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BIOIMPACTS《生物影响》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《生物影响》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY药学



BIOIMPACTS《生物影响》(季刊). BioImpacts (BI) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary international journal, covering original research articles, reviews, commen...[显示全部]














Instructions for Authors

Short Guideline:

1. The abstract must be structured (i.e., Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion). Click to see a sample article.

2. The image for the graphical abstract should be 900-pixel width and 500-pixel height, with a short "mini-abstract" (30-40 words).

3. Highlights of the study should be included as a table with (a) What is the current knowledge? (b) What is new here?

4. "Acknowledgments", "Funding source", "Ethical statement", "Competing interests" and "Authors contribution" should be stated.

5. References should meet the format of the journal. Click here to download the EndNote Style.

6. The maximum number of figures and tables in the papers submitted to BioImpacts are 10 and 4, respectively. Further figures, tables, and other information should be submitted as "Supplementary Data".

Authors' Guideline

General Information

BioImpacts (BI) "2228-5652; eISSN: 2228-5660" is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary international journal for life sciences. BI publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, and visions/reflections dealing with all aspects of biological and biomedical researches at molecular, cellular, functional, and transnational dimensions. Particular interests are given to advanced approaches in the context of “omics” (genomics, proteomics, cytomics, and metabolomics) technologies, molecular/cellular imaging approaches, and gene/cell therapy. The further aim of BI is to emphasize the transdisciplinarity of the biomedical sciences with nanotechnology, biotechnology, and cell/tissue engineering fields towards molecular detection/sensing and molecular therapy. In addition, BI welcomes the translation of basic biomedical/pharmaceutical sciences towards application in the clinic. Futuristic conceptual hypotheses and modeling that integrate various fields with biomedical/pharmaceutical sciences are encouraged to be submitted.

Main Considerations

BI is a free open-access journal.

BI follows ICMJE's (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals as well as the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

Manuscripts should only be electronically submitted through the Online Submission System.

A cover letter must be included when submitting a paper and must state the novelty of the paper.

BI makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, BI makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaims all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of BI.

Structure and Preparation of Manuscripts

Types of Articles

Prepared Manuscripts should be presented in one of the following formats:

Full Original Researches

A full-length original research article (up to ~8000 words (without references), including tables (up to 4), figures (up to 10), and references) presents novel findings relevant to the Aims and Scope of the Journal. The manuscript should include "Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion", as well as ("Acknowledgments", "Funding source", "Ethical statement", "Competing interests" and "Authors contribution").


While the editorial team of the journal handles any submitted cutting-edge comprehensive in-depth reviews without solicitation, the review articles are primarily invited by the editorial office of the journal on the basis of scientific reputation and field of activity. Authors who are interested in publishing their review papers should contact directly to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) to send their proposal (~500 words) and then EIC may refer the authors to one of the associate editors. A full-length critical review [10000-15000 words, including tables (up to 4), figures (up to 10), and references (100-200)] provides a summary and discussion of the relevant literature about any topic covered within the Aims and Scope of the Journal. Authors should refer to at least five papers/works of themselves in the subject that they write a review on. Further, the mechanistic aspects with deep information should be delineated. The policy of the journal is to

Systematic Reviews

These types of publications should report the clear narrow research question and a reproducible methodology, including a replicable comprehensive search protocol to capture published and unpublished researches, screening process based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, PRISMA follow diagram, quality assessment process of studies, and assessment of the risk of bias, unbiased reasons for exclusion of studies, verified quality assessment tools used in the review, data extraction tools, and qualitative and quantitative analysis (meta-analysis) methods.

In Focus Reviews

The “In Focus Reviews” (up to ~8000 words, including tables, figures, and references) present a collection of full papers and/or other article types by different research groups as well as their own opinion as “Expert Opinion” on a theme of interest to the Journal's readership within a special/theme issue.


Minireviews are sharply focused, well-documented examinations of timely related issues (up to ~4000 words, including tables, figures, and references (50-80)). The issues may be of a controversial nature or may address a more narrowly focused area than those typically covered in a review.




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