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  • 参考译名《食品成分与分析杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS《食品成分与分析杂志》(一年10期). The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis publishes manuscripts on scientific...[显示全部]
















Guide for Authors

The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis publishes manuscripts on scientific aspects of data on the chemical composition of human foods, with particular emphasis on actual data on composition of foods; analytical methods; studies on the manipulation, storage, distribution and use of food composition data; and studies on the statistics, use and distribution of such data and data systems. The Journal's basis is nutrient composition, with increasing emphasis on bioactive non-nutrient and anti-nutrient components. Papers must provide sufficient description of the food samples, analytical methods, quality control procedures and statistical treatments of the data to permit the end users of the food composition data to evaluate the appropriateness of such data in their projects.

The Journal does not publish papers on:

Microbiological assays;

Sensory quality and organoleptic characteristics of food;

Physical properties;

Clinical papers and pharmacology-related papers;

Natural medicines;

Food waste materials;

Foods formulated in the laboratory;

Data based on in-vitro antioxidant capacity measurements.

The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis is no longer considering papers that include data based on in-vitro antioxidant capacity measurements. Each method measures a different aspect of the sample chemistry; all are non-specific and subject to numerous inferences. More importantly, an antioxidant value cannot be related to a specific nutritional or health outcome. This policy also applies to total phenolic content and similar assays that are equally non-specific and subject to interferences. Papers where all or most of the identifications are tentative will not be considered. Identifications should be confirmed with reference compounds where commercially available.

Research may be published as Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Critical Reviews, Study Reviews, Reports or Commentaries, according to subject matter and presentation. Editor assignment will be made by the Managing Editor, but author guidance is appreciated. Only original papers will be considered. Manuscripts are submitted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been copyrighted, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Types of paper

The following types of papers are published:

Original Research Articles are complete reports of original, scientifically sound research. They must contribute new knowledge and be organized as described in this Guide. Please follow carefully the organization of the sections described in Article Structure (see below).

Short Communications are brief reports of scientifically sound research, but of limited scope (for example, limited number of samples analysed), that contribute new knowledge. They may be preliminary reports of new findings, in which case the author is expected to publish complete findings later in an article.

Reviews are papers which provide an analysis of a scientific or applied field, which include all important findings and bring together reports from a number of sources.

There are two categories of reviews:

Critical reviews provide a comprehensive, extensive review of a topic and a thorough referencing of the relevant literature.

Study reviews provide an analysis of a selected number of published or unpublished studies.

Review articles may be invited by the Editor or the Editorial Board. Alternatively, potential authors considering the preparation of a Review article should contact the Editor to suggest the topic and its scope, providing an outline in the form of major headings and a summary statement. In any case, such articles are subject to the normal processes of peer review and revision.

Reports are papers presenting the results of an expert consultation, or a scientific or regional committee, in the field of food composition and analysis.

Commentaries are opinion pieces, focused on some scientific or applied aspect of food composition. They are informative, and may link diverse disciplines or address difficult implications or issues. Controversial commentaries are acceptable, as are ones expressing contrasting opinions. In most cases, these will be invited, but suggestions and unsolicited submissions will be considered by the Editor.

Special Issues The journal publishes special issues from time to time and encourages suggestions of topics. Please contact the Editor-in-Cheif at j.s.elmore@reading.ac.uk with special issue proposals.

Review Process

This journal operates a double blind review process. All contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final. More information on types of peer review.

Contact details for submission

All manuscripts for Journal of Food Composition and Analysis should be submitted online via the Elsevier Editorial System ( https://www.editorialmanager.com/jfca/default.aspx ).




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