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2024/2/19 14:27:55  阅读:55 发布者:




As described, similar studies were previously reported (DOI:XXXXX; DOI:XXXXXX; DOI:XXXXXXX). This study lacks novelty.



2.从多个领域展示当前的研究和既往的研究的区别(populationMethodological DifferencesGeneralizability


Response: Thank you for your feedback and raising the concern regarding the novelty of our study. We appreciate your attention to previously published studies in the field. We would like to address your comment and explain why our study still contributes to the existing knowledge and advances the field.

While it is true that the studies by xxx have investigated xxx, respectively, there are several important distinctions that set our study apart and contribute to its novelty.

Patient Population: Our study focuses on a specific subset of patients, namely xxx. This patient population presents unique challenges and considerations compared to patients with xxx (previous studies).

Prognostic Impact: While the previous studies primarily examined xxx, our study investigates xxx. By considering xxxx, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of xxx on patients' health beyond the immediate hospital stay.

Methodological Differences: Our study incorporates methodological refinements and improvements, such as a larger sample size, rigorous statistical analysis, and adjustment for potential confounding factors. These methodological advancements contribute to the reliability and robustness of our findings.

Generalizability: Each study contributes to the literature by adding evidence from different patient populations and settings. By conducting research in a diverse range of patient groups and healthcare systems, we collectively enhance the generalizability and applicability of the findings to a broader patient population.

In summary, although there have been previous investigations on the topic, our study makes valuable contributions by focusing on a specific patient population, examining long-term prognosis, implementing methodological advancements, and enhancing the generalizability of the findings. We believe that our study provides additional insights into xxxxx (当前研究的发现).

We hope this clarification addresses your concerns regarding the novelty of our study. We appreciate your time and consideration, and we remain open to any further suggestions or feedback you may have.


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