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POETRY WALES《威尔士诗歌》 (Email投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《威尔士诗歌》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向POETRY



POETRY WALES《威尔士诗歌》(四月一刊). Founded in 1965, Poetry Wales is the national poetry magazine of Wales. Wales’ foremost poetry magazine,&nbs...[显示全部]













Submissions are closed until 1st February 2021.

We are currently accepting single poem entries to Wales Poetry Award, our international competition for English language poetry until 27 November 2020.

We are also open for UK-wide entries in our competition, Wales Young Poets Award, for children and young people aged 10-17. Closing date 28 October 2020.

We seek to celebrate the wide range of writing that is happening across Wales and beyond, and welcome submissions from everyone. We offer the following ways for you to submit poems.


Please submit your poems via Submittable if you possibly can. This is our preferred method for you to submit poems, in terms of keeping everything organised and ensuring nothing gets lost. It is likely that you will receive a swifter response through Submittable than in any other form. To submit your poetry, click and follow the directions. Submittable will guide you through the process. Please submit your poems in one Word document: please don’t send us PDFs.


You may also submit your poetry via post to:


Poetry Wales

Suite 6

4 Derwen Road


CF31 1LH

Please include your email address, cover letter and a self-addressed envelope with your postal submissions to receive a response about the status of your submission.

Please note that postal submissions arrive at a busy editorial office, and are then forwarded to the editor. While every care is taken with submissions, the magazine and its staff cannot take any responsibility for submissions which go astray in this process. In addition, in the face of the current health situation, we would very much prefer online submission at the moment if at all possible.

Direct email:

Please send a cover letter and poems in a single attachment, as a Word document, to editor@poetrywales.co.uk, with POETRY SUBMISSION clearly in the subject line. Please don’t send PDFs. Please be aware that e-mail volume to this address is very high, and we would prefer you to only use this system if you really don’t like Submittable. Submission through Submittable is very likely to result in a swifter response.

Submission guidelines

We want to accept your poems. We are happy when we open a document or envelope and find something which makes us applaud, laugh, cry, sing, dance or punch the air with triumph at your achievement. Please make our jobs easy by sending us poems to love, which make it impossible for us to click ‘decline’ or write ‘I’m sorry but…’ Make it impossible for us to let your poems go.

We are just as happy to see poems by brand new writers as we are those by poets whose work we have loved over many years. We want to unleash new writers on the world, and to represent as broad as possible a range of writers as our page count will allow, so please don’t be put off if you are previously unpublished.

A cover letter indicating any context you feel is necessary for the poems, together with any publication history you have, is helpful. If you are previously unpublished, tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and so on.

Please send six poems. We prefer this to five or seven, and very certainly to one or twenty-two. It doesn’t hurt to think about how poems in your submission may complement each other if they are published together, though we will of course publish poems which are excellent and stand alone.

Reading the magazine is an excellent way of understanding the sort of work we accept.

We aim to be prompt and reliable with submissions, and to stick to the times outlined here on the website. We ask in return that you leave your work with us until we have answered. We do not consider simultaneous submissions, or work that has been previously published anywhere, in print or online. If a mistake happens and you find that a poem is taken somewhere else when it is still under consideration with us, please let us know immediately. Editorial time, pages of the magazine and the inter-relation of a sequence of poems may be riding on this.

Please submit only once during any submissions window.

We are receiving several thousand poems in each submissions window, and can print at most 50 in an issue, so we have enough pages to publish around 1% of the poems which are submitted.  We are scared by this figure. Don’t let it put you off, but forgive us if you have to try us a number of times, or if we reject poems which are clearly excellent because we just can’t get them in.

We receive a very high quantity of poems from the US and Canada. Because of our very limited page count, we are straightforwardly unable to fairly represent this volume of submissions. We would urge those submitting poems to us from the US and Canada to consider submitting work to magazines in those territories in the first instance, or to consider UK magazines with a higher page count than our own.

Please bear in mind that we have one reader for all poetry submissions, who is employed on a very part-time basis, and this may result in some delay in response.


We will publish excellent poems on any subject, and indeed it is essential to the magazine that we address a wide range of subjects, so we very much want to see poems about anything you are passionate about. It may be useful to be aware of the following, which are subject to change.

Issue 56.3 (submissions open October 1 – November 12, 2020) will include articles focussing on the environment and climate change, and poems connected with this subject may find favour. For this issue, we would also especially value submissions of work created in collaboration – between poets, or between poets and writers/artists working in other fields. We would also value submissions from Welsh or Wales-based writers who have never previously appeared in Poetry Wales. If this describes you, feel free to title your submission ‘New Welsh Writer.’

Issue 57.1 (submissions window will be open early 2021), is likely to include a focus on sport.

Schedule for submissions

Submissions for issue 56.3 will be open October 1 – November 12, 2020. Final decisions will be given in February 2021, though you should receive a response before then to indicate whether your work has been shortlisted. If you have not received any sort of response by February 2021, please contact the editor.

Submissions for issue 56.2, submitted in June and July, 2020, will receive a final answer in October, though you should receive a response before then to indicate whether your work has been shortlisted. If you have not received any sort of response by end October 2020, please contact the editor.

Features and reviews

If you are interested in writing reviews for us, please email editor@poetrywales.co.uk stating INTEREST IN REVIEWING clearly in the subject line of the email. Please provide a sample review of a poetry text, by attachment or with a link to where it can be found. This is equally valuable if it is published or unpublished. If you have published reviews, please let us know, and if you have an idea of the books you would like to review, this is also helpful. Please note that as of September 2020 there is a substantial waiting list of reviewers, stretching well into 2021. We will reply if we are able to take your idea forward.

If you have an idea for a feature you would like to write for the magazine, please email editor@poetrywales.co.uk, stating FEATURE PITCH clearly in the subject line of the email. Again, samples of previous writing, whether published or unpublished, are helpful, as is any publication history. Please bear in mind that, as of September 2020, we have a substantial waiting list of articles to feature in the magazine, which stretches well into 2021. We are always interested, however, in strong ideas for features. We will respond if we feel we can take your idea forward.

Books for review

Our policy is to compile a team of excellent reviewers, a list of excellent books for review, and let writers pick books that they are passionate and knowledgeable about, so that our reviews pages are lively and well-informed. If there is a book you would like to be added to this list, please contact the editor at editor@poetrywales.co.uk.  We would much prefer you to do this than to send us the physical book at this time. Apologies if we do not respond, but if we feel the book is one we can review, we will add it to this list, and seek a physical or e-copy from the publisher at the time of review.

Payments to writers

From issue 55.3, unless by discussion with the editor, we will be adopting the following structure:

Poems £20/page.

Reviews £67.50/1500-word review.

Articles £200/3000 word, or in that proportion, depending on number of published words.

Payment is made on publication.

Payments are made by the publisher, Mick Felton (mickfelton@serenbooks.com). Please contact Mick and the editor with any issue regarding payments.

Copyright and publication

Upon acceptance, you will be sent a contract from us that will detail in full how we manage copyright and the publication of your work. Contributors should be aware that while copyright of your work will remain with you as the author, Poetry Wales Press Ltd will retain the right to reproduce the piece in digital and multimedia formats and for the magazine’s own purposes: electronically, in print, on the magazine’s own website and social media, and also to use extracts for publicity and marketing purposes.

Any questions about copyright and publication should be directed to editor@poetrywales.co.uk

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