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  • 期刊简称J OFF STAT
  • 参考译名《官方统计杂志》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS《官方统计杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal publish...[显示全部]
















Manuscripts to JOS is to be submitted online via our Manuscript Management Portal. mc.manuscriptcentral.com/joffstats.

If you submit for the first time, create an account from "New User?" menu to the right. Go to your Author Centre and follow the steps for submission.

Please check the Author Instructions before submission.


Author Instructions

JOS Editorial Office

SCB, Statistics Sweden

Solna strandväg 86,

SE-171 54, Solna, Sweden

Phone: +46104795000

Email: jos@scb.se


1.Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted via the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) ScholarOne - Manuscript Management Portal (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/joffstats).

Accepted formats are .doc(x) and .pdf . If your paper is accepted, for editing and setting purposes, we prefer Word or Latex format. Please provide tables and figures as separate files, preferably in .jpg format.

All manuscripts are refereed and evaluated on content, language and presentation.

The peer review process is double blinded. There are no fees for submitting or processing the article before publication.

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the paper will be language edited by the JOS Office.

We use Cross-Check for plagiarism control (read more here: http://www.ithenticate.com/products/crosscheck).

When submitting a manuscript, the authors will be asked to confirm that the manuscript:

a)has not already been published in a peer-reviewed journal in the same or a very similarversion, or in another language,b)is not under consideration for publication in any other peer-reviewed journal,c)topic is within the scope of JOS (see www.scb.se/jos),d)follows the JOS style guide (see below section 2 for preparations),e)is blinded and that a separate title page with complete information on all the authorshas been prepared.

Submission of revisions

When submitting a revised manuscript, please include a separate detailed list of how you acted on the suggestions made by the Associate Editor and the referees. Note! Upload this blinded file separately from the rest of the manuscript and set the File Designation in ScholarOne to “File for review”.

2.Preparation of Manuscripts before submission (JOS styleguide)

Manuscripts should be blinded before submission. This means removing allidentifying information, including the manuscript file naming.

JOS follows the Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date referencing) and we do notprint in color.

The authors are asked to submit:

a)A separate title page with


-Complete author information for all the authors: name, affiliation, postal address, and emailaddress

-Abstract: The abstract should be short (maximum 200 words), descriptive and free ofreferences. Authors are strongly encouraged to compose an abstract that succinctlysummarizes the content of their manuscript, as the abstract and not the manuscript is enclosedwith the initial email when experts are invited as referees. Abstracts written with little carewill find few or no referees, thereby considerably affecting the timeliness of the evaluationprocess.

-Key words: A minimum of two and a maximum of five key words are required. The wordsare not to be within the title.


Note! Upload this file separately from the rest of the manuscript and set the File Designation in ScholarOne to “Title Page”. Title Page is not visible for reviewers.

b)Body of the manuscript. The manuscript:

should have generous margins, at least 2 cm on all sides,

should be double-spaced throughout, including the abstract and references,

should be kept as short and concise as possible without loss of clarity,

should preferably not make use of footnotes.

Running Head: Limited to 50 characters

Sections: should be numbered; sub- and sub-sub-sections may be used.

Tables, Figures and Diagrams: A table should be numbered and have a caption above it. A figure or diagram should be numbered and have a caption below it, legend and clearly marked axes. When formatting figures, please note that JOS does not print in color.

Mathematics: Equations cited in the text should be numbered, with the number placed to the right of the equation. Matrices and vectors should be upright and bold-faced. All other symbols should be in italics.

c)Reference citation

Referring within the text: Change in 2014 is that JOS now follows the Chicago Manual of Style’s author-date referencing for reference citation. For example: Dalenius (1974), Cox and Iachan (1987), Boruch and Cecil (1979, 154). If there are more than two author names in the reference, use et al.

To distinguish between works by the same author/authors published in the same year, use a, b, c, etc.

References in the text should conform to the following style:

1.When a reference is cited directly:

... as discussed by Dodge and Romig (1944) ...

2.When a reference is cited indirectly

... as discussed previously (Dodge and Romig 1944) ...

3.A quotation requires a page number:

... their general conclusion was that “the impact of the improved design was smaller than expected” (Smith 1985, 379)

4.When a reference is made to a particular page/s, section, chapter,appendix

the abbreviations p., pp., sec., chap., app., are used.

The Reference List. References should be arranged alphabetically and for a given author, chronologically.

1.Author’s name and year of publication.


3.Details of publication. Complete name of journal. Publication site: Publisher,pages.

References to works inaccessible to general audience are strongly discouraged.


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