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2024/1/26 16:09:12  阅读:40 发布者:

1. 在研究过程中,有些结果总是出乎我们的意料,那么在写作时,可以用哪些句型来表达这一情境呢?

A.  What is surprising is that the caspase pathway takes place in the interior of a cell. Cell 1997, 91, 443-446

B. Furthermore, we have  noticed,  most  surprisingly,  that  the optical  rotation  of  several  modified  dendrimers of  the fifth generation is vanishingly  small. (Science 1994, 266,1226-1229)

C. One unanticipated finding was that antibody screening experiments of this type can be useful for revealing protein-protein interactions and thus can provide new insights into biology. (Nature Biotechnology 2003, 21, 15091512)

D. This finding was unexpected and suggests that the association between hemostatic function and obesity involves additional factor(s) besides those directly related to the coagulation or fibrinolytic systems. (J Clin Invest. 2001,108(10): 15331540.)

F. This is a somewhat surprising result, since one would expect at first view that, as the side-chain length increases, the overall contribution of the strong, associating electrostatic (and hydrogen-bond) terms to the interactions diminishes, while the contribution of weaker, nonassociating dispersion forces increases. (J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110 (7), 33303335)

G. Contrary to expectation, some of the new devices have strikingly high conversion efficiencies, which compete with those of conventional devices. (Nature 2001, 414: 338-344)

2. 在撰写论文时,我们不仅需要摆现象,还需要对现象进行解释,那么写作时有哪些句型可以对实验现象进行解释呢?

A. To explain the observed activity, we might consider an efficient spillover of H2O2 from Au clusters to the surrounding Pt atoms, where further reduction to H2O can take place. Alternatively, if AuOH is formed at certain potentials, it may help in reducing H2O2, as discussed for alkaline solutions. Such behavior could account for the negligible loss of activity of the Pt surface toward ORR. (Science 2007, 315, 220-222)

B. The larger number of electron-donating hydroxyl groups in the RA molecule relative to BHT, and the resonance stabilisation of the formed RA radical explain the higher radical scavenging activity of RA. (Phytochem. Anal., 2002,13: 817)

C. This may be explained by a decrease in the solubility of the benzyl alcohol in this mixture. (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2004, 346, 805-811)

D.  A possible explanation is that as the ZnSe outer-shell grew thicker, the crystal field for each dopant ion became more symmetric in long range. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127 (50), 1758617587)

E. This difference may arise from binding to relatively higher affinity open-metal sites (present in MOF-74 and HKUST-1) or to constricted pores in IRMOF-11. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 (11), 34943495)

F. After 24 h, the entire water phase is filled homogeneously with dark-green polyaniline, while the organic layer appears red-orange, likely due to the formation of aniline oligomers. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125.2: 314-315)

G. These results imply that the current successful synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals can be attributed to the effective separation of nucleation and growth processes, which result from the different temperature dependence of nucleation and growth kinetics. (Nature Materials 2004, 3, 891895)

H. The reason for this is not clear but it may have something to do with (be related to)...



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