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  • 参考译名《生物技术与应用生物化学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率7.90%



BIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY《生物技术与应用生物化学》(双月刊). Published since 1979, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry is dedicated to the rapid&...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines

Language Quality Requirement

Please note that your manuscript will not be processed unless it is of sufficient quality of the English language. If you feel that your paper could benefit from English language polishing, we strongly recommend that you consider having your paper professionally edited for English language by a native English speaker or a service such as Wiley Editing Services. Please note that while this service will greatly improve the readability of your paper, it does not guarantee acceptance of your paper by the journal.

All manuscripts must be submitted in English and should be as concise as possible. Either standard American spelling and grammar or standard British spelling and grammar are acceptable, but each manuscript must conform to only one of the two styles. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.) should be followed for matters of standard American (English) spelling, compound words, and word division. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (Clarendon Press, Oxford) should be followed for questions of British (English) spelling and grammar.

Editorial policy

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry publishes original full-length articles, short communications, and reviews relating to biological and process-engineering sciences that underpin the translation of discoveries in life sciences to therapeutic and diagnostic products for the benefit of mankind. Reviews provide the reader with timely updates and perspectives in fast-moving areas of medical biotechnology.

The focus of the journal is directed towards the publication of original articles and reviews concerning the topics: applied aspects of cellular physiology and metabolism of bacteria, fungi, animal, and plant cells; animal-cell biotechnology; plant-cell biotechnology; biochemical engineering; bioseparation and other downstream processes including chromatography; systems biology and synthetic biology; gene and protein therapy; biomaterials; regenerative medicine, stem cells and tissue engineering; analytical biotechnology including bio-imaging and bio-sensing; nano-biotechnology; bioactivity and toxicity mechanism studies including apoptosis. Original articles must contain sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the work.

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published elsewhere in any language, including publication on the World Wide Web (WWW); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out; that all persons entitled to authorship have been so named; and that any person cited as a source of personal communication has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editor's direction. Abstracts of oral or poster presentations are not considered to constitute previous publication. Preliminary communications in journals that regularly publish reports in this form will not preclude publication of a paper in Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, provided the full paper contains additional information that justifies its publication and does not repeat the presentation of the same data. To facilitate evaluation of this matter by the Editors, submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by copies of all preliminary communications and of all relevant manuscripts that are in press or under editorial consideration elsewhere.

Submission of a paper implies that authors will make available samples of unique biological materials (including cell lines, DNA clones and antibodies) to academic workers who request them.

The description of experimental procedures must be rigorous. For example, the term 'room temperature' is to be avoided; actual temperature or temperature ranges must be reported. It is expected that authors will have validated the use of published experimental procedures for the specific use stated in the submitted manuscript. The description of experimental procedures must be of sufficient quality to comply with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice or the geographical equivalent.

Authors are encouraged to suggest a suitable member of the Editorial Board and up to five potential reviewers of international standing for their paper. Authors may also specify the names of those they wish to be excluded from the review process for a particular paper; in such cases their wishes will usually be respected, unless, of course, in the opinion of the journal such a request unreasonably excludes all the expertise available to it in that scientific area.

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry follows a rigorous reviewing procedure, which, for each paper, generally requires written input from two independent referees. The Editorial Office, if required, receives advice before selecting the team of people involved in each paper and in each case the Editorial Office ensures that those involved in the process act independently and have no conflict of interest in the paper. In case of a complaint, the Editorial Office, if it is deemed necessary and appropriate, may ask for additional review(s) before making a recommendation. In all cases, the final decision rests with the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers that are unsuitable for the journal or cannot adequately be assessed because of a poor standard of English.




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