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Ciencias Marinas《海洋科学》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称CIENC MAR
  • 参考译名《海洋科学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率0.00%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY海洋与淡水生物学



Ciencias Marinas《海洋科学》(季刊). A quarterly publication, Ciencias Marinas is an international, peer-reviewed journal that contains original research&...[显示全部]















Information For Authors

What to publish in Ciencias Marinas

Publications in CM are primarily reports and notes of original research in all areas in the field of marine science, including but not limited to marine biochemistry, physical oceanography, fishery biology, marine ecology, conservation, genetics, and aquaculture. CM also features review articles and comments. Four categories of contributions are accepted for publication:

1. Research article: Research articles report findings of original research in an accurate, clear, and concise manner. Findings must provide new insights that contribute to the growth of scientific knowledge.

2. Research note: Research notes report scientific results that are of particular importance and merit prompt publication. They are not a means to publish preliminary results. Research notes must be founded on sufficient data to sustain reliable and significant results.

3. Review article: Review articles provide a comprehensive and novel assessment of an important region of the world or a particular discipline in marine science. Strict criteria apply to this contribution category regarding quality, importance, potential controversies, general interest, and relevance for future research. These papers are generally submitted by invitation from the editor-in-chief, but exceptions may apply over previous consultation with the Editor.

4. Comment (and reply): Comments are founded remarks to a previously published paper and are published together with a reply from the author(s) of the original paper. Articles and research notes are open for written discussion for up to one year following their original publication.

What editors look for in a submission

Editors and reviewers scrutinize every submission for ethical research and original sound science. They will not accept published material or manuscripts that are undergoing a submission process or are under consideration for publication at another journal.

For acceptance in CM your submissions must comply with our writing and ethical guidelines. Editors may request permissions or evidence of author adherence to the 3Rs principles for use of animals in research (see National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research). They will also enforce use of respectful, unbiased, and professional language for reporting research. We strive to provide our readers with succinct, accurate, and intelligible information, so our writing standards follow general principles assumed to be understood by the scientific community. While our readers are familiar with highly technical language, they may be unfamiliar with the standards of a specific field of research. Authors, when drafting your manuscript, please keep in mind our broad scientific audience.

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