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BIOTA NEOTROPICA《新热带生物群》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《新热带生物群》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向环境科学与生态学-BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION生物多样性保护



BIOTA NEOTROPICA《新热带生物群》(季刊). Biota Neotropica is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal edited by the Program BIOTA/FAPESP: The Virtual Insti...[显示全部]















Instructions to authors

Manuscripts for publication in Biota Neotropica are to be submitted EXCLUSIVELY through the website http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/bn-scielo and must be prepared following the instructions below. After successful submission you will receive a confirmation email along with an ID number for your paper.

All subsequent correspondence should be sent to the Managing Editor at ea@biotaneotropica.org.br.

Biota Neotropica, together with SciELO, is engaged in promoting Open Science and will gradually introduce new requirements to align its editorial policy with rules and procedures recommended by the principles of openness to the whole research cycle. Therefore from 1st of January 2022, it becomes mandatory that data of all papers submitted to Biota Neotropica must be deposited and permanently archived in appropriate, trusted, domain-specific repositories that offer long-term preservation and persistent identifiers for the deposited dataset. Where no domain-specific data repository exists, authors should deposit their datasets in a general repository such as the Biota Neotropica Dataverse (https://data.scielo.org/dataverse/brbn),  Zenod, Dryad, or others.

Current publication fee is R$ 1200.00 (One Thousand Two Hundred Reais) for Brazilian authors or US$ 450.00 (Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars) for foreign authors, irrespective of the number of pages published. Payment details will be sent to authors in the final editorial stage of articles accepted for publication. There are no submission fees for the articles.

Biota Neotropica does not publish papers that include a description of new species of taxonomic groups which Nomenclatural Code requires printed copies. Authors are responsible to check if the specific requirements of the Nomenclatural Code of the organism they are working with. If your taxonomic group does require printed copies of your publication, you should look for another journal to submit your paper.

Biota Neotropica publishes eight types of manuscript: editorial, point of view, articles, thematic reviews, short communications, identification key, inventories, and taxonomic reviews. Only the Editorial is written by the Editorial Board or by an invited researcher and is therefore subject to different submission rules.

Manuscripts submitted under any category should be written entirely in English.

The submitting author and co-authors must provide a confirmed ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, http://orcid.org/) at the time of submission by entering it in the user profile in the submission system.

The authors are responsible for presenting the article in good scientific English, and it is strongly recommended that the manuscript undergo a final revision by a specialized proofreading company such as American Journal Experts/AJE, Nature Publishing Group Language Editing, Edanz and/or other SciELO-approved services. Should the Editorial Board consider the level of English to be below journal standards, the paper may be refused even after approval by the Area Editor. The content of manuscripts accepted for publication, regardless of category, is the sole responsibility of the author(s).

1 – Manuscript Category

To follow is a brief description of how the Editorial Board defines each manuscript category


For each issue of Biota Neotropica, the Editor-in-Chief may invite a researcher to write an Editorial on relevant topics, from a scientific standpoint and in terms of creating policies for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Neotropical region. Editorials should contain a maximum of 3000 words.

Points of View

This section acts as a forum for academic discussion of a relevant issue within the scope of the journal, whereby the researcher will write a short, thought-provoking, article expressing his/her viewpoint on the issue in question. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, the journal may publish responses or considerations of other researchers to stimulate discussion on the issue. The content of manuscripts accepted for publication, regardless of category, is the sole responsibility of the author(s).


Articles are submitted spontaneously by their authors in the System of Submission of the Journal at http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/bn-scielo. The manuscript must bring new data, not published or submitted to publication, in part or entirely, in other journals or books, and must be results of research in characterization, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Neotropical region. The manuscript is expected to discuss an issue of scientific interest within the scope of the journal and includes a review of the specialized literature, as well as a discussion of articles recently published in the international literature. The content of manuscripts accepted for publication, regardless of category, is the sole responsibility of the author(s).




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