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Cell Stem Cell《细胞·干细胞》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《细胞·干细胞》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.60%



Cell Stem Cell《细胞·干细胞》(月刊). Cell Stem Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the entire spectrum of stem cell biology. ...[显示全部]
















Information for authors

This page describes our policies and provides information that we think will be helpful to you as you prepare manuscripts for submission and publication. If you have submitted a paper and want information about the status of the paper, please log in to our online manuscript submission system, Editorial Manager (EM). If you run into any problems or if you have specific questions, you can always e-mail us at stemcell@cell.com or call +1-617-397-2829.

About the journal

Cell Stem Cell, launched in 2007 by Cell Press, publishes research articles and review materials with a focus on stem cells. Working closely with authors, reviewers, and the scientific editorial board, the editorial staff maintains the high standards of a Cell Press journal in its mission to publish timely results of broad interest to the field. In keeping with Cell Press policies, editorial decisions at Cell Stem Cell are made independently by its in-house editorial staff, and Cell Stem Cell content is freely available online 12 months after publication.

Editorial evaluation timeline

We read and evaluate every submission, and we try our best to get back to you quickly. We are mindful of how long it can take to publish a paper, so we work with authors and reviewers to minimize that time. Here’s how long each step in the process usually takes:

Initial decision to review  2–4 days after submission

Decision after review   3–4 weeks after submission

Anticipated timeframe for suggested revisions    2–3 months (with flexibility if needed)

Time to online publication  3–5 weeks after acceptance

Time to print publication   Within 3 months of acceptance

Presubmission inquiries

Unsure if your paper is suitable for Cell Stem Cell? Send us a presubmission inquiry at stemcell@cell.com, and we'll let you know what we think in 2–5 business days. Please include a title, an abstract, and an explanation of why your paper is significant and broadly interesting. You can also submit a presubmission inquiry using this form.

Relationship between Cell Press journals


If you think your paper might be suitable for two or more Cell Press journals, you now have the opportunity for simultaneous consideration at multiple journals using Cell Press Community Review. With Cell Press Community Review, all the Cell Press life and health science journals of your choice provide unified consideration of your manuscript via one handling editor who works closely with you, your chosen journals’ editorial teams, and expert reviewers from the field to help you navigate a path to publication with Cell Press. To take advantage of this unique opportunity, please submit directly to the Cell Press Community submission site. For more information, view our instructions for authors and FAQ or reach out to us at community@cell.com with any questions.

Transfer of papers between Cell Press journals

We know it can be time consuming to serially submit your paper to multiple journals, restarting the review process each time. Cell Press publishes many journals, and we give you the opportunity to transfer your paper, along with the reviews and the reviewers' identities, from one journal to another. If you have questions about the suitability of your paper for transfer, please contact the editor of the receiving journal. If you have general questions about the transfer process, please refer to our FAQs on article transfers. Often, the editor of the target journal will be able to reach a decision based on the existing reviews. Occasionally, the editor may seek comments from additional reviewers. If you transfer your paper using our online system, you will have a chance to edit your files before they are sent to the receiving journal. You can always submit your paper to another Cell Press journal without mentioning the first review process. In this case, the manuscript will be evaluated as a regular new submission.

Communication with other Cell Press journals

If your paper is not a strong candidate for further consideration at the journal submitted to, the handling editor of your manuscript may contact other topically-relevant journals within Cell Press with a view to offering you the option of a transfer. Your handling editor may briefly describe the paper to editors at one or more Cell Press journals. If you would like to opt out of this process, please indicate this in your cover letter and/or contact your editor via email.

Editorial policies

Preprint servers

We are happy to consider manuscripts previously posted on preprint servers such as arXiv, bioRxiv, BioRN, ChemRxiv, ChemRN, or SSRN. Three of our broad scope journals, Cell Reports, Current Biology, and iScience, also support direct submission of manuscripts from bioRxiv via transfer of manuscript files and metadata to the journal’s Editorial Manager site. Our support for posting of preprints only applies to the original submitted version of the manuscript; we do not support posting to preprint servers revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or final accepted manuscripts. Once your paper is published, we encourage you to update the preprint record with a link to the final published article. Please see our prepublication publicity policy for more information on sharing your work at the prepublication stage.




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