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The Korean Journal of Orthodontics《韩国口腔正畸学杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《韩国口腔正畸学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.10%



The Korean Journal of Orthodontics《韩国口腔正畸学杂志》(双月刊). The Korean Journal of Orthodontics (KJO) is an international, open access, peer rev...[显示全部]













The Korean Journal of Orthodontics

Instruction for Authors

Revised June 30th, 2021


Manuscripts for publication and correspondence relating to them should be submitted via Online Manuscript Submission System (Online Submission) in the KJO website (http://www.e-kjo.org). As for word-processing programs, MS Word file is the only accepted format of documents. MS Word default typeface and type size are recommended. For further procedures regarding webbased submission, follow the instruction given in the web page. Following is the contact information for your reference.

Hyoung-Seon Baik, DDS, MSD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

The Korean Journal of Orthodontics

603 Trapalace II, 23 Seocho-daero 74-gil,

Seocho-gu, Seoul 06621, Korea

Telephone +82-2-464-9153

Fax +82-2-464-9154

E-mail office@e-kjo.org



The Korean Journal of Orthodontics consists of original research, clinical articles, reviews, case reports, and other materials on orthodontic and related subjects.

Submitted manuscripts must be original, and not published or under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts are subject to editorial revision. Authors should follow the guidelines below.

Comments and opinions stated in the articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editor(s) or publisher, and the editor(s) and publisher declines any responsibility or liability for such contents. Neither the editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication; neither do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product or service. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, ‘Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals (http://www.e-kjo.org/guideline.pdf, provided by KAMJE)' or 'Guidelines on good publication

(https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines)'can be applied. Each reader must determine whether to act on the information contained in the publication, and neither the Journal nor its sponsoring organizations shall be liable for any injury due to the publication of erroneous information.

For the research ethics, KJO encourages all authors to follow the standardized research ethics. For submission to KJO, studies on human being must comply with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/), and its recommendations guiding physicians in biomedical research involving human subjects. To satisfy this requirement, authors must obtain appropriate informed consent from study subjects. Investigational protocols must have been reviewed and approved by a formally constituted Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human studies. Authors must state in their Materials and Methods section that they have received informed consent from participants as well as the IRB approval for their study or have received a statement from the IRB that IRB approval and/or the informed consent was unnecessary. In the submission of selected series such as case reports that have no Materials and Methods sections, authors must address IRB approval in the cover letter. If there is any particular reason not to obtain the informed consent, authors should provide a formal document on the reason when they submit their manuscript. When reporting experiments in animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (https://www.nap.edu/catalog/12910/guide-for-the-care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals-eighth) was followed.


To be listed as an author one should have contributed substantially to all four categories established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): 1) substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; 2) drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet conditions of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The ICMJE further states that acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship. Individuals who have contributed substantially to some but not all of the four categories, or in other areas, should be listed in the Acknowledgments. The KJO recommends that authors submit a short description of all contributions to their manuscript. Each author's contribution should be described in brief, to appear immediately before the references.


Organize your manuscript as follows: The body of the text, excluding the abstract, references, tables, and illustrations, should not exceed 3,500 words in length for research articles, and 1,500 words for brief reports. Remove all evidence of authorship in order to expedite the review process.

Abstract. A structured abstract of 250 words or less is preferred. Briefly state the purpose of the study, methods, primary results, principal conclusions and any clinical implications. Select up to four keywords that best describe the content of the study from the Keywords List in the KJO online submission system. Provide them at the bottom of the abstract. For a smooth operation of Keyword Search function of the web page, random creation of keyword by author is not permitted.

Introduction. State the objective and the background of the study. Author may refer to literature, but excessive review is strongly discouraged.

Materials and Methods. Describe the experimental design procedures and material/subjects used. Give the details only if the methods are original or essential for understanding; otherwise, give references. Also in this section, clearly state the information on IRB approval status including the identity of the board and its review number even for those exempted. Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.

Results. Present essential results with a minimum of discussion. Use tables, charts, and photographs to clarify the findings. State the statistical data properly. All measurements should be expressed in metric units, or metric equivalents may appear in parentheses after the original measurements.

Discussion. Indicate the significance of the data and the limitations. Interpretation of the results should be clearly explained. Do not repeat the contents of introduction in this section. It should not exceed one half of the entire articles length. Speculate the findings in light of other reports, including opposing views in order to limit bias. Extensions of the study may be suggested in the last paragraph.

Conclusion. Briefly state a clear conclusion of the study. Do not repeat the Results in this section.

References. Cite references selectively up to 30 citations, and number them consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Assess the completeness of references. Follow the format for references in “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36- 47); http://www.icmje.org. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Ensure the references are presented in the proper style and format.

Legends for Illustrations. Legends should be written in English on a separate page. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. If a figure has been previously published, the legend should fully acknowledge the original source. Ensure all the figures have been mentioned sequentially in the text.

