by a variety of components, such as Chinese cultural legacies and philosophical thought, Chinas involvement in and contribution to the process and architecture of global governance, and Chinas understanding and perception of international relations as well as other countriesrole expectations.

(3). Methodologically, the thesis applies relational theory, based on Chinese cultural and political thought, to redefining the key components (power, interest, vision) of international leadership through the logic of relationality/guanxi, leading to the construction of the ILCC with the inclusion of facilitative leadership, constructive leadership, and exemplary leadership.

(4). Role theory, using a combination of national role conceptions (NRCs) and national role performance (NRP), is applied to provide empirical analysis (verifying or falsifying) of the proposed ILCC framework.

(5).Empirically, the ILCC is applied by analyzing the interplay between a number of variables, such as Chinese leadersand decision-makersspeeches and statements, Chinas policy making and external behavior.

(6). The major contribution of the thesis is that it provides a holistic analytical and explanatory framework for understanding the rise of China and identifying Chinas role in the transformation of global governance.

插播一个小广告,给大家推荐我以前英国老师开设的普瑞英语工作室(客服微信: proofine)。需要润色的话找他们就可以啦!全部是native speakers修改各类语法问题/深度润色/原意重写。





8.1 学术动词


Agreed, asserted, approached, admitted, accounted for

Catalogued, considered, contended, complained, cautioned, characterized, clarified, compared the mean scores, conceived of, created

