Manuscripts may be submitted for publication with or without invitation from the editors.
The Rijksmuseum Bulletin
Short outline
Authors are requested to send a short outline of the intended article to the editorial board first (bulletin@rijksmuseum.nl). This should be no more than 300 words long and contain the answers to the following questions:
• What is the central question of the article?
• How does the author propose to answer it?
• What sources are being used?
• To what conclusion(s) does the author come?
• What does the article add to the area of research and to the knowledge of the Rijksmuseum’s collection in particular?
Full-length article
Once the editors have extended an invitation to you to write the intended article, please observe our word count restriction of 6,000 words including notes. Articles that exceed this word count cannot be considered for publication. Notes are primarily to be used for referencing sources. The addition of appendices needs to be discussed with the editor. The article may be accompanied by approximately twenty images.
Short Notice
Short Notices should be no more than 2,000 words long including notes, with six images.
Abstract and biography
Please include an abstract and a short biography when submitting your article. The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words in length. Biographies must describe your current engagements only and should span two sentences.
General copy instructions
• Indent the first line of each paragraph, except after a heading or after a blank line. Do not indent long quotations.
• Do not underline, use italics.
• The textual note numbers should always follow immediately after a punctuation mark. Try to put the note number at the end of a sentence.
• Where a dash is used to mark a parenthesis, use an en-dash (–) preceded and followed by a space: ‘form – a form which’.
• Please supply text in the original language for any quoted matter that has been translated.
• Follow the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in matters of spelling.
• No accents, etc. on decor, naive, regime, role, elite, but retain accents on émigré, protégé, résumé. The OED is useful for such questions. Do not use accents on capital letters, but include umlauts: Emile, Österreich. Exceptions are forenames like Daniël and Henriëtte, which should be rendered as Daniel, Henriette, etc. Check Oxford Art Online: www.oxfordartonline.com.
• Capitalize: Socialism, Communism, Expressionism, Impressionism, Baroque, etc.
• Titles of works of art
• Titles of exhibitions
• Titles of books, periodicals and series (but not the titles of articles, which should be within quotation marks)
• Italicize isolated foreign words and phrases in the text but, where possible, keep the use of italics to a minimum. Do not use italics for foreign words that have been adopted into English: cul-de-sac, brio, café, Art Nouveau, façade, oeuvre, protégé, putto, soirée, etc.
• In notes and bibliographies ibid., et al. and cf. are not italicized; likewise recto and verso. When required, [sic] is as shown here.
• When quoting, use italics only for words italicized in the original text. If authors wish to stress a particular word or phrase in a quoted passage, add [my italics] or [our italics] at the end of the quote.
• Within ‘single quotation marks’.
• Translate foreign quotations in the text and put the original in the appropriate note. Create a new note if necessary.
• Use ... to mark omitted text.
• Use a backslash close up followed by a space (‘hands do touch,/ And palm to palm’) to mark a line ending in the original.
• Keep the use of hyphens to a minimum.
- guidebook, printmaking, metalworker, cooperate, coordinate, halfway
• Use hyphens in compound adjectives that precede the noun they modify:
- eighteenth-century porcelain, blue-green ink
• Hyphenate forenames of French artists
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir