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  • 期刊简称J CONCHOL
  • 参考译名《贝类学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.30%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学;ZOOLOGY 动物学



JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY《贝类学杂志》(半年刊). The Journal of Conchology is the worlds oldest continuing publication on the subject. Published twic...[显示全部]












Instructions for authors wishing to submit papers to the Journal of Conchology

Revised A Holmes May 2019


The Conchological Society endeavours to publish the Journal of Conchology in the most efficient and cost effective means possible while maintaining high standards of production.

Contributors are asked to follow these instructions closely. Failure to comply will cause delay and may lead to the return of the manuscript. All papers should be written in clear, concise English. Much material appropriate in doctoral theses is unacceptable for publication. Papers are considered on the understanding that their substance is not already published or offered for publication elsewhere. Very short papers or research notes are accepted as Communications – see below.

Manuscript submission should be in the form of a Word document with image files as separate low resolution jpeg or tiff files. A low resolution pdf file with all tables and images at the end of the paper is acceptable but a Word document with images interspersed within the Word file are not acceptable. Submissions are to be sent to journal@conchsoc.org or anna.holmes@museumwales.ac.uk.

Review process

On submission manuscripts are subject to a peer review panel and authors are requested to suggest 3 possible reviewers. We aim to get comments back to authors for correction within three months of submission.


It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign copyright to the Journal of Conchology. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles or figures are handled consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication. Once published, authors will receive a pdf reprint of their paper to send out on request, but deposition of that pdf onto an open access site is not allowed.

Format of manuscript

Paper title in All Caps, Centred

A ‘running title’ (head) of about 50 characters including spaces

Author(s) in Small Caps, Centred

Author(s) address(es) Centred


Keywords — no more than seven

Section headings in Small Caps, Centred

Subsection headings in italics, left aligned

Side headings in Italic followed by 2en spaces

If Small Caps are unavailable, type in upper and lower case rather than all uppercase.

Taxonomic descriptions should follow the special instructions outlined below.

NB The Journal will not accept descriptions of new species or subspecific taxa unless the primary type material is deposited in a public or institutional museum and carries a unique identity number. Descriptions of new taxa and taxonomic revisions must comply with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. New species described within the manuscript should carry a Zoobank identity number.

Sequence for systematic descriptions in the Journal of Conchology

SUPERFAMILY (or FAMILY as appropriate)


Genus Semele Schumacher, 1817

Type species Semele reticulata Schumacher, 1817

Definition Text

Comparisons or Remarks Text

Semele novspec Author, Date

Holotype 1 sh, off Cape Beach, Cape County, Cape Country 230N330E, 5m, Museum number 1950.12.12.

Paratype Number of valves or shells Museum number 1950.12.12.

Type locality Text

Material examined Text

Authors are reminded that large quantities of data here may be curtailed and should therefore be summarised. Sequence of data should follow sequence given for holotype as appropriate. Live collected specimens as sp, complete dead shells as sh, single valves of bivalves as v, and fragments as fg.

Measurements Text

Except for type material measurements of other material examined should be summarised noting number of specimens measured, mean and range.

Diagnosis Text (If appropriate)

Description Text

Derivation of name     crassicosta from the Latin crassus, thick and costa, rib; referring to the heavy radial ribs.

Habitat Text

Geographic range Text

Comparisons Text

Remarks Text

Reference Style

Authors should note that the Journalis using full citations of journal titles.

References are listed alphabetically.

BERNARD E.R., CAI Y.Y.& MORTON B. 1993 Catalogue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, l46pp.

OLIVER P.G. 1995 Bivalvia In S.P. Dance (ed) Seashells of Eastern Arabia 194—281 Motivate, Dubai.

OLIVER P.G. & CHESNEY H.C.G. 1994 New species of shells from Oman Journal of Conchology 35: 56—75.

RUNNEGAR B. & POJETA J. 1985 Origin and diversification of the Mollusca In E.R. Trueman & M.R. Clarke (eds) The Mollusca 10: Evolution 1—57 Academic Press, London.

In text references should take one of the following forms: ‘Oliver (1995) said...’ or (Oliver, 1995)...’ or ’... (Runnegar & Pojeta, 1985; Oliver, 1995)...’. Avoid loc cit. References are listed alphabetically.

Tables & Art Work

Tables to be in the form of Word file or excel files. Tables are numbered sequentially and legends should be appended.

Once the manuscript has been accepted images should be submitted as high resolution Tiffs with dimensions so that reductions are proportionate to the Journal page size which is 175 x 245 mm. Text on the art work should be in a sans serif font preferably Helvetica and should be of a size proportionate for the final reduction.

Not all issues of Journal of Conchology are printed in full colour due to budget constraints. Final decision of colour lies with the Hon. Editor and preferentiality will be with those images ie graphs, phylogenetic trees that would be unusable if in black and white. Thereafter colour is chosen aesthetically but authors may request colour reproduction with the provision of a grant.

All images are numbered sequentially using either numbers alone or a combination of numbers and letters Fig. 1 or Figs 1–3 or Figs 1a–f. Legends should be appended with the text.


The text of the paper should be ready for publication at acceptance. After that the paper will must be ready for publication when submitted. One set of proofs will be sent; it is assumed that only printer’s errors and factual mistakes will be corrected. More extensive alterations will be charged to the author.


Manuscripts submitted to this section of the Journal are intended to be short, informative notes of an original nature which do not merit the treatment of a full paper. Contributions which enhance knowledge of the British Isles fauna, distributions and habitats, or those from students and members are especially welcome. Communications may only exceptionally contain tables, line art or half-tones. Reference style is in the form of superscript numbers within the text and listed at the end in the order that they appear in the text in the superscript number sequence.

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