Tables. Do not embed tables in the body of the text. Number tables consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text and provide a brief title for each. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations. If a table has been previously published, include a footnote giving full acknowledgement to the original source. Tables included should not exceed a total of number of 7.

Illustrations. Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear, even, and proportional to the figures throughout. Do not embed illustrations in the body of the text, but indicate the location of the illustrations within the text. Images are preferred to be in JPG or TIFF format. Ensure the figures will still be legible in case they are reduced for publication. Photographic images should be submitted as high resolution JPG or TIFF file. Disqualified images may affect the editorial decision upon acceptance, or may cause a delay of publication. It is author's responsibility to provide color figures when requested by KJO editors for reviews as well as for publication.

Rights, permissions and patient consent. Illustrations or tables that have previously appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright holder and original author, and the legend must properly acknowledge the original source. Photographs of patients or human subjects should be accompanied by written informed consent for publication signed by the person (or parent or guardian of minors). Each statement must be on a separate page, including the manuscript title and all authors’ names. Informed consent forms, available for download in the online submission system, should be signed by the patients (or parent or guardian of minors), scanned digitally, and then uploaded at the time of manuscript submission. This step is strictly required for submission of all case reports.

Copyright release. All manuscripts must be accompanied by the Copyright Release Form signed by one of the authors acting on behalf of all of the authors: “The undersigned author agrees to transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript [title of the article] to the Korean Association of Orthodontists in case of publication. The undersigned author warrants that the manuscript is original, has not been published or under consideration elsewhere, and does not infringe any copyright of any third party.” Download the Copyright Release Form from the Online Submission System. Once the form is signed by one of the authors, it should be scanned digitally and uploaded in the designated copyright transfer section of the Checklist page during manuscript submission.

Conflict of interest statement. Authors should report all financial and personal relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. Such information will be confidential, and will not be available to reviewers. If the manuscript is accepted and published, the information will be disclosed with the article. Guest editorials, review articles, and communications should not imply any conflict of interest. Once the Conflict of Interest Statement Form is downloaded from the website, fill out the document with the corresponding author's signature, then scan and upload the completed form on the Checklist page during manuscript submission.


As a general rule, follow the guidelines above, with the following characteristics and/or modification.

Case Report should present a clinical case of general interest accompanied by high-quality records of case information. Inclusion of the following sections in the manuscript is preferred: introduction; diagnosis and etiology; treatment objectives; treatment alternatives; treatment progress; results; discussion; and conclusion.

Brief Report should present an original manuscript of scientific results characterized by an early stage, a small scale in design, or a new innovative orthodontic treatment technique. This format of report may include preliminary findings from pilot data. The submission in this category should include an abstract under 150 words, a main body of the report under 1,500 words, and references with the limitations of no more than 4 tables or figures combined.

Readers Forum welcomes questions and commentaries that stimulate healthy discussion on orthodontic and related subjects. Please submit a signed copyright release together.


Manuscript will be pre-reviewed by KJO editors in order to examine its format and scope. Also, KJO biostatisticians will examine statistics used in the study, and may require modification, if necessary. Manuscript will then be peerreviewed by three experts in the field. Editorial decision such as acceptance, rejection, or request for revision will be notified to the corresponding author.


Subscription. To subscribe the print versions of the Korean Journal of Orthodontics, please contact the editorial office by E-mail(office@e-kjo.org).

Article processing charge. The Korean Journal of Orthodontics is an open access journal and all accepted articles will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read, download, and share in return for an article processing charge (APC). To publish in the Korean Journal of Orthodontics, authors are required to pay an APC. The APC for all published papers (including original article, case report, and brief report) is USD 350 (overseas author only) or KRW 350,000 (domestic author only). Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified that payment is due. Payment is done by credit card only. This is active from the articles submitted after May 31st, 2021.

Author's Checklist. The following checklist is intended to help you prepare a complete submission for the Korean Journal of Orthodontics. We strongly encourage you to use this form and confirm whether your submission is prepared and organized according to the KJO policy.

English text has been proofread. Microsoft Word program was used for the manuscript.

All evidence of authorship was removed from the text including abstract, methods, discussion and references.

For the “Case report”, author must upload “informed patient consent form” to the “KJO e-submission system”.

Abstract was structured and with 250 words or less.

The body of the text, excluding the abstract, references, tables, and illustrations, should not exceed 3,500 words in length for research articles, and 3,000 words for clinical articles.

Cite references selectively up to 30 citations. Superscripts of the references followed the format suggested by the KJO.

Overall, tables were presented in the proper format suggested by the KJO. (for more details, authors may refer to the most recent issue of the KJO)

Images were with high resolution of minimum 300 dpi, 3 mega pixels and were in JPG, GIF, or PPT format.

Copyright. All authors of manuscripts must sign a copyright releasing form and submit it to http://submit.e-kjo.org/thesis.

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