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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《SIGNA:西班牙符号学协会杂志》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



《SIGNA:西班牙符号学协会杂志》(年刊)。La revista Signa se publica por el Centro de Investigación de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías ...[显示全部]






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Signa, first published in 1992, is a yearly scientific review issued by the Centro de Investigación de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías. It is sponsored by the Spanish Association of Semiotics, with the cooperation of the Department of Spanish Literature and Literary Theory and the Department of French Philology, UNED. Prof. José Romera Castillo acts as director of Signa.

Ediciones de la UNED (Madrid) publishes the printed format of the review. Its electronic version can be consulted at:



The contents of contributions to Signa must be related to Semiotics in any of its manifestations (literature, drama, linguistics, film, communication...). Signa accepts contributions by scholars from any country or institution, provided they are original and unpublished. In their applications for evaluation, authors must declare that their papers have not been submitted for evaluation in other forums. It is assumed that authors agree with the evaluation and dissemination of their papers. Once papers have been accepted for publication, Signa owns the rights for printing and reproducing them in any form.

Opinions expressed in articles are the authors' responsibility.

The deadline for presentation of originals is June 1st. New issues are edited at the beginning of the year. Those originals that have been accepted for publication but cannot be included in the issue in process will be published in the following issue.

Signa accepts exchanges with other scientific journals, for which the Director must be contacted. Signa appears in Latindex, ISOC («Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas»), Arts and Humanities Citation Index and MLA.


Articles can be sent in electronic or printed format:

Electronic format: Send an e-mail to jromera@flog.uned.es (cc the secretary Clara I. Martínez Cantón, signa@flog.uned.es). Attach your article as a Word file (Windows PC).

Printed format: Send three paper copies of the article and one copy in a CD (this one including author's complete name, name of file, and name of program used) to:

Dr. José Romera Castillo

Departamento de Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura

Facultad de Filología, UNED

Paseo Senda del Rey, 7

28040 MADRID

Papers are to be presented in two Word files: one for the text and another one for figures, tables and captions. The text must be written in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 line spacing. Notes must be written in 10, single spacing.

Word limit for contributions is 10,000 words for papers and 1,500 for reviews.

Pages must be numbered.

The structural guide for papers is as follows:

The first page will include:

a) the TITLE (bold, upper case) and a maximum of five key words, in Spanish and English.

b) First name (lower case) and SURNAME (upper case) of author(s), and academic affiliation.

c) Name and address of institution.

d) Complete address (including e-mail) of author for correspondence.

e) Acknowledgements (if any).

f) Shortened title of paper.

The second page will include:

a) TITLE OF PAPER in English and Spanish (bold, upper case).

b) Name (bold, lower case) and SURNAME (bold, upper case).

c) Abstract (bold): it will not exceed 100 words, in English.

d) Key words (bold): 3-5 key words, separated by a period, in English.

e) Resumen (bold): the aforementioned abstract, in Spanish.

f) Palabras clave (bold): the aforementioned key words, in Spanish.

The following pages will contain the body of the text, preferably in sections. Tables and figures, each on a separate page, will be included after the bibliographic references and numbered consecutively and referred to by their numbers within the text.

Every paragraph will be indented, and so will headings of text divisions.

Headings of sections and subsections will be indented and numbered as follows:

a) main heading: upper case, bold:

Example: 1. MEMOIRS

b) next: lower case, bold:

Example: 1.1. Memoirs in Spanish

c) next: lower case, italics:

Example: 1.1.1. Novel

d) next: roman:

Example: Lyric novel

One line should be skipped between sections.

Use footnotes for authorial comments and explanations, not for bibliographic references (see 14). Correlative, superscript note numbers will be used within the text.

Longer quotations should be separated from the context, doubly indented, in italics, and single-spaced. They should not be enclosed in quotation marks. At the beginning and end of the quotation a blank will be included.

Shorter quotations should be included in the text in quotation marks. If part of the text is deleted from a quotation, three periods in brackets will be used [...].

Long verse quotations will not use quotation marks. They will be transcribed in italics, single-spaced.

Place punctuation marks (period, comma, etc) after inverted commas o note numbers, as in «Semiotics»: and «Semiotics»².

Use italics to emphasize a word or phrase within the text. Do not use inverted commas or underlining.

For graphic illustrations, authors are to send the photograph, slice or digitalized reproduction in CD.

In-text references will be documented as follows:

a) Author's surname, year, letter ordering publications within the same year if necessary, colon, page(s) of reference: Peirce (1987: 27); Greimas (1988a: 36-38).

b) In cases of more than one reference pages, these will be separated by commas: Peirce (1987: 27-29, 31-39).

c) If several authors or works are given, they will be separated by semicolons: (Peirce, 1987: 27-29; Greimas, 1988a: 36-38)

d) If the cited author is given in parenthesis, a comma will be placed after surname: (Eco, 1990).

Skip three lines at the end of the text, right before the BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES (upper case, bold), and then skip another line. Sources will be alphabetically arranged, following these formats:

a) Books:

TORDERA, A. (1978). Hacia una semiótica pragmática. El signo en Ch. S. Peirce. Valencia: Fernando Torres.

PEIRCE, Ch. S. (1987). Obra lógico-semántica, Armando Sercovich (ed.). Madrid: Taurus. [for editions]

b) Articles in volumes; book chapters:

ZEMAN, J. J. (1977). «Peirce's Theory of Signs». In A Perfusion of Signs, Th. A. Sebeok (ed.), 22-39. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

c) Articles:

ROMERA CASTILLO, J. (1999). «El Instituto de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías de la UNED». Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica 8, 157-177 (also at http://cervantesvirtual.com/portales/signa).

IMPORTANT NOTE: All bibliographic references -books, book chapters, articles, etc.- will be given jointly, arranged alphabetically.

Authors should also bear in mind:

a) For publications of the same author within the same year, they will be differentiated by letters in alphabetical order, as in (Eco, 1992a), (Eco, 1992b), etc.

b) Works by the same author will be arranged chronologically.

c) For several works by the same author, his/her surname and name will be given only in the first reference. Four blank spaces will replace the name of the author for subsequent references:

ECO, U. (1990).

—— (1991).

—— (1994).

d) Titles of books, journals and newspapers will be written in italics. Titles of articles (in reviews or collective volumes) will be given in inverted commas, in roman.

e) For electronic references, URL addresses will be given in full in italics:


f) If the cited work has not been published yet, the year will be replaced by «in press».

It is strongly recommended to consult a paper as an example to solve any doubt related to format.

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