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SOUTH DAKOTA REVIEW《南达科塔评论》 (Email投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《南达科塔评论》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



SOUTH DAKOTA REVIEW《南达科塔评论》(季刊)。South Dakota Review is committed to cultural and aesthetic diversity. First and foremost, we seek to&nb...[显示全部]
















Submission Guidelines:

South Dakota Review is committed to cultural and aesthetic diversity. First and foremost, we seek to publish exciting and compelling work that reflects the full spectrum of the contemporary literary arts. Since its inception in 1963, South Dakota Review has maintained a tradition of supporting work by contemporary writers writing from or about the American West. We hope to retain this unique flavor through particularly welcoming works by American Indian writers, writers addressing the complexities and contradictions of the “New West”, and writers exploring themes of landscape, place, and/or eco-criticism in surprising and innovative ways. At the same time, we’d like to set these ideas and themes in dialogue with and within the context of larger global literary communities. South Dakota Review publishes fiction, poetry, essays (and mixed/hybrid-genre work), as well as literary reviews, interviews, and translations.

South Dakota Review considers only previously unpublished work. We are published quarterly, and we read submissions September 1 – May 31.

South Dakota Review strongly recommends that, before submitting, potential contributors first read the journal. Sample copies ($8 per back issue) may be purchased upon request.

Manuscript Preparation:

Manuscripts must be word-processed or typewritten, and should include the author’s contact information (including an e-mail address) as well as a short bio note. Please see below for further submissions guidance.

Prose manuscripts should be double-spaced. Although there is no word limit, the majority of prose works accepted in South Dakota Review are typically no longer than 6,000 words. Scholarly essays should follow MLA guidelines. Please do not submit entire poetry manuscripts/collections for consideration. Standard poetry submissions typically consist of anywhere from three to six poems.

Simultaneous Submissions Policy:

South Dakota Review does accept simultaneous submissions, but please indicate if the manuscript under consideration is a simultaneous submission, and please withdraw/notify immediately should the manuscript be accepted elsewhere.

Notifications, Publication, and Payment:

Most submissions will receive notifications within eight to ten weeks. Manuscripts accepted for publication will typically appear in the journal within one year of acceptance. Contributors will be asked to sign a contract granting South Dakota Review first North American serial rights, and will also be asked to proofread their magazine galley proofs prior to publication.

Payment for publication consists of two contributor copies of the issue in which the manuscript appears, followed by a one-year subscription to the South Dakota Review. Additional contributor copies of the issue in which an author’s manuscript appears may be ordered at a special contributors’ rate. South Dakota Review acquires first North American serial rights and reserves the right to reprint; other than that, copyright privileges revert back to the contributing writers following publication.

How to Submit:

South Dakota Review now accepts submissions through the Submittable management system. (Please note that unsolicited manuscripts must arrive through Submittable. Please do not attempt to submit manuscripts to South Dakota Review via e-mail, as they will be ignored.) South Dakota Review’s online submission system can be accessed at the following link:


As of 2013, South Dakota Review no longer accepts submissions via postal mail. Other correspondence that requires an envelope may be sent to:

South Dakota Review

The University of South Dakota

Department of English

414 East Clark Street

Vermillion, SD 57069

Please feel free to e-mail us at sdreview@usd.edu with any queries not addressed above. You may also contact South Dakota Review by phone at (605) 677-5184.

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