Described, denoted, designated, disclosed, demonstrated, distinguished between

Examined, evaluated, exhibited, experimented with

Formulated, filed

Held that since, highlighted

Investigated, indexed, indicated, inventoried, intimated

Looked at/into, listed

Manifested, made the distinction

Named, negotiated

Observed that

Presented, pointed out, proposed

Questioned, quoted

Recorded, revealed, raised the question as to, reviewed

Studied, stated, signified, specified, scheduled, suggested

Tabulated, tallied, thought that

Warned, wrote

8.2 词语提升




Affect: influence, shape

A number of: several, many, numerous

As such time as: when

Along the lines of: such as

A majority of: most


Carry out: implement, execute, promulgate, conduct

Change: modify, adjust, alter, vary

Complicated: complex, cumbersome, intricate

Correct/incorrect: precise, imprecise, accurate, inaccurate

Consider: evaluate, assess

Check: verify, confirm


Different: distinct, diverse, various, varied


Find: determine, derive attain located, identify

Figure out: distinguish, differentiate, discriminate, identify


Give indication of: indicate, suggest

Give consideration to: consider


Help: assist, facilitate, guide, direct

Happens to be: am, is, are


Important: critical, crucial, essential, pertinent, relevant, significant, vital

Improve: enhance, upgrade, elevate

Is made of: consists of, comprises, is composed of

Is found to be: is

Is capable of: can

Is in a position to: can

In view of the fact that: because

In case: if

In this case: here

In some cases: occasionally

In no case: never

In most cases: usually

In many cases: often

In all cases: always

It is possible that: may, might, could, can


Little/Few: seldom, slightly


Make clear: elucidate, clarify

Make sure: ensure, assure

Make inquiry regarding: ask about, inquire about

Manner In which: how

Meet: satisfy, fulfill, adhere to

Much/strongly: markedly, considerably, substantially


Need: require, stipulate, necessitate

Notwithstanding the fact that: although


Problem: limitation, restriction, obstacle, hindrance

Put an end to: end

Provided that: if


Realize: comprehend, perceive, understand

Reach a conclusion: conclude


Solve: alleviate, modify, resolve, eliminate, eradicate

Suitable: appropriate, adequate

Subsequent to: after, following

Serves the function of: is


Tries: attempts, aims, aspires

The question as to: whether


Usually: normally, typically, generally


Very: highly, rather, quite, extremely


Way: method, means, approach, strategy

Whole: complete, entire, comprehensive

8.3 学术词汇及其常用形态




Abandon: abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons,

Academy: academia, academic, academically, academics, academies

Accompany: accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied

Assume: assumed, assumes assuming, assumption, assumptions

Attribute: attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution


Benefit: beneficial, beneficiary, beneficiaries, benefited, benefiting benefits

Bias: biased, biases, biasing, unbiased

Bond: bonded, bonding, bonds

Brief: brevity, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefs

Bulk: bulky


Clarify: clarification, clarified, clarifies clarifying clarity

Commit: commitment, commitments, commits, committed, committing

Constrain: constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained

Contact: contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts

Culture: cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, uncultured


Display: displayeddisplayingdisplays

Dispose: disposabledisposaldisposed, disposes, disposing

Diverse: diversely, diversification, diversified, diversifies, diversify, diversifying, diversity

Dominate: dominance, dominant, dominated, dominates, dominating, domination

Dynamic: dynamically, dynamics


Enhance: enhanced, enhancement, enhances, enhancing

Error: erroneous, erroneously, errors

Expand: expanded, expanding, expands, expansion, expansionism, expansive

Exploit: exploitation, exploited, exploiting, exploit

Extract: extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts


Final: finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finality, finally, finals

Flexible: flexibilityinflexibleinflexibility

Focus: focused, focuses, focusing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing

Found: founded, founder, founders, founding, unfounded

Function: functionalfunctionally, functioned, functioning, functions


Generate: generated, generates, generating

Globe: global, globally, globalization

Grade: graded, grades, grading

Grant: granted, granting, grants


Hierarchy: hierarchical, hierarchies

Highlight: highlighted, highlighting, highlights

Hypothesis: hypotheses, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing, hypothetical, hypothetically


Internal: internalizeinternalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally

Intervene: intervenedintervenes, intervening, intervention, interventions

Invoke: invoked, invokes, invoking

Issue: issued, issues, issuing

Integrate: integrated, integrates, integrating, integration


License: licenses, licensed, licensing, unlicensed

Link: linkage, linkages, linked, linking, links

Logic: illogical, illogically, logical, logically, logician, logicians


Margin: marginal, marginally, margins

Mediate: mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation

Method: methodical, methodological, methodologies, methodology, method

Modify: modification, modifications modified, modifies, modifying, unmodified

Monitor: monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored


Negate: negative, negated, negates, negating, negatively, negatives

Network: networked, networking, networks

Neutral: neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing, neutrality

Normal: abnormal, abnormally, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normality, normally


Objective: objectively, objectivity

Obtain: obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable

Offset: offsets, offsetting

Option: optional, options

Overlap: overlapped, overlapping, overlaps


Parallel: paralleled, parallels, unparalleled

Partner: partners, partnership, partnerships

Passive: passively, passivity

Perceive: perceived, perceives, perceiving, perception, perceptions

Period: periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periods


Quote: quotation, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting

Qualitative: qualitatively


Recover: recoverablerecoveredrecovering, recovers, recovery

Reject: rejected, rejecting, rejection, rejects, rejections

Relax: relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing

Refine: refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining

Region: regional, regionally, regions


Seek: seeking, seeks, sought

Simulate: simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation

Specific: specifically, specification, specifications, specificity, specifics

Strategy: strategic, strategies, strategically, strategist, strategists

Submit: submission, submissions, submits, submitted, submitting


Technology: technological, technologically

Theme: themes, thematic, thematically

Trace: traceable, traced, traces, tracing

Transfer: transferable, transference, transferred, transferring, transfers

Trigger: triggered, triggering, triggers


Undergo: undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent

Undertake: undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertook

Unify: unification, unified, unifies, unifying

Unique: uniquely, uniqueness

Utilize: utilization, utilized, utilizes, utilizing, utilizer, utility, utilities


Valid: invalidate, invalidity, validate, validated, validating, validation validity, validly

Violate: violated, violates, violating, violation, violations

Visible: visibility, visibly, invisible, invisibility

Visual: visualize, visualized, visualizing, visualization, visually

Volume: volumes, vol.



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