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  • 期刊简称J ORG CHEM
  • 参考译名《有机化学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率J ORG CHEM
  • 主要研究方向化学-CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC有机化学



JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY《有机化学》(半月刊). The Journal of Organic Chemistry welcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all&nbs...[显示全部]













Author Guidelines

If you are a new JOC author, or if you have not submitted a manuscript during the past year, please read and familiarize yourself with the complete JOC Author Guidelines to ensure you are up to date with all of the journal's manuscript preparation and submission requirements.

JOC does not require the use of a manuscript template and does not provide journal-specific templates. Templates provided by other ACS journals are acceptable, for example in the case of transferred manuscripts. For any type of article submission, the author should prepare the manuscript as a single-column or double-column, double-spaced word-processor file.

Ethical Guidelines

The Editors of journals published by the American Chemical Society provide a set of Ethical Guidelines for persons engaged in the dissemination of chemical research, specifically for editors, authors, and reviewers. These guidelines are offered from a conviction that the observance of high ethical standards is so vital to the whole scientific enterprise that a definition of those standards should be brought to the attention of all concerned. Please read the ACS Ethical Guidelines.

Information for Reviewers

The quality of the papers published in the peer-reviewed chemical literature depends heavily on the thoroughness and rigor of the manuscript evaluations provided by reviewers. The editors of The Journal of Organic Chemistry rely on each reviewer's conscientiously prepared comments for helping maintain the high scientific standards of the journal. Please read the general information about ACS Peer Review and ACS Publication Policies, and see the "Information for Reviewers" section of the JOC Author Guidelines for more guidance.

Reviewer Credit. Reviewers of manuscripts submitted to ACS journals may claim credit for their hard work and contributions through an ACS collaboration with ORCID. Reviewers will receive one credit on their ORCID account for all review activity associated with each manuscript. To claim credit, simply ensure that your ORCID iD is associated with your ACS Paragon Plus account. If you do not have an ORCID iD, you can create one using the ORCID link on your ACS Paragon Plus profile page. For more information, click here.

Important Manuscript Requirements

Notes and JOCSynopses are limited to 3,000 and 4,000 words, respectively; tables and graphics count toward the word-count limits (see Author Guidelines for full details)

During online submission, the names of all the coauthors must be entered in the same sequence and form as they appear on the first page of the manuscript. ACS Publications recognizes that authors may change their names for many reasons, including but not limited to marriage, divorce, religious conversion, gender identity. Please see the ACS Policy To Support Name Changes On Prior Publications for details.

All experimental procedures and compound characterization data should appear in the manuscript, but at the authors' discretion may appear in the Experimental Section or in the Supporting Information, so long as the information is accurate and complete.

For new compounds, ensure required data are furnished in the Experimental Section and Supporting Information, including either MS accurate mass or elemental analysis data, proton and carbon NMR data (combined together in the Supporting Information file), and any CIF files.

A Compound Characterization Checklist is optional but should be furnished if the manuscript reports characterization data for new compounds or for known compounds prepared by a new or modified method.

Submitting X-ray Crystallographic Data. Authors are required to submit Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs), structure factor tables, and CheckCIF reports for all new, unpublished organic, metal-organic, and inorganic structures to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) prior to manuscript submission. Note that CIFs may be used for reviewing purposes, and significant delays in the peer-review process can occur if CIFs are not submitted in advance. In addition, authors are required to upload with their manuscript the checkCIF output files (combined into one PDF file) as Supporting Information for Review Only. Any A and/or B level alerts must also be addressed prior to submission or otherwise be explained in the checkCIF PDF. For all other crystallographic data that are not accommodated by the CCDC, authors are encouraged to deposit into other available databases in addition to uploading the data in ACS Paragon Plus during manuscript submission.

Please see Requirements for Depositing X-Ray Crystallographic Data [PDF] for complete details on submission of CIFs and related files to CCDC.


Please review the Author Guidelines section on "Data Requirements" before submitting your manuscript.

The manuscript and Supporting Information files should be free of font and graphics quality problems and should not have extensive English usage or grammar deficiencies.

All tables and graphics (figures, reaction schemes, and chemical structures) are inserted within the manuscript text where they are first discussed (except for TeX/LaTeX submissions).

The references and endnotes must be grouped into a single list at the end of the manuscript file, and references should include manuscript titles.

A Supporting Information Availability Statement that lists the types of data in the Supporting Information files is included in the manuscript file.

Previous submission of the same manuscript to another journal must be disclosed in the cover letter. For reviewed submissions, include in the cover letter a detailed explanation of changes made and copies of the reviews as "Other files for Editors only." Placement of an initial draft of a manuscript in a preprint repository such as ChemRxiv, arXiv, or bioRxiv is permitted, but it must be disclosed in the cover letter along with a link to the preprint.

Upload as "Supporting Information for Review Only" any published preliminary report and associated supplementary material; mention the report in the cover letter and cite in the manuscript's introductory remarks.

Provide a copy of any cited "in press" or "submitted for-publication" paper as "Supporting Information for Review Only."




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