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  • 参考译名《土壤科学与植物营养》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率20.00%



SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION《土壤科学与植物营养》(双月刊). Soil Science and Plant Nutrition is the official English journal of the Japanese ...[显示全部]















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Aims and scope

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition is the official English language journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN), and publishes original research findings and reviews on soil science, plant nutrition and related subjects.

Papers in any of the following fields will be considered, and authors are requested to designate their manuscript according to one of these divisions on submission:

Soil physics

Soil chemistry and soil mineralogy

Soil biology

Plant nutrition

Soil genesis, classification and survey

Soil fertility

Fertilizers and soil amendments


Socio cultural soil science

Members and non-members of JSSSPN are encouraged to submit manuscripts for publication. However, if the first author of the manuscript is not a member of JSSSPN, US$100 per article will be charged upon acceptance of publication.

Manuscript category

Contributions are classified into three types as follows, and authors should indicate the type of manuscript on submission (the Editorial Committee may, however, request authors to change the type of contribution after review).

Original articles:

Full-length paper: Limited to eight printed pages, including references, tables and figures.

Short paper: A brief report on new findings or improvement of experimental methods, which requires rapid publication. Limited to four printed pages.


Includes an extensive review of a specific subject, or a review of a contemporary development or an issue focused on a certain area. Limited to eight printed pages. The Editorial Committee may ask members of JSSSPN or a suitable non-member (Japanese or foreign scientist and expert) to contribute a review to the Journal.

Papers that exceed the above page limits will be charged US$200 for each additional page that is published.




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