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Queries about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your manuscript should be sent to Chitra Vijayaraghavan (chitra.vijayaraghavan@springernature.com).
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Queries about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication corrections should be sent to Afrin Kamal (afrin.kamal@springernature.com).
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Queries related to journal publishing should be sent to Rebecca Pearce (rebecca.pearce@biomedcentral.com).
Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
Submission guidelines
Instructions for Authors
Preparation of Manuscripts for Consideration for Publication in CELL BIOCHEMISTRY and BIOPHYSICS
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please directly visit the site: and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions provided on the screen.
• Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics will consider for publication papers from any field of biochemical, biomedical, biophysical, bioengineering and biomathematics research and any field impinging thereupon.
• The Journal strives to publish only papers of high scientific quality. Therefore, without exception, all manuscripts are peer-reviewed and the Journal requires three reviewers for each manuscript. However, finding qualified/knowledgeable reviewers who are willing to review in a timely manner can be a time-consuming process. Therefore, to expedite this process, we strongly recommend the author(s), as experts in the subject matter of the manuscript, nominate at least six potential reviewers to review the manuscript in a comprehensive and unbiased manner for its suitability for publication in Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics.
• All manuscripts must be written in grammatically correct English. Correct English spelling is required. It is suggested that non-native English speaking authors have their manuscript reviewed by a native English speaker. Failure to do so may result in return of the manuscript for revision before it is peer-reviewed.
• Manuscripts should be submitted to the Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics Editorial Manager website at: http://cbbi.edmgr.com.
• Manuscripts must be submitted in Word Document format. Figures should be submitted in TIF or JPEG format.
• The: (1) Text of the manuscript (which must include the Title Page, Abstract, Body of the Manuscript, Bibliography and Figure Legends), (2) Tables and (3) Figures must be placed in separate files.
• Note that the incorporation of illustrations, data of any conceivable type, quotations, etc. from your published works, as well as those of others, requires written permission from the copyright owner for their use and acknowledgement thereof in the manuscript.
• All figures and tables are to be formatted in a font size that can be read by the unaided eye.
• There is no upper limit on the size of manuscripts.
• Manuscripts must contain a comprehensive bibliography in the format noted below.
• Type manuscript in English.
• Type manuscript double-spaced on with 1- to 1-1/ 2-in. margins.
• Include legends for all Figures and Tables. Legends should be numbered and typed consecutively and serially.