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BLOOD ADVANCES《血液研究进展》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称BLOOD ADV
  • 参考译名《血液研究进展》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.10%
  • 主要研究方向医学-HEMATOLOGY血液学



BLOOD ADVANCES《血液研究进展》(半月刊). Blood Advances is a semimonthly medical journal published by the American Society of Hematology. It is&nbs...[显示全部]












Author Guide

Contents of Blood Advances Author Guide

Journal Scope – For specific information detailing Blood Advances’ scope with a newly added category on Health Services and Outcomes.

Article Types – For detailed descriptions of the various article types that will be considered for publication by Blood Advances.

Manuscript Preparation – For general requirements and recommendations for preparing your manuscript for submission including:

manuscript organization requirements

guidelines for image preparation

information on supplemental data

editing services for non-English speakers

Manuscript Submission – For a helpful list of what information you should have on hand before beginning the online submission process.

Peer Review – For details about Blood Advances' peer review process and policies, including instructions for reviewers.

Revised Manuscripts – For general information to prepare your revised manuscript.

Accepted Manuscripts – For procedures and policies related to your accepted manuscript including:

copyright transfer

file formatting

figure preparation

typeset requirements

cover illustrations


Publication Fees – For a list of possible publication fees applicable for each article type, including details about our publication fee, supplemental data fee, and reprint fees.

Editorial Policies for Authors – For detailed descriptions of Blood Advances' policies regarding:

authorship criteria

conflict of interest disclosure


publication of medical research involving human subjects

data sharing, distribution of reagents, and compound structure disclosure

deposition into public databases

clinical trial reporting and registry

guidelines for stem cell research

public access options for authors

submission of NIH-funded accepted manuscripts to PubMed Central

press embargo policy

Errata – For a brief description of errata, how they are utilized by Blood Advances, and instructions on how to submit an erratum request.


Journal Scope

Blood Advances, a Journal of the American Society of Hematology, published online and open access, provides an international forum for the publication of original articles describing basic laboratory, translational, and clinical investigations in hematology and related sciences. Blood Advances will complement Blood by publishing content not currently covered including case reports, point-counterpoint discussions, and by providing forums to readily comment on published material. The electronic format of Blood Advances provides an opportunity to explore novel approaches for presentation of original content including the use of enhanced graphics, video and online discussion. Additionally, it is hoped that Blood Advances will serve as a hub for dissemination of educational and service needs by providing scholarly content and expert consultation requested by interested parties.

Acceptance of manuscripts is based on the originality or importance of the observations and investigations, the quality of the work and validity of the evidence, the clarity of presentation, and the relevance to our readership and field. All articles are expected to be concise, well organized, and clearly written. Authors submit a manuscript with the understanding that the manuscript (or its essential substance) has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and is not currently submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication.

Blood Advances has recently added a new scientific category for Health Services and Outcomes submissions. The journal is very interested in submissions as reflected in the definition here.

Primary research articles will be published under the following scientific categories: Clinical Trials and Observations; Gene Therapy; Health Services and Outcomes (new); Hematopoiesis and Stem Cells; Immunobiology; Myeloid Neoplasia; Lymphoid Neoplasia; Phagocytes, Granulocytes and Myelopoiesis; Platelets and Thrombopoiesis; Red Cells, Iron and Erythropoiesis; Thrombosis and Hemostasis; Transfusion Medicine; Transplantation; and Vascular Biology. Papers can be listed under more than one category as appropriate.

Authors are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission if they are uncertain whether their work falls within the general scope of the journal. For presubmission inquiries regarding the journal scope, please contact the Blood Advances Editorial Department and include an abstract or detailed summary for consideration.




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