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BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology(或:BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY)《BJOG:国际妇产科杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《BJOG:国际妇产科杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率4.90%
  • 主要研究方向医学-OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY妇产科学



BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology《BJOG:国际妇产科杂志》(一年13期). BJOG is the official academic research journal of the ...[显示全部]















Author guidelines

Information for authors

BJOG has specific instructions and guidelines for submitting articles. Please review these carefully. Articles that are not submitted in accordance with our instructions may be returned for corrections.

Publishing with BJOG

Editorial Policies for Authors

Preparing your Manuscript

Editorial, Production and Dissemination Process



Publishing with BJOG

Why submit to BJOG?

Global Research

Join a worldwide community:

66% of submissions accepted to BJOG are from authors based outside the UK

Submissions from 86 different countries in 2020

Fully compliant with international funder open-access mandates

Results from multicentre trials regularly published and encouraged

Quality supplements from international collaborators, e.g. WHO, DFID, LSTM

Global Reach

Your research will be discovered, worldwide:

Over 4.65 million full text downloads per year

Impact Factor: 4.663/ Top 10 OBGYN journal/ Above-average proportion of papers with an altmetric score

All RCOG fellows and members across the world have access to BJOG

Additional subscriptions span many more countries

Over 39,000 followers across social media

Regular press releases and coverage

Global Team

We validate and improve your work’s impact:

5 continents represented in our Editorial Board

Fast turnaround times to ensure content is current and relevant

Rigorous peer-review with unique Editor consultations

At least 5 Editors are consulted on accepted papers

57% of published articles have an expert commentary

Extensive Journal Club resources

Is your paper suitable for BJOG?

BJOG welcomes submissions of papers on all subjects relating to women's health. We give priority to papers containing original data, systematic reviews and commentaries suggesting innovative approaches to women's health problems. We have a global remit and publish papers from all around the world, including from both developed and developing countries.

Our readership is predominantly clinical but we welcome basic science submissions that have clinical implications. We are happy to consider qualitative studies provided they are written with the clinician in mind. The best way of appreciating the sort of papers we publish is to read some of our recent issues . We particularly appreciate a clear writing style with a minimum of jargon.

Initial assessment of submissions is done by our three Deputy Editors-in-Chief, who reject about 20% of papers at that time if they consider them not appropriate for our readership. This means you will get a quick assessment of your paper’s suitability for the journal, giving you the opportunity to submit elsewhere with a minimum of delay if it is not suitable. We currently accept about 15% of submitted papers. Please see editorial process for more details.


BJOG supplements are issues created by external organisations.

Supplements are not subjected to the usual BJOG peer review processes. The Guest Editor(s) are responsible for the processes of selection and editing. Their appointment will be subject to approval of the Editor-in-Chief. A statement at the beginning of the supplement will explain how it was funded and state that the content has not been peer-reviewed by BJOG but has been reviewed by the Guest Editor(s). If a peer-review process has been used this will be outlined and will be followed by the Guest Editor(s) disclosure of interests.

The contents of a supplement will be approved by the Editor-in-Chief, and must be in accordance with the purpose of the journal to discuss scientific, clinical and ethical aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Supplements have a different front cover to the standard journal to enable readers to differentiate it from a regular monthly or themed issue. The pagination and citation information will clearly indicate that the publication is a supplement.

Editing or influence over content by the sponsoring organisation(s) will not be permitted. Sponsoring organisations may advertise within the supplement subject to editorial approval. Financial negotiations and transactions will be performed only by the publisher.

Download the full BJOG supplement guidelines [pdf]

Download the BJOG supplement proposal form [docx]

All BJOG supplements are available in an online collection.




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