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2023/12/19 16:59:30  阅读:38 发布者:




A. By contrast, a similar set of measurements for CO2 over a Li/MgO catalyst, which is known to form carbonates easily, indicated a 2-fold increase in residence time for CO2 with a 2-fold increase in the amount of catalyst. (Ref.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 6 129-6 130)

B. A nearly 8-fold increase of releasing rate wasrecorded in GSH solution than in the tripeptide, suggesting that the thiol group is responsible for releasing HSBDP ligands from the AuNP surface through the place-exchange reaction. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 (4), pp 10781079)

C. This SnO2TiO2 composite possessed a high photocatalytic activity for the degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) dye under UV light irradiation, which was almost 2.5 times higher than that ofthe bare TiO2. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43, 5234-5244)

D. In this communication, we report a very low pressure CVD process that yields graphene with domains of up to 0.5 mm in size, which is a factor of 30 times larger than previously reported. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133 (9), pp 28162819)

E.  In contrast, [C4mim]Cl has a chloride concentration almost 3 times as high, (approximately 20 mol %). (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124 (18), pp 49744975)

F. Aggregation-favoured emission with 2.28.7 times enhancement in ΦF was observed in a few polymer systems.(Chem. Commun., 2001, 1740-1741)

G. Recent research on the transport of water through hydrophobic double-walled carbon nanotubes is promising, demonstrating water fluxes that are over three orders of magnitude higher than those predicted from continuum hydrodynamic models. (Nature 2008, 452, 301-310)

H. This step also enhances qdots' photostability by several orders of magnitude relative to conventional dyes. (Science 2005, 307, 538-544)

I. When the concentration of AgNO3 was increased by a factor of 3 and the molar ratio between the repeating unit of PVP and AgNO3 was kept at 1.5, single-crystalline nanocubes of silver were obtained. (Science 2002, 298, 2176-2179)

J. The size of these gold boxes increased by 20% as compared with that of the silver templates. (Science 2002, 298, 2176-2179)

K. Such interactions can explain the common finding that distances between neighboring clusters in two-dimensional gold particle arrays are less than twice the length of the fully extended thiol. (Science 2007, 318, 430-433)

L. After 50 cycles,the capacity of the nanowires was twice that of nanoparticulate TiO2-B. (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 862)

M. We demonstrate for the 17-kDa protein calmodulin and the 41-kDa maltodextrin-binding protein that SAIL offers sharpened lines, spectral simplification without loss of information, and the ability to rapidly collect the structural restraints required to solve a

high-quality solution structure for proteins twice as large as commonly solved by NMR. (Nature 2006, 440, 52)

N. This stabilizing effect of Au clusters and lack of ORR inhibition, despite blockage of approximately one-third of the Pt sites on Au/Pt/C by Au, are intriguing phenomena that may have additional applications beyond fuel cells. (Science 2007, 315,220-222)

O. Although UV irradiation alone induced negligible phenol decomposition, its combination with ultrasound nearly doubled the rate observed by ultrasound alone. (J. Hazard. Mater. 2007, 146, 630-635)



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