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论文干货 | 被审稿人认可的Discussion万能句型

2024/2/3 11:13:04  阅读:36 发布者:





 "Our study has unearthed a crucial finding regarding..."


2. 介绍显著变化:

"A notable shift was observed in..."


3. 突出主要观察结果:

"The primary observation from our investigation is..."


4. 强调关键数据:

"Key data from our study illustrates..."


5. 总结关键发现:

"Summarizing the key findings, our research reveals..."


6. 指明研究焦点:

"The focal point of our research lies in..."


7. 强调研究突破:

"A breakthrough in our study is evident in..."




1. 阐述观点:

 "Our findings strongly support the notion that..."


2. 明确态度:

 "It is evident from our results that we firmly advocate for..."


3. 指出关键观点:

 "Our study emphasizes the critical perspective that..."


4. 阐释个人见解:

 "In interpreting these outcomes, it is our contention that..."


5. 强调独特见解:

"An aspect that sets our interpretation apart is..."


6. 强烈支持立场:

"Our results unequivocally endorse the position that..."


7. 在讨论中明确立场:

"Taking a stance in this discussion, we firmly believe that..."


8. 总结个人观点:

"Summing up our perspective, we contend that..."




1. 引入前人研究:

 "Comparing our findings with those of previous studies, it becomes evident that..."


2. 指出不同之处:

"While our results align with certain aspects of [Author et al., Year], discrepancies arise in terms of..."


3. 强调创新性:

"Our study innovatively contributes by [提出创新点], which distinguishes it from the findings of [Author et al., Year] who focused on..."


4. 澄清相似之处:

"While our results share similarities with [Author et al., Year], it is crucial to note that our methodology differed in..."


5. 对比研究设计:

 "In contrast to the design of [Author et al., Year], our study employed a [研究设计] which allowed for a more nuanced exploration of..."


6. 总结不同观点:

"While some studies propose [观点1], others, including ours, suggest [观点2], highlighting the ongoing debate in the field regarding..."


7. 指出共同发现:

"Our study corroborates the findings of [Author et al., Year], indicating a consensus on the impact of..."


8. 强调继续研究的重要性:

"While our study sheds light on [某方面], further research is warranted to reconcile the discrepancies observed between our findings and those of [Author et al., Year]..."




1. 指明局限性:

"One limitation of our study is that..."


2. 承认方法限制:

"It is important to acknowledge the limitations inherent in our methodology, such as..."


3. 讨论样本限制:

 "The generalizability of our findings may be constrained by the limited diversity in our sample, primarily composed of..."


4. 考虑数据可靠性:

"While our results provide valuable insights, the reliance on self-reported data introduces a potential bias, and the accuracy of our findings may be influenced by..."


5. 讨论外部因素影响:

"External factors, such as [外部因素], might have influenced our results, and caution is needed when interpreting the findings in the context of..."


6. 识别未考虑的变量:

 "An aspect not addressed in our study is the potential impact of [未考虑的变量], which could be a fruitful avenue for future research."


7. 谈论研究设计的限制:

"The cross-sectional nature of our study design limits our ability to establish causation, and future longitudinal studies are needed to..."


8. 提及技术限制:

"Technical limitations, such as [技术限制], may have affected the precision of our measurements, and improvements in technology are necessary to address this issue."




1. 总结研究的重要性:

 "In conclusion, our study underscores the significance of [研究主题] and highlights the need for continued investigation into..."


2. 强调未来研究的方向:

"Future research should delve deeper into [研究主题] to unravel additional complexities, and exploration of [相关方面] may provide valuable insights."


3. 提出研究框架的扩展:

"Expanding the current study's framework to include [更广泛的内容] could yield a more comprehensive understanding of..."


4. 探讨可能的实践应用:

"While our study lays the groundwork, future investigations should explore how the findings can be translated into practical applications, especially in the context of..."


5. 强调解决未解决问题的重要性:

"Addressing the remaining unresolved questions in [研究领域] is crucial for advancing our understanding, and further investigations should focus on elucidating..."


6. 提出新的研究方向:

"Our findings open avenues for new research directions, and future studies might consider exploring the impact of [新的研究方向] on..."



"Given the interdisciplinary nature of [研究主题], collaborative efforts between [不同领域的专家] could provide a holistic understanding and pave the way for..."




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